Who Should I Pray To?
Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered. My name is Amber Beals, and it is my job and my mission to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me, to help demystify
Amber:who he is, what his role is, and to deeply encourage you to seek a relationship with him. Alright. Let's get started. Hey, guys. Welcome back to the Holy Spirit Untethered podcast.
Amber:My name is Amber, and I am so happy that you are listening to this podcast episode. So today, I wanted to answer a question that I have gotten a lot. But before we get into answering this question, we're gonna go ahead and pray. So if you're driving, again, please keep your eyes on the road, keep driving, but just pray with us in your hearts. And everyone else, let's go ahead and bow our heads and close our eyes.
Amber:Dear heavenly father, I just thank you so much for today. I just thank you so much for this opportunity to be able to come on this podcast and speak your word. Holy Spirit, I just pray you would speak through me, that I would be able to just spread your message and answer this question correctly. Holy Spirit, I just pray that you would, again, just allow my words to fall and your words to come through, Lord. And I just pray for everybody listening to this podcast right now, whether it be right when it comes out or in the future, Lord.
Amber:I just pray a blessing over every single person that is listening to this podcast, Lord. And I just pray that they would be able to receive this message and just allow it to edify them in their lives, Jesus' name. Amen. Alright. So today, the question and the topic that we are gonna be covering is, who do I pray to?
Amber:Like, obviously, we pray to God. But a lot of people when they go through really this journey of learning who the Holy Spirit is, who he is in their lives, then they realize, oh, I haven't given him any attention. Should I start praying to the Holy Spirit when I pray? Well, who who do I know when to pray to? When do I pray to the father?
Amber:When do I pray to Jesus? Like, it can be a little confusing when you are just trying to do the right thing. Right? You just wanna do things according to the Lord's will. And the Trinity is a hard thing to wrap your head around in terms of, like, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
Amber:They're all one. They're all one and the same, yet they all have different roles, but they're all God. So when you know that and when you're trying to navigate your journey with the Lord, and what does that look like? What does your prayer life look like? Like, what is it supposed to look like?
Amber:And whenever I go through the course, holy spirit and introduction on Messenger x by John Bevere. I know I reference it a lot, but I did warn you guys that I was gonna reference that a lot. But whenever I go through that course with a group of people, I always get asked that question of like, who do I who do I pray to? Do I pray to Jesus? Do I pray to the Holy Spirit?
Amber:Like, who who is it that I need to be addressing these prayers to? And for me, like everybody else, I had the same question when I first went through that course. So I was like, oh, I don't talk to the Holy Spirit at all. I need to do everything to the Holy Spirit. So I kind of like over course corrected after I took that course and every prayer I did was to the holy spirit and, you know, holy spirit, this holy spirit that because I think I was trying to overcompensate for years of just not speaking to him.
Amber:And so I wanted to make sure that he felt like I was paying attention to him and that I was acknowledging him and that I loved him just as much as Jesus and God. And, you know, and my intention was there. My good intention was there. And when you ask this question that that tells me that you have good intentions, that you want to do what's right, that you want to do this correctly and make sure that you're in alignment with what the Lord wants you to do. So it's a good question.
Amber:And the answer is you can pray to any one of them. They are all God. What is more important is where is your heart posture? That is the better question to ask. Where is your heart posture?
Amber:The Lord knows your heart. He knows when you're praying that you're speaking to him and that no matter what name you use, because he goes by many names, you're speaking to him in his heart. Like, you are seeking him out, And that's what he wants of us. He wants us to spend time with him, and he wants our heart. He wants us to desire to spend time with him, to pray to him, to tell him all the things.
Amber:Like, even though he knows everything that's going on in your mind, he knows all your thoughts, he knows what's in your heart, like, he knows everything. He still wants us to tell him. Like, he still wants that fellowship with us even though he already knows everything. He wants to be close to us, and he wants us to be close to him. And the only way that we can be close to him is to seek his face, is to seek the Lord with all of our heart.
Amber:And so, you know, the scripture tells us when Jesus had the example prayer of the Lord's prayer of, oh, father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. That's that prayer. That is the example prayer, and he's praying to his father. Well, that's because he's the son. He's not gonna pray to himself.
Amber:He's gonna pray to the father. And in first Corinthians verse 9, it says, God is faithful by whom you were called into the fellowship of his son, Christ Jesus, our Lord. We were called into fellowship with His Son. That means that we can pray to Jesus. We can pray to our father like Jesus did in the example, and we can also pray to the Holy Spirit.
Amber:Now a lot of the times, what I do now is I will speak with the Holy Spirit. I don't really call it prayer. I view the Holy Spirit as my helper. I view him as God, but I view him as we are laboring together in life, and he's my partner. And so a lot of the times I'm talking with him.
Amber:Yes. I'm praying, but I'm talking with him. And when I'm asking for healing, I say in Jesus' name. When I'm asking for intercession or whatever it is, like I say in Jesus' name, I pray this and then because you need to do it in the name of Jesus. If you are speaking over somebody or if you're speaking over your home or whatever it is you're you're doing that you need authority, you need that name of Jesus because he's the name above all names.
Amber:He is the name of authority. And then when I'm asking for blessings or when I'm asking for provision, I'm asking for whatever it is, I ask my father. Because in real life, a lot of the times I would go to my dad. I'd be like, dad, I need this. So the same thing with my heavenly father.
Amber:I'm going to ask him for things and be like, Lord, you know, you know the state of my bank account right now. So I just ask for your provision and I thank you in advance for it because I know you were good and you're gonna take care of me because you promised me that you're gonna take care of me. So that is kind of how I structure, how I speak to full Lord. So when I'm asking things, I'm asking God, my father, when I'm praying in authority or healings or whatever, like, I'm I'm praying to Jesus. I'm praying in his name.
Amber:And then when I'm doing everyday things and I need help with little things, not that the holy spirit can only do little things, like, that's not it. Like, he is mighty and he he is the one that flung the stars into into their place and everything. So he is mighty and he can do all sorts of things. But he's the one that I kinda talk to. He's the one that I I do life with.
Amber:And to be honest, there's a lot of arguing that happens with the Holy Spirit. I hate to say that, but it's true. And I feel like this needs to be normalized with people. Like you can argue with the Lord because you're not really arguing with him, you're arguing with yourself and he's revealing to you how, like, silly your argument is. Like, when I'm talking to the Holy Spirit, I'm just like, really?
Amber:Like, I don't wanna do that. And he's like, well, this is what you're called to do. What did you think? Like, there's like this back and forth of a little bit of sass between us because I'm just kinda like, but you know what? And he's like, yeah.
Amber:Yeah. I know it's difficult. So what? Amber, you can do hard things. And I'm like, you're right.
Amber:I can't do hard things. You're right, Lord. Thank you. Or you're right, Holy Spirit. Thank you.
Amber:Like, it's a lot of back and forth with the holy spirit. I feel like there's a lot more back and forth with him than there is with the lord or Jesus. Not to say that there isn't back and forth because, again, they are God, 3 in 1. So when you're speaking to 1, you're speaking all of them. And, again, that's it's hard to wrap your mind around that because it is a weird concept.
Amber:The his ways are above our ways. His thoughts are above our thoughts. So sometimes, we just have to accept that we're not gonna fully understand it and that that's okay because he's God and we're not. He created us and he wants to fellowship with us, and that's all we really need to know is that he loves us, that he wants to be close to us, and that when he tells us to do something, we need to be obedient and do it because whatever that thing is that he told us to do, that there's a reason for that. And he has our best intentions always in in mind.
Amber:Like, he always wants the best for us. And ultimately, he wants to use us to build his kingdom. That is the point of everything, is to build his kingdom, to serve him. And so that when this life is done and we're in eternity in heaven, we get to live with all of our rewards that we just get to give back to him. Like everything you do in in life, there's a reward for it.
Amber:But because when we get to heaven and we get to see our heavenly treasure, when we meet Jesus face to face, we're just gonna throw all of our treasure back at him because he is so much more than anything we could receive because he's our God, because of what he's done for us, because of the love that he has for us. It's just it truly exceeds anything that is physical, even if it's heavenly treasure. Like, he exceeds all of it. So when you're praying, just double check your heart posture. Like, where are you praying from?
Amber:Are you just complaining? For me, I complain, but then I'm like, okay, Lord. You're right. I'm sorry. Please forgive me, and please help me renew my mind.
Amber:And to renew your mind every day, to ask the holy spirit to renew your mind every day, it takes a little bit of resistance. Like, your flesh is going to fight back because it won so many times, so many days out of your life, the flesh won. And for me, it did. And so every day, it's a battle of, like, holy spirit, help me renew my mind today so that I can crucify my flesh and live for you today. Help me do that today because I need help every minute of every day to do that.
Amber:Because my my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak because I want to please my flesh. I want to do the things that I'm not supposed to do because it's just comforting now in this moment. But I know in the long run, it's not gonna be comforting. It's not good for me. It's hurtful and painful for me.
Amber:And you know that. That's why you put these rules in place is to protect us from doing the bad things. So just remember that when he tells you to do something. There's a reason for it. There's a reason why he's put all these guidelines, all these rules, and these commandments in place is to protect us and to protect just our well-being.
Amber:Because he knows that if we do the other thing, it's it's not gonna be good. It's not gonna end well. His way is always gonna be better than whatever way you want it to be, or any way that you plan, your little plan. Like, your plan, he's gonna be like, okay. That's that's cute.
Amber:And then put it on his heavenly fridge because it's not it's cute, but it's not the way. That's not the way that he has for you. He has a much better way. So again, you can pray to either one, to God the father, God the son, or the Holy Spirit because they are 1. They are God.
Amber:So it's okay. Whatever one feels right in the moment, you can pray to, because He knows your heart. But don't leave any one of them out. Right? A lot of the times, the Holy Spirit will help you pray.
Amber:So you could ask, Holy Spirit, just help me pray to my father right now. Give me the words to be able to pray and ask for the right things for the right people. And he will do it because that's part of his role, part of his job to be able to help you pray to the father, because he knows the will of the father. He knows the will of the son. You know, you've never seen in scriptures anybody praying to the Holy Spirit, and that's because the spirit doesn't bear witness to himself.
Amber:He bears witness to Jesus. His main goal is to glorify Jesus and to glorify the Lord. That's one of his main goals is to do that in everything that he does. And so whenever you see the apostles or the disciples praying, they're never praying to the Holy Spirit, but they're doing a lot with him. The Holy Spirit is talking a lot to them.
Amber:There's so many times in the scriptures where it'll say it seemed well to the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit didn't tell them anything. The Holy Spirit was just so close to them that he didn't have to say anything. They just understood that it seemed well to him. Like, even though he didn't answer their questions, he gave them a feeling of either peace or not peace.
Amber:And so if there wasn't peace, then they didn't do it. If there was peace, okay, it seemed well to the Holy Spirit, which is amazing. And I wanna get to that point of, like, if I don't hear from him, then there has to be a peace that goes with it. And I have to be able to identify that that's the peace of the holy spirit. That's not like some kind of worldly peace.
Amber:It's his peace that transcends all understanding. And I've felt it before, and it's amazing. And so, being able to discern that piece from other kinds of piece whenever I'm in a situation or I have a question or I'm not sure what to do, just knowing that if I have that over a certain situation, then it's gonna be okay. And if it isn't, then and I don't feel it, then okay. I need to do something else.
Amber:We need to pivot and do something else and just getting to that place. So, yeah, I know that this episode is a little shorter than normal because I'm just answering a question, but I think it's an important question. Because I feel like people can get caught up in the semantics of things. Like, I gotta do it this way. I gotta do it a certain way.
Amber:Otherwise, it's not correct, and the Lord's not gonna answer my prayer and blah blah blah. Like, that's not true. It's good to wanna be in right standing and to do things correctly, but the Lord is more concerned with what is in your heart. He is more concerned with why you are so adamant about doing it a certain way because you're just trying to please him, not because you're allowing religion, quote, unquote, get in the way. Because this isn't religion.
Amber:Like, Christianity is not a religion. I know so many people call it a religion because that's just what we think it is, but it's a relationship. It's really a relationship with the Lord. And he writes the laws onto our hearts and our minds. Like, that's the Holy Spirit.
Amber:He does those things. And so, yes, we have the Bible and we read it, but we allow the Bible to guide our lives. But what's most important is our relationship with our lord and savior, with Jesus, with God our father, with the Holy Spirit, and really seeking him and and knowing what that looks like and and building up the church and and doing those things because that's what matters most. And when you're in alignment with the holy spirit and you speak with the holy spirit, you pray with the Holy Spirit, you pray to your father, and you you spend time with him, then those things come into alignment. Those things are put in the place that they're supposed to be put in because that's where they deserve to be in, because that's where they should be in in your life.
Amber:And sometimes that takes a lot of intentionality of like coming back and and doing some self reflection and being like, okay, is is this is the Lord really in the place he needs to be right now? If he's not, okay, what do I need to do in order to put him back there? What am I allowing in my life that I'm thinking about way too much before my Lord and savior? Because that is now becoming my God and I need to put it back in its place. And it may be a good thing.
Amber:And, like, it may be maybe it's your kids. Like, that's not a bad thing, but they need to go 2nd or 3rd under God because he deserves the number one place in your life because he is what matters most. And that's a really hard pill to swallow for some people because their kids are their whole world. And it's good to love your kids. The lord gave you your kids.
Amber:He wants you to take care of them and steward them well and parent them and teach them good ways to live their lives and to seek him, but they can't come before him. Otherwise, everything in your life is just out of order, and it's gonna reflect in in how you live your life. And it's not a good example for your kids either. If they were always put first, how are they gonna live their lives? That's it's not healthy.
Amber:But anyway, talking about praying, not about kids. So however you pray, whether it's through the Lord, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, do decide to pray, spend some time with him. He wants your heart. He wants to spend time with you. He wants to fellowship with you.
Amber:He wants to speak words into you and your life, and he wants to use you to speak life into others. He wants to be able to use you to build up his his kingdom and his children, and to to fulfill the purpose He's put on your life. And the only way you can do that is to fellowship with Him and to pray to Him and to make sure that you are in constant alignment with Him and His will. So continue to seek him. Continue to make time, whether it's in the morning or at night, and spend some time with him.
Amber:Pray to him, and seek his heart. He will always answer. He will always answer. Alright guys. I hope this message blesses you and I will see you guys in the next episode.
