Spirit-Led Journeys with Shane Rogers
Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered. My name's Amber Beals, and it is my job and my mission to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me, to help demystify who He is, what his role is, and to deeply encourage you to seek a relationship with him. Alright. Let's get started. Hey, guys.
Amber:Welcome back to the Holy Spirit Untethered podcast. My name is Amber. And today, we have a special guest, and his name is Shane. Shane Rogers, my senior pastor. Shane, say hi.
Shane Rogers:Hey, everybody. Great to be here.
Amber:I am so excited to have you on this podcast. I have talked about you a lot on this podcast.
Shane Rogers:Well, that's a little scary.
Amber:Yeah. It's all good things. All good things. Yeah. So I'm really excited.
Amber:I've referenced some of your sermons, and so, hopefully, the podcast for your sermons online has gotten some listens from this podcast.
Shane Rogers:We're blowing up online, Amber.
Amber:Blowing up. It's awesome. So I'm excited for today's conversation, and we're gonna be talking it's gonna be a little different than some of the other episodes because I'm gonna be asking you some other questions. But before we get episodes because I'm gonna be asking you some other questions. But before we get started, I'm gonna go ahead and pray.
Amber:So if you can and it's safe to do so, go ahead and pray with us. Alright. Dear heavenly father, I just thank you so much for today. I thank you so much for Shane being willing to come on this podcast, Lord. Holy spirit, I just pray you would be in this conversation.
Amber:I pray that you would leave this conversation, and I just pray, Lord, that we would just be yielded to you and your voice, and I just pray for everyone listening to this podcast. We pray that you would bless them and just allow their hearts to be open to receiving this message. Jesus' name. Amen.
Shane Rogers:Amen.
Amber:Awesome. Okay, Shane. So before you came on, I had to pray about what we were gonna talk about today. And I prayed about it, and the lord answered, and he said, I want you to ask him what his story is. And I was like Wow.
Amber:That's weird.
Shane Rogers:I was
Amber:like, lord, are you sure? And he's like, are you not satisfied with that? And I was like, well, it's just, you know, it's holy spirit.
Shane Rogers:Come on, lord.
Amber:You know, like, you know, supposed to be holy spirit surrounded, and he's like, well, just ask him the question. And I was like, alright. So, Shane, that is the question we will be I will be asking you today, which is your story, how you got to know the holy spirit, how you listen to his voice now, and how that has grown over your life, and what does that look like?
Shane Rogers:Love it. I just wanna say, first of all, it's huge honor to be a part of this. I've been, you know, tuning in, and there's some been some really cool podcasts that you've done. And, my daughter who's 15 just turned 15, caught her one time, you know, in her room just, like, tapping in and listening to your podcast. That's awesome.
Shane Rogers:Super cool. Yeah. So, you know, you never know, who you're reaching and, and connecting with. So, yeah, really cool. And it's been a privilege and honor to see you guys grow and thrive at our church and, seeing God move.
Shane Rogers:So, yeah, my story as it relates to the holy spirit, I grew up in Poway at a, a summons of God church. And so I was exposed very early on to the moving the Holy Spirit, like, in a beautiful way. We when I was 12 years old, there was a youth pastor that came into town. You've met him, Tim Wimberly. He spoke Oh, yeah.
Shane Rogers:Our church. And he came with just this passion for the Lord and seeking him. And and, again, our church at the time was so is a God and which is a charismatic church that believes in the the moving of spirit, the gifts. But with Tim coming, it just kinda brought this, like, fire. But it wasn't weird.
Shane Rogers:It was just like an authentic pursuit of the Lord. And so that started this journey for me in high school combined with the church I was going to. Obviously, our pastor was very interested in that. Like, we had passionate worship, lengthy worship, but our youth group I mean, there was times when we didn't even get to the message because, like, worship was just rocking.
Amber:That's so cool.
Shane Rogers:And our youth pastor would just be like, nah. We're not gonna preach today. We're just gonna, like, keep seeking the Lord. And so Adam Ocho was a part of our youth group as well, and I know you've had him on the podcast. Mhmm.
Shane Rogers:And so he and a few other friends, we used to go over to our friend's house. We'd stay up until, like, midnight, having these, like, prayer meetings, which was crazy because, you know, like a 13, 14 year old kid who gets together with his other friends till midnight, you know, praying and listening to worship and stuff. But it was just kind of like God was moving. And I couldn't articulate it. I didn't have a theology around it.
Shane Rogers:I just knew it was exciting. And there was an awakening in our heart that was undeniable and it was always connected to, to Jesus. It was always connected to the gospel, his saving grace, our desire to reach the lost, reach souls. So that was really sweet. I had a lot of great experiences.
Shane Rogers:I went to let's see. I was 16, and I went to a winter camp or something like that. I remember specifically after the session, everybody pretty much had left, and the youth pastor that had had that was, there as a guest speaker, he was really passionate about people stepping into the fullness of the spirit and receiving the prayer language and whatever. And so I remember as he was closing the service, he just said, if anybody wants to just kind of linger, you know, like Joshua at the tent of meeting, you know, just lingered there. And he just said, go ahead.
Shane Rogers:And he just stayed up on the stage and was playing his guitar. It wasn't elaborate. It wasn't there was no lights and, you know, anything like that. It was just him on a guitar, on his little stool, and I remember how simple it was. There was no buildup.
Shane Rogers:There was no hype. And I couldn't even tell you how many other people were in the room. I wasn't the only one, but there were just a few. And I went up to the altar. I don't even know why I went.
Shane Rogers:There was just something, like, a longing in me. And I remember, like, being compelled to, like, lay down. I didn't fall over. No one was praying for me, but it was definitely, like, I could feel the weight of his glory. Mhmm.
Shane Rogers:And, I laid there for an hour.
Shane Rogers:And when I look back, that's my call to ministry. Felt like what was a moment God just showed me my future, my life. And I and I wouldn't have been able to, like, write it down. It wasn't that clear. It was more mysterious.
Shane Rogers:Sure. But it was clear that there's this call, and he gave me my prayer language. Again, no one was praying for me. It was just like it happened, and it took and we'll talk about that, I'm sure, later, but it took some time to develop that. But I remember there was the beginnings of it that took place in that moment.
Shane Rogers:And so from that point, I was like, alright. I'm a believer in the power of the spirit, the power of his glory Mhmm. The weight of his glory, and the way that the holy spirit leads. So those are all positive things. I also experienced some negative things
Shane Rogers:In growing up, which, again, all of these things inform Yeah. You know, who we are and how we see the Lord and how we wanna lead people in that. My lead pastor I don't know if somebody said one time that sometimes your your greatest strengths are can be can also be your weakness. Like, there's a dark side, if you will
Amber:Sure. To
Shane Rogers:your strengths.
Shane Rogers:And so my lead pastor, he he had a lot of strengths in regards to really leading people in what I'm talking about and fostering that and even bringing in the youth pastor he did and giving us the freedom. And there was, like, a revival of sorts that was taking place. I remember our church grew from, like, 200 to 400 in a couple of years, and it was just like it was happening. It was rocking. But I think his passion for seeing God move led to him really wanting to bring in whatever's happening in the world and manufacturing it where we were.
Shane Rogers:So that resulted in I don't know if you've heard of the Toronto movement. This was back in shoot. I'm dating myself. This was in the in the early nineties.
Shane Rogers:Maybe late eighties. But there was a season there where there was a revival happening in Toronto.
Shane Rogers:And it was very charismatic revival. You know? There's different kinds of revivals, but this one was very charismatic healings and, you know, it came and went. Right? And but it was real.
Shane Rogers:It was authentic. There was a lot of people that were, you know, called in the ministry and missionaries and whatever, and they could look back and go, like, the Toronto revival was a game changer for me. Mhmm. And so, you know, our pastor went up there and connected with people and then had somebody come in and, you know, it was kind of like, yeah, let's bring the Toronto revival here, which sounds noble and healthy and safe, which I'm sure at some level there's a version of that that would be helpful.
Shane Rogers:But it ended up being like a copy and paste. And all of a sudden, we were we were doing things that really didn't feel like us.
Amber:Got it.
Shane Rogers:And so then what what was very innocent and pure and simple started to become, like, a little bit of a production. Then there was another revival. And this is the point where the church kind of, like, experienced a little bit of turmoil because it was like, okay. This isn't just a onetime thing. Like, okay.
Shane Rogers:We get it. You love Toronto. But then there was the Brownsville revival
Shane Rogers:Which was similar except it happened in the US. This was in Florida. There was another revival. And I never went to these places, so I don't know how big they were. But I remember they were big for us Mhmm.
Shane Rogers:Because our pastor was all about it. Yeah. And so, again, he went out there. He connected with some more people, brought some people back, and there was a small remnant of people in our church that were equally as excited about, okay, if we're gonna be the next Brownsville. And so then, again, it sort of stole our mission of pursuing the Lord, and it kind of hijacked it and made it, let's be like Brownsville.
Shane Rogers:And so you had all of the hyper hyper spiritual people that were all about it. And a lot of people kinda got left in the dust because it didn't it wasn't birthed in our church. So it was like, if you already tasted and saw that and you experienced that, well, then you could kinda jump in. But for everybody else, we're there's a bunch of people standing on the riverbank like, okay. What are we doing?
Shane Rogers:And how did we get here? And I don't feel like this is really happening here, but you're just sort of manufacturing it. So I watched all that. Mhmm. And it was a little unfortunate because it kind of created a divide in our church.
Shane Rogers:And and, ultimately, I feel like what was so rich and what was so authentic, it was it was actually happening here. It almost feel like a like a really cool authentic mom and pop show, like, restaurant that had, like, their own ingredients, and it was, like, really sweet. Mhmm. And then they get bought out by, like, corporate, you know, like Olive Garden or something.
Amber:I see.
Shane Rogers:And then the recipe changes just slightly, and, you know, it's just not the same.
Amber:Not the same. Yeah.
Shane Rogers:Yeah. It was like the sweet sauce, if you will, sort of evaporated with a noble pursuit of, you know, we wanna see God do something. But instead of god do it in us, it was, well, let's just do what Brownsville's doing. So that was kind of epic.
Amber:Yeah. To witness all of that. To wanna be revivals that they were trying to, like, emulate.
Shane Rogers:Yeah.
Amber:Well, I like that you said that there's a good side and a bad side that you've experienced both. So I kinda wanna dive more into the good side because what you're describing Oh,
Shane Rogers:it's talking about the bad stuff. I'm just kidding.
Amber:When when you said that you, like, laid down and you lingered, how old were you again?
Shane Rogers:16. 16. Wow.
Amber:So I've been to a couple of camps myself, and I've gotten to experience some of those as an adult because I never went in as a kid. I got to experience the worship and all of that. And there is a lot of lights. There's a lot of, like, hype around it. And I think it's good.
Amber:You know, it gets the kids excited, but having that lingering feeling or feeling that calling is a little different. And I feel like you are recreating that with the upper rooms
Shane Rogers:Mhmm.
Amber:With Heart Church.
Shane Rogers:Yeah.
Amber:And we've got to experience a couple of upper rooms as a leadership team, and those have been really amazing for me. And now we get to do one on Wednesday with the entire church. And I'm very excited for that because I kinda wanna see the reaction of everybody else in the church experiencing that. Yep. And I kinda wanna dive a little bit more into that experience of an upper room and kind of explain what that is.
Amber:Because, like, if I were listening to this and I didn't know what an upper room is, like, how would you explain what it what that is, like, what we do, that experience?
Shane Rogers:Yeah. No. I love it. So we live in such a fast paced culture. And, you know, I love the church.
Shane Rogers:I love Sunday morning. I love services. I think there's so many good things that happen in our church and in so many other churches. And everyone does it different. Some people have, you know, 4 songs.
Shane Rogers:Mhmm. Some people do 3. You know? Yeah. But there's very little variation.
Shane Rogers:Some churches are a little bit more spirit filled. Some churches are a little more hesitant, but we what what's in common is we pretty much all are on a clock. And, you know, there's a lot that that's gonna happen on a Sunday morning. Mhmm. And it's like, we gotta do announcements, and then the preachers prepared this big message and, you know, and so
Amber:Gotta stick to the schedule.
Shane Rogers:Yeah. And the songs that we sing are scripted.
Shane Rogers:And, you know, praise the Lord. There's nothing wrong with that, and it would be weird if they weren't. Yeah. But there's something about learning to linger, and it is so counterculture. You know, I always look I always think back on Moses.
Shane Rogers:It says that he pitched the tent outside the camp, which is what I love about camps, by the way. You know, you get away from it. And Sure. Most camps make the kids put their cell phones away, which is a win. But, you know, it's getting away from it all and allowing the Lord to move.
Shane Rogers:But what I love about the tent of meeting is it says that he God spoke to Moses face to face like a man speaks to his friend. It was so beautiful. And it also says that he was the only prophet that God ever did that with. And he said that when he was transferring the torch over to Joshua, that Moses, this is what I did with him and I'll be with you, but I'm not going to do it with you because Moses was special. But Joshua, it says that he, after Moses had left one of the days that he lingered there in the tent.
Shane Rogers:It's just this beautiful picture of what takes place when we give margin in our life and we set ourselves apart for the Lord in those ways. And, you know, obviously, you can do that in your room. Mhmm. But we know corporately there's something special that takes place when the people of God come together.
Amber:It's different.
Shane Rogers:Yeah.
Amber:It's so different because I do it by myself. Lord likes to wake me up at, like, 2 AM and then bring me out into the living room, and then I we have our own little upper room. But it's different when you're surrounded by the body of Christ and you all are there for the same reason.
Shane Rogers:Without a doubt. Without a doubt. And worship's different.
Shane Rogers:I mean, I like to play, you know, worship songs, you know, when I'm by myself, but it doesn't do it justice, you know, for the upper rooms when we have, like, a keyboard and somebody just kind of, like, flowing. And, you know, unlike a Sunday morning, the songs are not scripted, which is what I one of the things that I love about our upper rooms, which is similar to what I experienced growing up is you have those moments where a worship leader understands how to flow Mhmm. With the holy spirit. This is a holy spirit podcast, so I wanted to say holy spirit at least one time. Thank
Amber:you. Thank you. Appreciate it.
Shane Rogers:Shameless plug, holy spirit. But you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in those ways to lead people in worship. And then it's it's very, it's very spirit led because, again, it's sometimes it's a chorus, and then we lead into prayer, and then we have a prophetic word. And then sometimes it's just the keyboard, and we're just being silent before the Lord. Mhmm.
Shane Rogers:I don't know what's gonna happen on this one, but I know it's gonna be incredible because we're setting ourselves apart for the Lord and allowing him to move. And the Holy Spirit, this is this is his breeding ground that, you know, this is what he does. And and it's difficult to enter into the moving of the spirit without this.
Shane Rogers:Without this corporately, without this individually. I'm just stepping into that. And that's what I learned growing up. And I think that there's a lot of the church that misses out on that because they're scared.
Shane Rogers:Of the unpredictable nature. I mean, you know, that's just life. You know? There's a lot of things that we're scared of, and then we sort of build our fortress around making sure that we'll never be in a situation where we don't know what's gonna happen.
Shane Rogers:And that feel you know, other people use theology around like, well, you know, the lord is decently in in order and, you know, everything has to be you know? And it's like, well, yes. God is not a god of disorder, but lingering before the lord and allowing him to lead us is not disorder. Mm-mm. It's beautiful.
Shane Rogers:And I think that we have a lot to learn, as a church corporately to lean into that more. And in the days that we're coming, we're gonna need that more and more.
Amber:Totally. Yeah. It's funny because the first upper room that we had as a leadership team, I was totally into it, and I loved it. But I I took a second where I stepped out of it a little bit. And I was like, if I was somebody that didn't know what we were doing and I just saw what we were doing, I would be like, what is going on?
Shane Rogers:This is a cult.
Amber:Well, yeah. Exactly.
Shane Rogers:Where's the Kool Aid?
Amber:I was like, this is kind of kinda weird. But at the same time, like, if you allow the Holy Spirit to draw you in, then it becomes natural. But, like, you have to be open to it, and you can't be afraid of it. Like, for me, the the fear behind it was a big thing that I had to overcome because I had what I call spiritual trauma because I had dealt with lot of, like, demonic things.
Shane Rogers:Mhmm. And
Amber:so I was just like, I don't want anything spiritual because it's just bad experiences. But the lord slowly over the last, like, 10, 12 years, he's helped me kinda, like, get through that and be like, no. I what I'm gonna give you is good. It's not gonna be bad. And now that I dove in, it's awesome.
Amber:Like, I wish I had done it sooner because I missed out on this or being able to do it on a deeper level than what I can even do now.
Shane Rogers:Yeah.
Amber:And the first one, I got to say a word, which the lord gave me an image. That was the first time the lord has ever given me an image. I was like, I got to see a picture because normally he doesn't talk to me in that way. So I was like, So I thought that was really cool on the first time that I did it. 2nd time was a little bit of a struggle for me because that was, like, right after my miscarriage.
Amber:So I was, like, there, but I was, like, okay. Like, I was still kinda grieving in that process. Mhmm. But I'm excited for this next one.
Shane Rogers:Yeah. You bring up a good point about, trust. You know? Because you're absolutely right. There's a lot of there's a lot of reasons why people are a little leery about this, but some of which is because of some of the experience they've had in the demonic or the spiritual realm
Shane Rogers:In not a healthy way. Yeah. It you know, it's interesting because, you know, in the Bible, it talks about demons have names. Mhmm. And the reason for that is because when you're associating with that and you don't know Christ, it's not like you're entering into a horror movie.
Shane Rogers:They the this the the the enemy comes as the angel of light Mhmm. And tries to win your trust. Right. Because if you don't trust, then you're not gonna step into anything, good or bad. And so the enemy knows that and tries to and I I've actually heard lots of people talk about, you know, past experiences with this, you know, the demonic, and they've talked about how they've they're almost like a voice that's like a very trusting voice.
Shane Rogers:You get to know their name and which brings us back to, in my opinion, one of the most important things about moving in the spirit, about being filled with the spirit, that moment baptism and then being a spirit filled person that that is comfortable in those environments is the anchor of Jesus as your trust. I think a lot of people, especially well, I've been a part of some Pentecostal movements and churches that are so passionate about that, and that's their lane that I think they can unknowingly skip over the most important step for people. You can't jump into the deep end before you've been introduced to accept and then learn to trust Jesus.
Shane Rogers:He is our shepherd. And in fact, the holy spirit Jesus said the holy spirit's gonna point to me. He's gonna testify of me. Yeah. So the point isn't the holy spirit.
Shane Rogers:We don't pray in the holy spirit's name, the name of the holy spirit. We pray in Jesus' name because he's our shepherd. He leads us out. He's our anchor. Right.
Shane Rogers:So he's the reason why we can step into and and identify with environments like that. When you have a strong gospel belief system in who Jesus is and then you see the holy spirit through that lens, then it's like, oh, yeah. Jesus had a powerful relationship with the holy spirit.
Shane Rogers:You know? And if he did and I trust him, he's my my shepherd. I know his voice. And that's the other thing is that the Holy Spirit speaks to us. Mhmm.
Shane Rogers:But before you encounter I mean, we're all filled with the Holy Spirit when we get saved. Mhmm. But before you encounter that baptism of the holy spirit or being filled with the holy spirit, when he comes upon you to empower you, before you experience that, you learn to recognize Jesus' voice.
Shane Rogers:Right? He is our shepherd, and we recognize his voice. Right? John 10. And so when once we have that, then we could step into the moving of the Holy Spirit, and it's the same voice.
Shane Rogers:And it's beautiful. And so I think there's there's a lot of need need in the body of Christ for people to be led from experiencing Jesus, trusting Jesus. And, okay, now now let's dive into the Holy Spirit and how he moves and empowers. And And we see the disciples went through that same process. They learned Jesus.
Shane Rogers:They walked him for 3 years, and then he's like, alright. Now you need to go to the upper room.
Amber:Yeah. No. That's so good. I love that. I think the upper room also creates that environment for the holy spirit to move.
Amber:Mhmm. And you also get to kind of practice, like, I think praying in your spiritual language too. Like, if you're uncomfortable doing that or you have troubles doing that, being able to see other people doing that in a safe environment, that helps, I think, for sure. And it was funny because I helped Faith. She when we went to camp, one of the camps, she felt like the holy spirit gave her the gift of tongues.
Amber:Mhmm. I was like, okay. That's great. And she's like, how do I do that? I was like, I don't have that gift.
Amber:I don't know. And I'm like, but you know what? I can pray in the spirit, and you can too. So why don't we start there? And she's like, okay.
Amber:So she came here, and we got to pray together in the spirit in my sunroom. And I just kinda played worship music, and I was like, I just want you to get used to it, just praying in the spirit. And we sat there for probably about 20, 30 minutes, and we just prayed in the spirit. And it was the first time that I had done that with somebody else, and it was amazing. And I just got, like, the feeling of wings, like, angels were around us.
Amber:And I asked her I didn't tell her. I just asked her. I was like, how did how'd that feel? And she's like, I I saw the image of wings. And I was like, that's crazy.
Shane Rogers:Like angels' wings.
Amber:Yeah. And I was like, that's awesome. And I got the sense that we were just praising the lord. And I was like, that's that's what we're doing right now is we're just praising the lord. And the thing that she described it, and I never was able to put it into words, but she put it into words beautifully When we were done, she was like, I feel like I'm just waking up.
Shane Rogers:Mhmm.
Amber:And I was like, yes. I've always described it as, like, a heaviness. Like, I feel heavy. It wasn't negative, but that was, like, the only description I could come up with. And she's like, I feel like I'm waking up from a deep sleep.
Amber:I was like, yes. That is what it feels like after, you know, you're praying in the spirit and you're praying and, you know, doing all the things. And I was like, that's that's a beautiful way to say it. And, I feel that every Tuesday when we do that.
Shane Rogers:It's like the matrix. It's like
Amber:the matrix. Yeah. But it's, like, almost a it's more real than reality, and you're, like, waking up from that. I don't know.
Shane Rogers:It's just So when you say when you were praying in the spirit Uh-huh. With, faith in the sunroom, would describe that praying in the spirit? What is that? What is that?
Amber:Like, praying in tongues in my me and my language and her and her language. And it was we had worship music playing, so, like, she wouldn't feel nervous about me hearing her. But I could hear her just not super clearly because there was music playing. And I'm praying in the spirit, and she got to hear me. And it just make creating a safe environment because she had tried it once at home and she freaked out and then told Julianna.
Amber:And Julianna's like, Amber, what is going on? And I was like, okay.
Shane Rogers:Tried it as in tried praying
Amber:in the spirit.
Shane Rogers:In
Amber:the spirit Yeah. At her house. And Julianna is still kind of, like, a little iffy about that. Though she's a lot more open to it now going to all the summer camp Shout
Shane Rogers:out to Juliana.
Amber:Yeah. Juliana's office. And she took the holy spirit class with me and everything. So she understands it, but she's also, like, I don't know a whole lot about it. So that's why she brought her here to just, like, have her practice and know what it feels like and be comfortable with it so that she could do it on her own.
Amber:So that's that's what it was. It was just creating an environment for her to do it and Yeah. Get practice. I
Shane Rogers:love that. I love the concept of creating a space to take people into this. I think so many churches, they just present and operate in this without taking people there. And so what ends up happening is you which is what happens now in the body of Christ. You have this divide, this huge divide with no bridge.
Shane Rogers:Mhmm. The do's and the don'ts. Right. The haves, have nots.
Shane Rogers:And then there just becomes this polarizing. Well, we don't walk in the holy the power of the Holy Spirit, and we don't believe in that. And then this other group is like, what are you talking about? That's all we do, you know? And there's, like, very little in between.
Shane Rogers:Mhmm. I think that, you know, going back to your original question about my story, I think that's probably my guess is you would echo this based on what you see at our church, but I feel like that's one of the calls that God has put on Heather and I is to be an in between. Yeah. Because I am so passionate about people being led into that. I don't wanna just gather the the saints in Escondido that love the holy spirit, and let's go for it together.
Shane Rogers:You know? Like Yeah. I'm sure some pastor has that call, but Yeah. I'd much rather take people that are like, what? The holy spirit?
Shane Rogers:What? Yeah. I I'm just very getting to know Jesus, you know, and Yeah. Taking people on a journey to cross over into the fullness of the spirit and understand why and then be it like you just described with faith. I think it's so beautiful because you provide in an atmosphere for her to step into it and experience it without being freaked out.
Shane Rogers:Right. Or or made to feel like she's less than if you're not because a lot of churches, you know, it's like if you're not very comfortable and understand all the lingo and everything going on here, then you're clearly an outsider.
Amber:Yeah. Or a really baby Christian. Like yeah.
Shane Rogers:And, and so I think that's really, really powerful. I think speaking our personal prayer language, speaking tongues is anemic in the body of Christ, and it's such a powerful gift. And it is really it's it's a difficult it's a difficult spiritual gift in the crossover realm. Yeah. Taking somebody from, I'm not even sure about the holy spirit to, let's go in the sunroom and pray in our prayer language, you know.
Shane Rogers:But it's so necessary, and I believe that it's for every person in the body of Christ. I don't believe it's a gift that that some people get, and I've seen it in my own life. It's, it edifies you so much and, brings breakthrough so profoundly. And that's why the enemy has targeted it so
Amber:much. Yeah. I think that's why it's so taboo a little bit on the church.
Shane Rogers:Totally taboo.
Amber:Yeah. I didn't even know about it until her church. Like, I had no prior knowledge of speaking in tongues or anything. Nothing like that.
Shane Rogers:Well, when I first met Heather 20 plus years ago, we were in San Antonio, Texas, and her dad was a pastor and super amazing pastor filled with the spirit. You know? But it wasn't a charismatic church. It was a came from there. It came from Baptist, the Baptist movement, and they just wanted to be more expressive in their worship and in their walk, and so they broke away from that and just became independent.
Shane Rogers:Mhmm. But they didn't teach on the moving of the spirit, you know, but just doing incredible things for God. But in regards to, like, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and what we're talking about, it just there there wasn't a lot of education. It's bible belt, which is not all that rare. Mhmm.
Shane Rogers:You know, there's pockets of, like, you know, what we're talking about, but there's a lot of just sort of mainline, middle of the road. Right. And I remember when I first met Heather, her and a couple of her friends, we were talking about this, and I mentioned the baptism of the holy spirit. And she's like, yeah. I don't know what you're talking about.
Shane Rogers:And I was like, you're a pastor's daughter. That's crazy. But, again, it was like, it was an appreciation, though, for, you know, the different movements that God's doing because God was and and still is doing such an incredible work in that church. But this whole category of being baptized or filled with the Holy Spirit, I think that it had been hijacked. And there was a lot of confusion around, okay.
Shane Rogers:Well, what do you mean, you know, baptism? Don't don't I already have the Holy Spirit, and what does that all even mean? So, anyways, really powerful when somebody goes from, like, I didn't even hear about this before to, oh, it's a whole new world. Mhmm.
Amber:Going back to that original question of your story, that was your experience when you were 16, and you got this, like, mysterious vision of what your life is gonna be like in ministry and all of that. What is it like?
Shane Rogers:Literally saw myself sitting doing a podcast with Amber. It was crazy.
Amber:Wow. Crazy vision.
Shane Rogers:I know.
Amber:So what does it look like now? Now that you're, you know, senior pastor of a church, you're you're leading a huge flock now. Like, what does it look like for you to do your individual, like, upper room, or how do you hear from the lord in in those ways to lead such a big flock?
Shane Rogers:Oh, man. I'm figuring it out every day. You know, I I think that I continue to go back to the the power and the importance of spirit and in truth. And I believe that that Jesus walked this out spirit and in truth, full of spirit, full of truth. And so I think part of my rhythm is, yes, being in the in the word, but I think a lot of people stop there.
Shane Rogers:Again, we're talking about being filled with the holy spirit, led with the holy spirit. You can't do it without the word of God. Right. It's our foundation. If you do if you go to spirit too much spirit and not enough word, then you, you know, you get into some weird stuff.
Shane Rogers:And then all of a sudden, you're kind of, like, feeling some things. And maybe you ever talked about some somebody that you talk to somebody and they're just kind of like they have this this confidence about, like, what they feel like the Lord's saying, and you're just looking at them like, there's no way the Lord said that. That's, like, so not biblical. You know? Right.
Shane Rogers:And I've I've seen a lot of people stray, and I think that's one of the one of the dark sides or the downfalls to the Pentecostal movement is there's a lot of room for error. And I think that's probably what, like, the Baptist church, for instance. You know? And I'm not hating on the Baptist church. There's every denomination has their place and doing amazing things, but, you know, a denomination that's, like, hard hard line against what we're talking about.
Shane Rogers:I think that they would say there's too much room for error.
Shane Rogers:And we've seen too much error. Like, growing up, I was in a I got invited to, like, a revival rally, and they one preacher was up there. He had everyone come forth. There's thousands of people there. It was the whole, like, slain in the spirit, fall over, and the pattern of the power of God, which happened to me by myself when I was 16.
Shane Rogers:Mhmm. So now I'm at this thing and this guy waves his hand, then everybody falls. Well, I fell because I got knocked over by some big dude, and I felt nothing. Yeah. But everyone walked away and went, oh my gosh.
Shane Rogers:Did you see the power of God? You know? And it's just like, I'm not gonna throw the baby out with the bathwater. Yeah. But there's so much of human error available, and so that's why we go back to the word of God.
Shane Rogers:We have to be anchored in the word. And so how I, you know, lead in my rhythm and my upper room is starting with the word being anchored in the word, anchored in Jesus, anchored in my walk with Him, anchored in the finished work, the power of Jesus name. And then that leads to margin. Gotta have margin. And so for me, like, I love prayer walks, so I'll take my ear pods and I'll go to Dixon Lake.
Shane Rogers:And when it's not too hot and when there's not rattlesnakes out, I go to Dixon Lake. And almost every week, I'll take my phone, my my headphones, and take a walk, and I'll take some notes. And and I'll listen to the Lord, and he'll just speed download, speak to me, give me, like, fresh fresh revelation. I'll use that time to pray for my kids, and then I'll pray in my prayer language and just, you know, allowing him to fill me, allowing him to inform and speak to me. But it's all in the bedrock of his word.
Shane Rogers:Mhmm. But, again, it's different for everybody. Sometimes sometimes I'll just sit in the mornings and have a cup of coffee. But it's all Tim, for me, it's always connected to worship. Mhmm.
Shane Rogers:Rarely do I have margin with the Lord, with the Holy Spirit in my prayer language and allowing him to speak to me where worship is not involved. And maybe that's just me, but it it activates something. As soon as I hear worship music, it activates the Holy Spirit in my heart, in my spirit. It like like it almost like is, you know, was sleeping and then it just wakes up. It's like, oh, worship music?
Shane Rogers:What? And so, I love that because I know that he's alive in me, and he wants to speak to me and wants to leave me. And so you gotta make room for it.
Amber:Yeah. It's funny you mentioned the word because I I just did an episode last week on reading the word and what does that look like and practically and like the point of it. Like, why is it so important to do that? There was a request from Sheila actually, when I was getting my hair done.
Shane Rogers:Hi, Sheila.
Amber:She was like I asked her. I was like, what topics do you want? And she had mentioned that one. I was like, it's a good one. So I talked about that last week.
Amber:But, yeah, super important to dive into the word. And I mentioned that it's all about heart posture too. Like Mhmm. Making sure that you're reading the word for the right reasons, not just trying to find yourself in scriptures, but trying to have Jesus be revealed to you through scripture and asking the Holy Spirit to do that while you read. Yep.
Amber:Because it's a it's a tool for the Holy Spirit to use also to point back to Jesus. So super good.
Shane Rogers:I think the other part about stepping into moments with you and the holy spirit is it it requires vulnerability.
Shane Rogers:Reading the bible does not.
Amber:It's true.
Shane Rogers:But praying in the spirit and communing with the Lord. You know, I mean, again, we see Jesus doing that all the time. You know, go away into a deserted place and he'd pray in order to in order to experience the holy spirit in that place, because anyone can go away and recite the lord's prayer. Sure. But in order to get into that place of communing with the lord in the spirit and allowing your the holy spirit to bubble up inside of you and speak to you and lead you, it requires a willingness to be vulnerable.
Shane Rogers:And for most I would say for for most people, that's difficult because that requires, like, looking in the mirror and being willing to expose your emotions, which is scary. And so, again, going back to trust, like trusting the Lord that he is so good. He created you, crafted you. A moment with him is better than, you know, one day in his courts is better than a1000 anywhere else. And so just what I would encourage anyone who's listening, the 1,000 across the nation, probably the world that tune into this podcast.
Shane Rogers:I would encourage you to be courageous in your vulnerability when you're by yourself with the Lord and and pouring out your heart to him and and allowing yourself to go there because that's the sweet spot. It's not an intellectual pursuit. It starts out that way. You're like, okay, I'd like to open up Philippians and let's learn some things. But if it stops there, then you're stopping short of communing with the holy spirit.
Shane Rogers:Right. Because it's not an intellectual pursuit. Takes faith, but it also takes a a a lot of vulnerability.
Amber:Yeah. That's so true. Yeah. I think it also takes, like, the ability to be wrong too.
Shane Rogers:Totally.
Amber:Like, because there's a few times that I've gone to the holy spirit and I prayed and he's told me something and I was wrong. Like, I heard it wrong or or something. And I'm like, okay. I gotta tune my ears a little better because that was me, obviously. It didn't come through.
Amber:So I'm like, okay. So I think it takes vulnerability in that of, like, if you're gonna tell someone that the lord told you something, like, it's okay that it didn't you didn't hear him exactly right. Like, it takes some practice. It takes time. And I think as you develop your relationship with the Holy Spirit, you'll know his character and the way that he talks to you.
Amber:And is that something he would say? And is it founded in the bible, like, making sure it's, you know, biblically true?
Shane Rogers:Or could God told me you're, you're gonna marry me one day.
Amber:Yeah. I wouldn't do that. But, it's it's really sweet to be able to do that and to have the upper room. And I think it's awesome that you're facilitating that in our church because I think one of the callings lord's given me is to equip the saints. And I think that's one of those things of building that bridge being the in between and, like So powerful.
Amber:Yeah. Because, like, I didn't know these things. So coming from a place of, like, not knowing and just recently learning all these things, and now I'm, like, helping other people because I know what it feels like to not know and be like, oh, okay. I have so much to learn. There's so much I don't know.
Amber:And I feel like you're there's so much to learn until you die. Like, it's just like until you're home with the lord, there's always so much more to learn.
Shane Rogers:Yep. Yep. Well and I would say too, you know, back to the upper room that my hope is as we lead people into this space, especially people like yourself who, you know, previous to this church weren't really exposed to it, that people are coming in with a or wherever they are and and wanting to step into this, especially corporately, that we do so with a with grace.
Shane Rogers:A real firm understanding that I'm surrounded by imperfect people. Yeah. These people are not gonna get it right a 100% of the time. Like, somebody gave me a word recently, and no. Somebody gave me a few words recently, actually.
Shane Rogers:And this person was just kind of, like, kind of a prophetic person. Mhmm. You know? And I'm sure you get into that with your other podcast. You know?
Shane Rogers:There's, you know, some people are just gifted with, like, more of the prophetic. Mhmm. We all can step into that in moments, but some people just, like, carry it. Yeah. I don't know if you've ever met somebody who's just like I mean, every person they meet almost that they potentially could have a word for.
Shane Rogers:You know? Sure. This was that kind of person. And they gave me a few words over the course of a couple days, and 2 of them were like, they were reading my mail. I mean, just spot on incredible.
Shane Rogers:And then one of the words was, like, totally off. It was just like, what in the world? That was weird.
Shane Rogers:And I think that for some Christians, some people that are new to this environment, this is not as cut and dry as, like, a bible study. No. You know? Where, like, here's what the Bible says. Right?
Shane Rogers:We can, like, anchor ourselves in that. And if somebody's teaching heresy, you write them off. Well, in this category, you know, you're not gonna get it right a 100% of the time.
Shane Rogers:And so, like, when I give somebody a word, I'm like, you know what? I I feel like this is what the Lord's saying, but it totally could be bad pizza. So please take this to the Lord. Yeah. You know?
Shane Rogers:Because I am you know, the Bible says that we have this treasure in earthen vessels and that we have this incredible treasure God's given us, but we're frail. We're human. We have the ability to And so I just think, like, with the upper room, my hope is that our congregation comes in for those people who maybe haven't experienced this before or maybe see something that seems a little weird. Some person is, like, really going for it, let's say. Or Sure.
Shane Rogers:You know, they're speaking in tongues too loud, you know, or whatever. You know? And I think some people just kinda get, oh, that's not decently in order, or that's just weird. And they they just blow the whole thing off. Mhmm.
Shane Rogers:And what I what I learned that served me well in my pursuit of this is just, you know what? Everything's not going to resonate with you. That's okay. Obviously, don't subject yourself to a leader or a church that is an error or feel just always feels off. You know?
Shane Rogers:But if there's a moment that doesn't resonate, it's like, okay. That's okay. Like, we're people. Mhmm. And that we'd give each other grace in that, I think, is is really important.
Amber:Yeah. For sure. So, yeah, I just wanna encourage anyone listening to, you know, try their own upper room. If you don't have an environment that you can do that in, you know, seek the Lord for yourself and turn on that worship music and, you know, try to pray in tongues. I have a whole episode about praying in the spirit.
Amber:It's one of my first three, I think. So if you wanna learn more about that, you can. It's a really amazing gift. And like you said, Shane, it's very edifying to, I think, your inner man to be able to do that.
Shane Rogers:Well, the bible says that the the prayer language, the grace, which is it's not a gift. It's a this one's a grace. Right. And that it edifies the believer. Mhmm.
Shane Rogers:The other one the other prophetic tongue is for the audience. That's why it says interpret.
Shane Rogers:Interpret that one because, otherwise, it's not helping anyone. You're just speaking gibberish, and everyone's like, wow. That was really awesome. You know, let's go let's go to lunch. But the prayer language is meant for you, and it Right.
Shane Rogers:It edifies the believer. It builds up your spirit, and it's so important. I was just looking at my play playlist right now because we're talking about creating an upper room Mhmm. In your house. So if you don't have a worship pray like, an upper room playlist, you should create one.
Amber:That's a good idea.
Shane Rogers:I have an upper room playlist that changes all the time, and there are songs Now this is gonna sound silly, but the way I put it is there's songs that really get me there.
Shane Rogers:Like, there's some songs that are just anointed and some songs that are fine. But some songs that you hear, they were just forged in a different place. You know? And, again, that's a little subjective. So, you know, what's anointed to me, maybe not to you, but find songs that as soon as you as soon as you hear them, it's like, oh, man.
Shane Rogers:Like, I could just close my eyes right now and go there. Mhmm. You know, it takes you to the throne room of heaven.
Shane Rogers:And, and I always have a playlist on my phone of throne room songs for me. And those are the songs that if and I and I save them. I don't you know, because if you listen to a song too much, it's like, oh, dang it. Now I have to switch that one off because it doesn't it's not it's not it doesn't have the magic anymore.
Amber:It doesn't hit anymore.
Shane Rogers:Yeah. I beat it to the crack. So I I reserve those songs for those moments when I'm sitting down, and I'm like, man, I wanna go to the throne room. I need to be in the sanctuary. Mhmm.
Shane Rogers:And if you have those readily available, then, it makes entering in, you know, that much easier.
Amber:Mhmm. Yeah. No. It's so good. Alright.
Amber:Well, thank you, Shane, so much for being on here and sharing. And, you know, it's there's power in a story, and it really all leads to Jesus. Right? And what he's done in your life and the holy spirit and how he helps you and continues to help you in your life and and lead. And I definitely see the spirit moving in you every time you get up on on the stage at the pulpit.
Amber:I can definitely sense an anointing in you, and that only comes from being obedient and allowing yourself to be yielded to the spirit. So thank you for that.
Shane Rogers:Amen. Well, it's it's a privilege. I love what you're doing here. This is part of the bridge, taking people into a deeper place and a deeper walk. It's so profound.
Shane Rogers:So, it's an honor.
Amber:Awesome. Well, guys, I hope you enjoyed that. I hope this message blessed you. Just tune in. Every week, we release on Thursdays.
Amber:And if you get a chance, share this episode with somebody who you think it it might benefit them, that they might find it useful, and, just learn a little bit more about the holy spirit. Well, until next time. Thanks, guys.
