The Holy Spirit Meets Us Where We Are At
Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered. My name's Amber Beals, and it is my job and my mission to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me, to help demystify who He is, what his role is, and to deeply encourage you to seek a relationship with him. Alright. Let's get started. Hey, guys.
Amber Beels:Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered podcast. My name is Amber Beals. And I am so excited that I get to sit here and do another episode. And this is my second episode of 2025 that I'm recording. And I just wanna ask you and have you reflect, like, how is 2025 going for you?
Amber Beels:I mean, we're already halfway through January. And as I'm recording this, this is January 14th, so literally, like, in the middle. So how's it going for you? Have you, started doing your New Year's resolutions? Have you have you already messed up on your New Year's resolutions?
Amber Beels:I already gave up on the New Year's resolution thing because, like, I never follow through with it. So I'm like, yeah. You know what? I just I just want a good year. I wanna pursue the Lord.
Amber Beels:And particularly this year, I just wanna have a happy, healthy baby. That's that's my resolution for the year. But, yeah, I just wanna ask, like, how's it going for you? It's good for us to take just an account of, like, where we are, even though it's just the beginning. It's good to kind of be like, okay, where am I at in my journey with the Lord?
Amber Beels:Where am I at in my work life? Where am I at my relationships? Have I attended church every Sunday yet this year? And it's okay to not be perfect. Like, we're we're human.
Amber Beels:We're not gonna be perfect. Things are gonna happen. Life happens, and it's okay. But today, I wanted to touch on how the Holy Spirit, one of his big roles in our lives, is to help us transform into a person that reflects Jesus more. That's one of his roles, is to make us more like Jesus and to take away the things that no longer serve us.
Amber Beels:And I know I talk about that a lot on this podcast, but today, I kinda wanted to focus on the fact that the Holy Spirit loves you where you're at. So we're gonna dive into that today. But before we do, let's go ahead and pray. So if you can and safe to do so, go ahead and close your eyes and pray with me. Alright.
Amber Beels:Dear heavenly father, I just thank you so much for this person listening to this podcast right now. I just pray a blessing over them and their families, Lord. I just pray whatever's going on in their lives that they would recognize and know that you are there in every aspect of their life. I just thank you that I have this opportunity to have this podcast. I pray, Holy Spirit, you would speak through me, that my words would fall away, and that your words would come through.
Amber Beels:And I pray, Holy Spirit, that you would prepare our hearts to receive this message, Lord. And I just thank you for, again, this opportunity. And I pray, Lord, that this message does what it's intended to do, which is glorify you, Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Amber Beels:So we all have to start somewhere. Right? And a lot of the times our starting point is not very pretty. I know when I rededicated myself to the Lord around the age of 19, I, you know, had gone through some stuff. Everybody has their own life journey.
Amber Beels:Some people, it looks a little more pretty than others. And, you know, I had gone through some stuff and I made the conscious decision to rededicate myself to the Lord because I had been agnostic for a couple years, my teenage years. And I wanted this to be my decision, not one that my parents or my grandparents made for me. Like, I wanted it to be truly what I decided to do and what I thought was right or true. And so when I did that, it was great.
Amber Beels:The first time that I that I remember that night very clearly, I rededicated myself to the Lord, and that was the first time that I really got to experience the peace beyond understanding. And I know you've probably heard that as as a Christian or growing up in the church all my life, I had heard that a lot. And but I had never really experienced it for myself, not until that moment when I made that true conscious decision. And not only did I get the peace beyond understanding, but I got immeasurable joy. And before this point in my life, I had gone through some pretty severe depression.
Amber Beels:I was on medication, and I was, like, vitamin b 12 deficient, which apparently has a lot to do with your emotional state. And I was kind of a mess. I'm not gonna lie. It was a mess. I was on antidepressants for at least a year.
Amber Beels:I felt like I was just drowning. Like, I I felt like I could barely keep my head above water. And I don't know if anyone listening to this has experienced that before, that truly just suffocating depression where nothing in life brings you joy. I remember being so numb that I wasn't scared. I couldn't feel anything.
Amber Beels:I wasn't scared of anything. Nothing brought me joy. Nothing brought me happiness. I was just numb, and it was rough. And, again, like I said, I was on antidepressants and I ran out of my my medication and I didn't, like, stop taking it on purpose.
Amber Beels:I just kinda ran out and didn't care to go get it refilled. And I got even more depressed because that's that's a big no no. You're not supposed to just quit cold turkey like that. And my doctor was like, what are you doing? So she put me back on my medication.
Amber Beels:But as soon as I and during this time, I'm sure it's not a coincidence, but it was during this time that I was agnostic. And once I made that decision and I rededicated myself to the Lord, I felt light again. I didn't feel like I was barely keeping my head above water. And that's where the Lord picked me up. Again, a hot mess, but the Lord met me where I was at and loved me.
Amber Beels:He didn't automatically start trying to fix the ugly parts of me. He didn't try to fix all the broken parts of me. He just loved me where I was. And there were is an acceptance about that that is truly unlike anything else. And that was the moment that I realized I made the right decision.
Amber Beels:That following the Lord, we truly, he is God. I had seen some dark things at that point, and he was real. Like, that was the point where I was like, yep. Mhmm. God's real.
Amber Beels:And he was basically manifesting himself to me in a way that I could receive him. And that was in light, joy, and peace, which those things I hadn't experienced in over a year. And it was amazing. And so if you are in that state right now, I you know, my heart goes out to you. Like, I know what it feels like.
Amber Beels:I know what it feels like to be in that dark pit and feel like nothing can get you out. And I wanna promise you that seeking the Lord and calling out to him and truly, truly with all your heart seeking his face, he will answer you. I sought the Lord and he heard and he answered. That's a psalm. I don't remember which one, but it's in there.
Amber Beels:And he truly does. And I kinda wanna focus on that today in terms of, like, the Lord will meet you where you're at. It doesn't matter how much of a mess you're at right in this moment. He will meet you there. And the Holy Spirit, yes, his his goal is to transform you from the inside out, to make you more like Jesus, to take away the things, again, that don't serve you.
Amber Beels:But his first and foremost thing that he wants to do is love on you. He when you accept him and the Holy Spirit comes and takes residence inside your soul, inside your heart, the first thing he's gonna do is just warm it up. He's gonna fill those cracks that you have in your soul, in your heart, and he's just gonna love on you. And a lot of the times, especially when you're in that state of depression or were in that state of depression or are and have been there for a while, it's gonna take some healing before he can start transforming. And the Holy Spirit, he's he's a comforter, but he's also a healer.
Amber Beels:And not just for the physical things, but for the emotional trauma and emotional baggage and all the things that we carry with us on a daily basis that sometimes it's so subconscious we don't realize that it's really, really a problem. I know for me, I had a huge, huge self esteem issue that was rooted from when I was a kid. I mean, I was told that my mom didn't love me when at a very young age and told that I was ugly and I was fat. Like, when I was young like, I'm talking about, like, 1, 2 years old, 3 years old, and I remember those things. And when you're at that developmental age, like, those things, they kinda shape who you are as a person because those are the years that you you develop all the programs that you live by up till 7 years old.
Amber Beels:That's like all the stuff that your brain takes and goes, okay. This is what life is and this is how we're gonna operate based on all the feedback we've gotten in our environment. And when you live in a fallen world, some of those programs are not accurate. But our subconscious just believes that they're true because that's what you've experienced. And the Holy Spirit is here to help correct those things.
Amber Beels:He's here to take away the lies and replace them with truth, Real truth. His truth. But that starts with healing. And one of the things that the Holy Spirit does is he reveals things to you, but you have to have a certain amount of trust and love before he'll do that. He's just not gonna go automatically to work.
Amber Beels:You have to develop that relationship with him, and you have to trust him. And when you come from a background that maybe is traumatic or distressful, it can be hard to have trust to anyone, even God, because everyone in your life has failed you. Because, again, we live in a fallen world and nobody's perfect. But the Holy Spirit is here to repair that and to develop that trust, and it takes time. It takes time.
Amber Beels:And you have to learn how to tune into his voice and make sure that that's him that you're listening to and not your own thoughts. It's not the enemy. It's truly your father. It's truly the one true God that is talking to you, the Holy Spirit. And again, that takes time.
Amber Beels:But if you truly, truly seek him and what I mean by that is having that desire that sometimes starts as an intentional habit. I think I mentioned a couple episodes ago about reading the Bible and how for me it was an intentional, like, okay. I wanna make a habit of this. I wanna sit down here every morning. I'm gonna read one chapter.
Amber Beels:And it was for the goal of a habit, but, yes, it was to become a habit, but it was also because I just wanted to obey the Lord. And he was wanting me to seek him. And I was like, okay. Well, one great way to know who the Lord is or who the Holy Spirit is is to read his scripture. It's a great way.
Amber Beels:He gave that to us so that we could know him. Could so that we could know his voice, so that we could know his character, to know his history, to know where he came from, to know about him just in general. I mean, the the scriptures are holy spirit inspired. Yes. They are written by man, but the holy spirit wrote it, really.
Amber Beels:He just used man to write it. And so he wants us to use that tool so that we can get to know him better. And so that's why I started there, and that's why I recommend it's a good place to start. And so even though it was more for a habit, it turned into a desire. It turned into, I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning because I get to read more about my God, my father, the Holy Spirit.
Amber Beels:And when you truly have that heart posture of just wanting to seek him, then the healing and the transformation starts to happen because trust is gained. You start recognizing the Lord and his character in scripture. You start recognizing his love for his people. You start recognizing how fallen humanity is and how even though we could love our God, we're prone to wander. Our sinful nature sometimes gets in the way, and we have to always be intentionally course correcting.
Amber Beels:It sucks, but we have to be course correcting all the time. And that's why the relationship that you have with the holy spirit is so important because he's gonna be the one to help you course correct. He's gonna be the one to reveal things to you and say, hey. Where are we going? Like, hey.
Amber Beels:What are we watching? Like, hey. What are we listening to? Hey. We haven't spent time in the spirit today or in this week or whatever.
Amber Beels:And when the Holy Spirit brings things to your attention, he's not doing so in a judgmental way. I know as humans, a lot of the time, we do that to each other. Sometimes it's intentionally and sometimes it isn't, but we tend to do that. And the Holy Spirit is different. He he doesn't come in judging you.
Amber Beels:And if we're honest, he's the only one who really could judge us. Right? Like, he has the authority to do that because he's God. He literally is like the only one that could judge us and righteously so because he's all holy and he created us. But he chooses not to.
Amber Beels:He convicts us when we do wrong things. He reveals things to us, but he does it in a loving way. And he does it in a way that helps us help him help us, if that makes sense. So so that we can course correct and get back on track and make sure that we don't stray any further than we already are doing in the moment. And that's super important.
Amber Beels:And it only comes, again, with trust. You have to trust Him when He brings things up. And when you develop that relationship with Him, you'll feel the love when He does it. Now sometimes, He can be a little firm. The Lord can be firm.
Amber Beels:He has every right to be firm. I'm reading Jeremiah. I'm still in Jeremiah. It's a big book. Okay.
Amber Beels:So I'm still in Jeremiah and the Lord was very firm with the Israelites because they were so disobedient because they kept turning themselves away from him. They kept doing wrong things. And so he had to be firm and he had to punish them for, I don't wanna say punish, but he disciplined them. He corrected them because they were not headed in the right direction. And I've experienced that from the Lord.
Amber Beels:There's some times where he's been stern with me and I'm like, okay. I'm sorry. Like, you know, type thing. Because there's certain areas in your life that maybe it requires more of a firm hand, and it could be your personality too. I'm more of a sensitive person, so the Lord doesn't have to be firm with me a lot.
Amber Beels:A lot of the times, he'll just bring things up, and I'm like, I'm sorry. But I've always been that way. I mean, you could ask my mom. When I was a kid, all she would have to do is look at me like she was angry, and I'd start crying. Like, she didn't even have to spank me or whatever because I was just, like I just wanted to please her.
Amber Beels:So, like, I hardly ever got disciplined because the stern look was enough to it's enough punishment for me as a little child. So that's just me though. Some some people are not like that. I would say probably most people are not like that. So it just depends.
Amber Beels:And the Lord speaks to all his children differently because we have different personalities. We react differently to different things. And so he's going to correct you in the best way that you're gonna receive it. And you just have to be okay with that. You have to get used to it, I guess.
Amber Beels:And as you develop your relationship with the Holy Spirit, then you're gonna you're gonna recognize it pretty quick. I mean, it won't take much. And that's that's the goal. Right? That's the goal is to be so close to the Holy Spirit that He can just mention something and not have to be stern, not have to do all those things.
Amber Beels:Like, He just brings it up and you're like, okay. I'm sorry. You're right. You're right. You're right.
Amber Beels:You know? And that comes through reading scripture. It comes from praying. And that's one thing that I'm really trying to improve in my life this year is my prayer life, praying more in the spirit and just praying more out loud. Because I feel like and I mentioned this in the last episode, praying out loud because you're praying to yourself.
Amber Beels:Not praying to yourself, but you're you're praying and saying your prayer and allowing the words to fall on your brain. And they get more solidified when you hear yourself pray or when you hear yourself worship the Lord. Like, there's something different. At least for me, there's something different that happens when I hear myself praise or when I hear myself pray. Something changes, something shifts, and I become more engaged with the Holy Spirit.
Amber Beels:And now this not might not be the case for everybody, but for me, I've just noticed that something in my my brain changes when I do that. And so that's my goal this year is to pray more often out loud and to worship also more often out loud. And for me, this year, it's been a little bit of a challenge because, well, when I'm I'm pregnant and my energy level has not been what it used to be. And I have a dog. Her name is Thrice, and I love her to death.
Amber Beels:She's my little senior citizen. She's 13 years old. And this, I would say since the beginning of this year, 2025, so only the last couple weeks, she has been giving me issues at night and waking me up in the middle of the night several times. And me already having low energy and then her waking me up multiple times, it's been a struggle to kinda have a normal schedule or to just be to what is it? To just have a new normal, I guess.
Amber Beels:And so in adjusting to that yeah. That's what I'm looking for, adjusting and, you know, figuring out, like, what's going on with her. And I think I figured it out. Praise the Lord. Last night was the 1st night in a long couple weeks that I actually slept the whole night.
Amber Beels:She didn't wake up. So praise the Lord. But, basically, it's about pursuing the Lord and knowing that he loves you from where you started. And sometimes if you've been on this journey for a while with the Holy Spirit, you kinda need a restart sometimes because you at least for me, sometimes I get so into the motions and just keep doing it because that's what my routine was. I have to kind of stop and recognize that this routine, reading his scripture, praying, like, those those are powerful things that I'm doing.
Amber Beels:And I have to really take a step back and remember who I'm talking to. Like, yeah. He's my father and yes, he's my friend and he he lives within me and he comes alongside me and does life with me, but he's the God of the universe. And I need to have a little bit more reverence when I come to him in those spaces. I need to have a little bit more respect because he is, again, king of the universe.
Amber Beels:He created me. He's outside of time. He made this covenant with me because he loves me, because he chose to. And that requires a certain amount of respect. I would say all the respect.
Amber Beels:And so I don't wanna become complacent. I don't wanna become just used to it or some kind of routine. Like, I I want to always keep top of mind of who I'm talking to. And when you do that, when you make sure that you remember who you're talking to, I feel like the Lord will show up in a different level because he knows where your heart is at, because he recognizes that you recognize that he is King and he is mighty. And when you recognize that and you think about how awesome he is, he shows up on a in a different way.
Amber Beels:And I've talked about that in other episodes, like, experiencing the mighty presence of the Holy Spirit. And it's been a minute since I've experienced that because just, you know, the holidays, life, it just happens. And, there's a deep seated part of me that craves that presence again. And it just takes intentionality to get back to that place. I mean, when I did it in the past, it was, you know, 2 in the morning, 3 in the morning.
Amber Beels:And I'm out there in the living room on my floor, you know, praising the Lord. And then he shows up, and it's it was amazing. And I don't know if I can do that now with my schedule and with my dog. Like, it's a little more difficult these days, but I crave it. And that's when I know that my heart is still in the right place.
Amber Beels:My heart posture is still in the right place because the desire is still there. When you become desensitized to him and who he is and you kind of forget, then that's when you're in trouble. That's when you need to fall back on your knees and call back to the Holy Spirit and be like, Holy Spirit, I I wanna desire you again. I'm sorry. Please help me seek you on a level where I don't wander again.
Amber Beels:And you're gonna wander again. Like, it's gonna happen, but at least maybe the next time it happens, you recognize it quicker and you don't wander as far. And, yeah, I just I was really pondering that today and how the holy spirit is so good, that he just loves you. And sometimes when you just need that reset, you've been working on yourself, you've been trying to pursue him. Sometimes you just need to sit in his presence, like, be still and know that I'm God.
Amber Beels:Sometimes he just calls us to do that because our heart needs a reset, because we need rest. And he says he will give his beloved rest. And sometimes it's not the doing that he's seeking. It's not the leveling up that he is seeking from you. He wants your heart.
Amber Beels:And sometimes that's just being in his presence. Not praying, not worshiping, just thinking about who he is and sitting there and being in his presence. And that will fill your cup. It will. And we just need to be intentional and make time for it.
Amber Beels:I need to be intentional and make time for it. I'm preaching to myself right now. So I think everybody needs to make time for it. But right now, I I I think I really need it. And if you have a spouse, like, you should be doing that with your spouse too.
Amber Beels:Like, yes, this podcast is about the holy spirit and equipping like, my goal is to equip his saints to know who he is, but I think a happy, healthy marriage requires you to do that with your significant other, to seek the Lord together. Because then you won't just be connected, you know, through your relationship. You'll be connected on a spiritual level because you both are seeking the Lord together. You both are coming to his presence together. And there's something really powerful about that and praying together, reading scripture together.
Amber Beels:Eric and I, we're not the best at it. We've done it before in the past and, you know, it feels really good to do it. But then, you know, again, life happens and we just you stop doing it. And it's hard. It's hard to have both the time by yourself with the Lord and then time with your spouse with the Lord to kind of schedule that all in.
Amber Beels:And I mean, we're business owners, so our schedules are kind of hectic and they're not always regular. And so it can be hard to do that sometimes. But, again, I think it just takes that intentionality and that desire. And if you have that desire, then you'll do it. Right?
Amber Beels:So those that's okay. If we're talking about New Year's resolutions, I guess that's another one for me, to seek the Lord with Eric so that, you know, we're gonna be parents soon. And I wanna be that example for my daughter. I want her to see that I do what I tell her to do, that I don't just tell her to do it because it's good for her, but I I walk it too. Like, I I seek the Lord and I seek it with Eric, and I seek I seek him with her.
Amber Beels:If you can teach that to somebody super young from the beginning, then they're only gonna grow up to be a more healthy, well rounded person. Right? At least, that's my theory. If I'm wrong, I guess I'll find out in, like, 20 years when she's older. Yeah.
Amber Beels:So I I hope that you receive this message. I hope that if you're in a place where you feel like you just can't seek the Lord anymore or you can't like, you're so broken or you're so depressed, you have no motivation to do it. I just wanna encourage you that the Lord will meet you where you're at. You don't have to have all your, you know, what is it, all your ducks in a row for the Lord to come and spend time with you, for the Lord to love on you, to comfort you, to come alongside you and just be with you. When I was depressed, I I felt alone a lot of the time.
Amber Beels:The only thing that brought me joy at the time was my dog actually thrice. She was much younger then, but she was the only thing that I felt like kept me above water. And now I have the Lord. Now if I feel myself falling back into that depressive pit, I know what to do. I know who to call to.
Amber Beels:I know who to pray to so that I don't fall back there again. I know the signs. And if you suffer from depression, sometimes it's chronic where it'll come back And you need to have the right tools to identify it before it becomes a problem and take care of it. And the Holy Spirit is a great person. The best person, actually, to go to if you are suffering from depression or or even anxiety.
Amber Beels:I know anxiety is different than depression. Sometimes they go hand in hand. Anxiety is more of a fear I would consider it. And, I know we've talked about fear before. I talked about it with Quan, and That was a really good episode.
Amber Beels:You should check that out if you haven't listened to that. I think I'm gonna do another one on fear too just because it it's one of those things I've been battling lately, and I'm learning a lot. The Holy Spirit is teaching me a lot about fear and how to handle it and how to give it to him properly. Because sometimes I feel like we give things to the Lord, but we still have, like, a little pinky on it because you're still worrying about it. So you don't fully, like, give it to the Lord.
Amber Beels:And so learning how to do that fully, it's a process. And luckily, the Holy Spirit has all the patience in the world. Man, I'm so glad He does because sometimes I I stress myself out. And I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way. So, anyway, guys, I hope this message blesses you.
Amber Beels:I am excited for next week. I have a special guest coming on. I'm not gonna say her name, but she is very special to me. I love her to death. And it took a minute to get her to come on the podcast, but she has finally said yes.
Amber Beels:So we get to hear from her next week. So you'll wanna tune in for that. But, alright, guys. I hope you have a blessed week, and I'll see you in the next episode.
