Hope and Faith Sermon
Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered. My name's Amber Beals, and it is my job and my mission to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me, to help demystify who He is, what his role is, and to deeply encourage you
Amber:to seek a relationship with him. Alright. Let's get started. Hey, guys. Welcome back to the Holy Spirit Untethered podcast.
Amber:My name is Amber, and I am so glad that you are here listening to this episode. I hope you guys are having an amazing December. I know as I'm recording this podcast, it's December 9th, so we're almost halfway through. And my schedule has been just full of just spending time with people, fellowshipping, lots of food, lots of parties. And every December seems to always go this way, and it's awesome, but it's also very tiring.
Amber:So I hope you guys are doing well out there. You're having a good December. So last week, I talked about saying yes to the Holy Spirit. So if you haven't already, go ahead and check out that episode. It's episode number 25.
Amber:And I talk about saying yes and being obedient to the Holy Spirit and how that helps in your relationship with him and how close you get to him by saying yes to the things he wants you to do even though they're hard. So go ahead and check out that episode when you get a chance. This week, I wanted to talk actually do something a little bit different. So I am going to be playing the sermon that I preached, not this last Sunday, but the Sunday before on December 1st. For those of you who don't know, I attend a church called Heart Church.
Amber:I'm in California. It's a very small church. My husband and I, we have been a part of this church for a long time, since almost the beginning. It started as a house plant. I wasn't a part of the house plant portion of it, but we did happen to find the church on their opening day when they opened up in a middle school.
Amber:And it was, some would say, a coincidence, but I would say, of course, it was a god thing that we found them. And we found out later that that it was their opening day. I didn't even know that at the time. So that was really special to find that out. But basically, we had started at this church.
Amber:There was about maybe 30 people there on opening day, like a very, very, very small church. And my husband and I had come from a large church, a very large church of several 1,000 people. And so going from that, we decided we needed a smaller church because we just felt lost in our church, and we felt like it wasn't really feeding us. And when we didn't attend for a few weeks, nobody reached out. It just felt like we weren't being missed, and we weren't finding that community, which is what we were looking for.
Amber:We didn't realize it's what we were looking for. But now that I look back, that's definitely what we were looking for. So we found Heart Church, super small church. Now we have been a part of that church for I think that was 6 years ago. So now we are close to well, we're actually at 200 people now.
Amber:Every Sunday, we're hitting that 200 mark. And it's a real blessing to be a part of this church and see it grow and just see how the Lord is moving through this church. I love this church. It's my church. I'm a part of the council.
Amber:I am the coordinator for their youth group. I am a part of the leadership team. Like, I wear a lot of hats in this church, and I wouldn't have it any other way because it's just an amazing community to be a part of and the Lord is using me there. And so I've said yes to all of those positions. So it's an amazing church.
Amber:And in the last year or 2, my senior pastor, Shane, Shane Rogers, who has been on this podcast, I forget what episode he was on, but if you look back, I'm sure you'll find it. His name should be in the title, but he has called me up or at least he has been talking to the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit has told him that I have a gift to speak and that he needs to kinda draw that out of me. And so the first time that he asked me to do that, you know, it was like a hard no. But, eventually, I said yes. And I have preached at our church 5 or 6 times now.
Amber:So I wanted to share this last one that I did. The title of my message was hope and faith bring our promises. And basically, it's my story. It's my story of my miscarriage. It's my story of my current pregnancy now and how the Holy Spirit has really come alongside me and helped me through the grief of that and his promise to me and how I've been able to navigate when life happens.
Amber:Because life happens all the time. Even if, like, we have a great promise, life gets in the way. And there's a lot of things that happen between the now and the promise coming to be fulfilled. Right? And that's what my sermon is all about.
Amber:So I wanted to share it with you guys. I had mentioned and talked a lot about it last time, and we record all the sermons. My husband is in charge of doing the live stream for all of our sermons, and they are also recorded. So I wanted to go ahead and share that with you guys. So a little bit different of an episode, but I wanted to share it with you guys just to kind of be open and vulnerable and kind of give you a taste of what it feels like or how I speak when I'm on stage versus this podcast and how I speak on here.
Amber:I think it was, you know, I got a lot of really great feedback on it. And I think it was a really good one. I mean, I allowed the Holy Spirit to use me and being yielded to him, and that can be difficult and it can be hard and vulnerable and all the things, but I know the Lord's gonna use it. So I hope that this message touches you. Before Melissa, my editor, fades in the message, I would like to pray with you.
Amber:So if you can and it's safe to do so, go ahead and close your eyes, and let's pray. Dear heavenly father, I just thank you for this opportunity. I thank you for this podcast. I thank you for the person on the other end listening to this podcast. Lord, I just pray a blessing over them and their families and everything that they're that's going on in their lives.
Amber:Lord, I just pray that you would prepare all of our hearts to receive the message that you gave me, Lord, in that sermon and preaching, Lord. I just pray that it gets spread to the people who needs to hear it, Lord. And I pray that it does what it needs to do in all the hearts of your children and your saints, Lord. And I just thank you for that, Lord. And we pray all these things.
Amber:Jesus' name. Amen. Alright, guys. Enjoy.
Amber:Alright. Well, guys, how was your Thanksgiving?
audience:Perfect. Perfect.
Amber:Was it great? Yeah. I know my Thanksgiving was amazing. I got to spend it with family, but I don't know about you guys, but my holiday season started, like, hit the ground running. Like, my family came into town, I've been spending a lot of time with them, we had Thanksgiving, and then yesterday was my birthday.
Amber:Yes. I am 33 years young, and guess what I did? I did laser tag like any normal 33 year old, and it was awesome. All the cool kids were there, and it was so great. And I'm not gonna lie.
Amber:I'm regretting it a little bit this morning because I'm tired. So but it was awesome. So before we get started, why don't you go ahead and just take a deep breath with me? Okay. Ready?
Amber:Alright. So I am one of those people or one of those girls that never really had a desire to be a mother. Never crossed my mind as a kid playing around as an adult. Never really crossed my mind. Never had that innate desire that I know many, many girls do.
Amber:Like when we used to play house as a kid, have you ever played house? Yeah? You know, you got your mommy, you got your daddy, you got the kids. And while all my friends were fighting to be the mommy, there was always one position that was available, and I always got it. It it was the dog.
Amber:I loved being the dog. It was a great position. Like, all I had to do was pretend to eat and then bark at people. It was great. No responsibility.
Amber:It was always open. I was very happy. It was great. So I have always been one of those people. But as I sort of grew up, you know, and got married, we had this conversation of, well, you know, we can't afford ourselves hardly at all, so we definitely can't afford another human being right now.
Amber:So I got to kick that can down the road a little bit. But as you know, biology is a thing, and it has a clock. Right? And so Eric and I, we talked about it, and, you know, I was like, well, I'll pray about it. How about that?
Amber:So I go to the Lord, and I'm like, Lord, I just wanna be obedient to you. So what's your will for me? Do you want me to have kids? If you want me to have kids, oh, you know, I'll suck it up and I'll do it. If you don't want me to have kids, praise the Lord.
Amber:That'd be good. That's great. But I asked the Lord, and he goes, Amber, that's that's not how this works. And I'm like, what do you mean? And he's like, I gave you this thing called free will, and I'm not gonna make you have kids.
Amber:That is completely up to you. And I'm like, Lord, you're not helping me out here. And he's like, however, if you decide you want kids, I'm gonna love you, and I'm gonna bless you. I'm gonna bless your kids. And if you don't want kids, there's no shame in that.
Amber:I'm gonna love you, and I'm gonna bless you. And I'm like, okay. Thank you, Lord. I appreciate it. But that doesn't help me in my decision making right in this moment.
Amber:So I wait a couple more months. You know, Eric and I talk about it, and we decide, you know, well, we thought that there would be this point in time when we were just gonna be ready. We're gonna be ready for kids, and we're just gonna know it. And I I don't think that's a thing. I think that it's it's not.
Amber:Yeah. So, like, I thought, you know, if anybody ever says they're a 100% ready for kids, I think you're in DeLululeland. Like, I don't think, like, you're delusional. Like, there's no way you're a 100% ready because you don't know what you don't know. Right?
Amber:You've never had kids. You don't know if you're ready. So I think the like 80%, or, like, 95 percent. I don't know where Eric stands, but I'm probably in that 82 percent for the 80%, so we're there. But once we made the decision that we wanted to have kids, I go back to the lord and I go, okay, lord.
Amber:I wanna be a mom. And then this happened.
Amber:Hey, guys. Really quick. Future Amber here. I just wanted to let you know I'm about to play a video. I know this podcast is a audio only podcast, but you're gonna be able to listen to the audio.
Amber:And, basically, in this video, I am just sharing the news with my family. It's their reactions that I'm pregnant. So as you hear different things, that is what is going on in this video. Okay. Take a listen.
Amber:For your anniversary. So since you're such amazing grandparents, we've decided to promote you to great grandkids.
audience:Oh my gosh. No. Oh my gosh.
Amber:Wait. I just found out last night.
audience:Oh my gosh. Wait. You are you serious? Oh my gosh. Congratulations.
audience:Oh, I'm so happy for you, you guy.
Amber:You tripping? Oh my god. Thank you, gosh. Congratulations. Oh my god.
Amber:So, yeah. That happened. And when I tell you I was shocked, I don't think there was, like, enough words in the vocabulary to, like, explain how floored I was, how fast that happened, because, like, we made the decision, and bam, I was pregnant. And I was like, okay. That happened.
Amber:And but as I shared the news and I saw everybody's reaction, I was filled with hope and excitement and just joy. Because, yes, it was unknown, but it was a new life. It was a new chapter. It was a new thing that I got to experience with my family and my husband. We were starting something new.
Amber:What I didn't mention before is that when I told the Lord, okay, Lord. I wanna be a mom, He responded. And He said, you're gonna be a great mom. I know because I've seen it. I know because I've seen it.
Amber:And that, to me, was a promise from the Lord that I was not only gonna be a mom, and not only a good mom, but a great mom. And you know, Mary, Jesus' mom, was given a promise too. And it was given to her straight from an angel in Luke 1:30 through 33. Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son and shall call His name Jesus.
Amber:He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom there will be no end. It's a great promise. It's a great, great promise to Mary. There's a lot there though, and I feel like there's a lot left out in that promise when Jesus was born and His life, what He had to endure before He actually gets on that throne.
Amber:But nonetheless, the Lord is faithful. Amen? Amen. The title of my message is Hope and Faith Bring Our Promise. Hebrews 1023, it says, let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
Amber:Dear heavenly Father, I just thank you so much for today. I pray, Holy Spirit, that my words would fall away and Your words would come forward. Lord, this is my story, but this is Your message, Lord. I just pray that You would prepare our hearts to receive this message. I just pray that it would do what it needs to do in the hearts of Your saints, Lord.
Amber:In the hearts of Your children, Lord. And we thank You for that. In Jesus' name, Amen. So one week after I filmed that video of the reaction of all my family finding out, I had a miscarriage. And all that hope, excitement and joy, it turned to confusion, grief and even anger.
Amber:But Lord, I thought you said I was gonna be a mom. What happened? I'm not Mary, but I can imagine that's what she felt when she saw Jesus on the cross. Confusion, grief, anger, but I was told He would reign forever. So why is this important, and why am I sharing this message on the beginning of our Christmas series?
Amber:I think it's important because oftentimes the Lord gives us a promise. Jesus was a promise, but He doesn't reveal everything that happens right before the promise is fulfilled. And in the middle of that promise, life happens. It's not our job to understand or even know how things happen, but it is our job to keep our faith and believe in the Lord. Shane, a couple weeks ago, did a a sermon called Take the Mountain, and he talks about how the Lord gives us a seed of a promise.
Amber:Now this message has the same heart as that message, but I'm doing it from a different perspective of not just taking the seed and working it, but believing it. And not just here, but in here. Fully believing it. So how do we do that? There's a lot of different ways to do that, but I have 3 ways today.
Amber:So the first way is community. We need the body of Christ. Romans 12:15, rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. I love this verse, and Heart Church, you do this so well. You are the best at this.
Amber:So I'm preaching to the choir here, but it's so important. And I love this verse because it means to be to me not just doing life together, but doing life together deeply So that you can rejoice when others rejoice, so you can weep when others weep. If it wasn't for you guys, if it wasn't for Heart Church, I wouldn't be able to be on this stage 3 months after my miscarriage talking about it. There's no way I would have been able to process it. There's no way I would have been able to to heal from it the way that I have without you guys.
Amber:So thank you. I got so much overwhelming support from text messages to people bringing me meals, to people just saying, like, hey, I'm praying for you. People coming and sharing their story with me of them going through something similar. Miscarriage is so, so common. So common.
Amber:I didn't know that. But with your guys' help, I was able to get through it. So thank you. I got to see the Lord operate through all of you, and that helped me keep my faith. It helped me keep my hope and believe in the promise that I was going to be a mom.
Amber:Maybe not this time, but I was going to be 1. There's a reason why we're called the body of Christ. We're not meant to do this alone. Raise your hand if you're in a life group. Awesome.
Amber:If your hand's not up, I strongly encourage you to join a life group, because you can be a part of a community by coming on Sundays, but it's a different level. Like, I can't be in an intimate relationship with all, like, 200 of you. Like, I want to, but it's just impossible, though. Maybe Philip could. I mean, that guy, like, maybe he can.
Amber:But every average person, we just can't do it. So that's why we have life groups, because you can do it with 20, 30 people. I love the opportunity to be able to just go on my phone when I need prayer and just say, hey guys, I'm going through this, please pray for me, and my phone just blows up. I'm like, I'm praying for you, I'm praying for you, I'm there for you, you know, let me know if you need anything. It's amazing.
Amber:And it's not just when we weep. It's when we rejoice too. So if you get a new job, you get an a on a test, if you, you know, got a new car, let us rejoice with you. And it's not gonna be from a place of jealousy, but it's just a genuinely, I love you, and I love that you're succeeding. I love that you have this new thing in your life.
Amber:It's amazing what the Lord is doing in your life. It helps us keep our faith and our hope. 2. Ask your helper. John 1426, But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all the things that I said to you.
Amber:Now I know I talk a lot about the Holy Spirit. I'm a big fan. I love the Holy Spirit. And He goes by many names, And the helper is just one of them. And if you look up the Greek definition of helper, it literally means one called alongside.
Amber:One called alongside. He comes alongside you and does life with you. It's like life group but on a whole new level, a whole new deeper level. Because the Holy Spirit doesn't need to sleep, and he doesn't need a break from you, which I find amazing. Because sometimes I need a break from me, but he doesn't.
Amber:He's always there. And he is always there to help. He is there because life is hard. We're not meant to do it alone, we're supposed to do it with other people, but we are also supposed to do it with our guide, with our helper, the one who knows what's going to happen to you. He knows the future.
Amber:Who's the best helper but the one who knows what's going to happen? After I had processed most of my grief from my miscarriage, he really hammered this one thing into me, and it really dug like a knife into my side. And he said, Amber, I want you to know that I was there. I'm, like, what do you mean? I know you're always there.
Amber:You can't leave. And he's, like, no. I was there. I was there in the hospital when the doctor gave you the news. I was there when you wept.
Amber:I was there when you saw the blood. Not only was I there, but I grieved with you. I wept with you. I felt every emotion that you felt. You were not alone.
Amber:Even though you were mad at me, and believe me, I was mad, I held you. I was there. I'm like, Lord, this is why are you bringing all these emotions up? Like, I thought I we went through this. And He's like, no.
Amber:I need you to know that I was there, and that I was there holding you, weeping with you. I was sad with you. And in a strange way that gave me hope because He didn't forget. It was a reminder that He did not forget His promise, and He still very much cared. And even though I didn't have an answer on why He could let this happen, how anything good could come from this, why that that was the number one question, why?
Amber:He just held me, and I could not have gone through it without him because He's our helper, but He's also our comforter. He brings us peace, but it has to be intentional. You have to invite Him in. You have to ask Him and be, Holy Spirit, like, Yeah, I'm mad at you, and I'm gonna tell you all the reasons why I'm mad at you, and why I think you shouldn't have done it this way, but at the end of it I'm going to be like, Lord, you're still God. You still know more than I do.
Amber:You're wiser. You're just better at everything. And I love you, and I know you love me, and I know you don't want anything bad to happen to me. So I trust You, and I'm gonna keep believing that promise even if it hurts. Even if I still have a little seed of a doubt, I'm still gonna believe it, and I need Your help to increase my faith, especially right now.
Amber:3. Power in prayer. Mark 11/24 says, therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them and you will have them. Now this scripture isn't saying that the Lord is a genie in a bottle, that you can just ask Him for anything, and if you really, really believe it and you really, really want it, that it's gonna happen. That's not that doesn't that's not how the Lord works.
Amber:But it is saying that as long as we're in alignment with the Lord and the things that He said and He's put over our life, He will do them. Prayer is taking God's promises and believing for it. It's thanking the Lord as though He's already done it, and then asking Him to remove any obstacles between you and your promise that may be preventing your promise from coming to happen. And sometimes the obstacle is you. So you need to ask, Lord, is there anything that I'm doing to prevent this?
Amber:Reveal the things to me. Because sometimes we are our own worst problem, and the Lord can help you through that. And the Lord has really been putting it on my heart, that prayer. Like, I'll talk to the Lord. Does anyone just talk to the Lord?
Amber:And just be like, I can't believe this person is doing this. Like, I just can't. And He's like, Yeah, I know. And He's like, And I'm like, Lord, what do I do about it? It'll be a circumstance that I'm watching happen and I have no control over.
Amber:And he's like, pray about it. And I'm like, what am I doing? Like, I'm talking to you. Isn't this prayer? And he's like, no.
Amber:And I'm like, but but but why? Why is what's the point? Like, you're God. You know. You know, I'm talking to you about it.
Amber:Like, what what he told me that it's more for me than it is for him, because I'm praying for the circumstance. I'm praying, and I'm processing what it is that I'm really praying for in this situation. What is it that I really need from the Lord in this situation? And it brings clarity. Because I'm just like, you know what?
Amber:I just need a lot of wisdom in this situation, or, lord, I need a lot of patience with this person right now. Like, please, lord, just help me in this. Like, it helps you process whatever you're going through. And speaking it out loud, there's something about speaking it out loud. It helps you not only process it, but there's power in the spoken word.
Amber:As you're praying, praying for wisdom, praying, Lord, You promised me this thing and Lord, I thank You in advance for it. And what that does is it exercises your faith and it glorifies the Lord. The more you pray and the more you give thanks, the more your atmosphere changes, the more your perspective changes, and you start to believe, and it builds your inner man. It builds the faith. It builds the hope.
Amber:So keep praying. Even when you even if you've prayed it a 1000000 times, like, the Lord can take it again. Like, say it again. It's alright. He's doing it for you.
Amber:Like, pray again. Build your inner man. I wanna invite Adam to come on up. I think you guys really like it when I preach because it's just a really short message. Early lunch.
Amber:Right? Okay. So Jesus was born like the angel Gabriel said to to Mary, but there's still half of that promise that hasn't come true yet. So in Luke 1 33 or 32 through 33, says, Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom and of His kingdom, there will be no end. What is one thing we absolutely know about the Lord?
Amber:The Lord's faithful. His promises are yes and amen. He's coming back. We have that promise from the Lord. Hebrews 928.
Amber:So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him. Pay attention. Eagerly waiting for him. Are you eagerly waiting for your Father? He's coming back.
Amber:Do you believe it? Do you believe it here, but not here? I know that the world is getting darker. Our world is falling apart, to be honest. Right?
Amber:And sometimes it can be hard to see the light. It can be hard to have that hope to remember that he's coming back, that he came the first time, and he's coming back again. But it's our job to be that light. It's our job to be intentional about praying for that promise of him coming back. There's signs.
Amber:He's coming back. We just need to believe it and we need to be eager, eager for it. It's not just believing or hoping, It's about being bought in.
Amber:Hey, guys. Again, future Amber here. I'm gonna play another video, and this one is of me at the doctor's office. And, it's my first ultrasound. I'm getting to hear my baby's heartbeat for the first time.
Amber:And in that video, I get emotional because I'm seeing my baby. I am hearing the heartbeat. And basically, the doctor is saying that everything looks great, and it's it's a really touching video. So just wanted to give you a heads up on what it is you're about to listen to.
audience:Okay. So there's you were staring. There's your baby. Good looking heartbeat. Let me, zoom back and I'll listen now.
audience:Okay? So good looking hard feet there. I'll stick your and pull the color over so you can see a little bit better. Gumps around in there. It's not great.
audience:It's about 150. That's perfect. Once we hear heartbeat at this point, 86% chance that they progressively find once we get the 12 12 weeks 99%. Okay. So so we look late.
audience:You know, I only see one there.
Amber:Okay. So
audience:Only one. Only one. Okay. Blessings, guys. Looks amazing.
audience:So really happy for you.
Amber:That was a week and a half ago. And that little heartbeat was my hope. Because to be honest, when I found out I was pregnant the second time, I was cautious because I got hurt the first time. And the Lord is so good because he just held me, and he said it's gonna be okay. You guys were there, Eloisa.
Amber:Like, it's gonna be okay, and I know I was covered in prayer. But as soon as I heard that heartbeat, the excitement came back. The hope came back, and it was a blessing. And so I wanna encourage you guys. What other promises are you hoping or praying or believing for?
Amber:Yes, the Lord is coming back. This little one is my promise. Jesus coming back is our promise. But what promise are you hoping for that you're believing for? What heartbeat do you need to hear?
Amber:And during this season season of giving, it's a good time to reflect. And Lord, you gave me this promise years ago and I almost forgot about it because, well, nothing's happened. Talk to him. Be intentional about it. Ask the Lord, what is it that I need to do?
Amber:Is there anything that I'm preventing? Let me know. Reveal these things to me, Lord, because He has great promises for all of us as a collective and individually. He loves to bless his children and he's talking to you. You just need to listen.
Amber:I wanna end with this, Romans 15:13. Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. You need to abound in hope, eagerly waiting for your Father to come home, eagerly waiting for your promise to come true, because He's faithful and He is good. Dear heavenly Father, I just thank you. I thank you for this day.
Amber:I thank you for your promise. I thank you for sending Jesus here the first time to deal with our sin, Lord. I thank you that you're coming a second time, Lord, to take us home. And during this season, Lord, I just pray that that would always be top of mind, a reminder of the birth of Jesus, you're coming back again. You're coming back again.
Amber:It's not the end. That's not the full story. It's not the full promise. And Lord, I just pray that we would believe in that Lord, truly. In Jesus name.
Amber:Hey, guys. Well, that's the end of my sermon. I hope you guys took something away from that. Again, if you have a promise in your life that maybe the Lord has given you and you have a hard time believing it, then ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what heartbeat you need to hear in order for that belief to be ignited again, to give you permission to be excited for that promise. Because the Lord wants you to be excited for all the blessings he has in store for you and all the promises that he has for you.
Amber:So, again, I hope this message blesses you. I hope you have an amazing week, and I'll see you next week.
