Our Role with the Holy Spirit

Amber Beels:

Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered. My name's Amber Beals, and it is my job and my mission to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me, to help demystify who He is, what his role is, and to deeply encourage you to seek a relationship with him. Alright. Let's get started. Hey, guys.

Amber Beels:

Welcome back to the Holy Spirit Untethered podcast. My name is Amber, and I am so glad that you are here listening to this episode. So today I'm going to be talking about how we interact with the Holy Spirit. I know in all of my previous episodes I've talked about, and I brought other people on to this podcast to talk about the Holy Spirit and his role and how he helps us in our journey in this life and how we lean on him to help us glorify the Lord, glorify Jesus, and how we become more like Jesus. That is his role.

Amber Beels:

It's one of his main roles. And we've been kind of taking it bit by bit on how he interacts with us and how we are to engage with him. Well, today, I wanted to kind of flip the script a little bit and talk about how we interact with him, how we are supposed to treat the Holy Spirit, and how we just really involve him in our lives, and how we can just make sure that we are developing that relationship with him. So I wanna kinda go more into that in this episode, so I'm really excited about it. And before we get started, I'm gonna go ahead and pray.

Amber Beels:

So if you can, go ahead and close your eyes and pray with us. And if you can't, that's alright. Just go ahead and pray with us in your mind. Alright. Dear heavenly father, I just thank you so much for this opportunity to be able to come on this podcast, to be able to just talk about you and your living spirit.

Amber Beels:

Lord, I just pray that you would speak through me today. Holy spirit, I just pray that you would just allow your words to come through and allow my words to fall away, holy spirit. I just pray that this message would be edifying to not only me, but to everyone who listens to this podcast and just to the body of the church, Lord. And I just pray for the person listening to this podcast, Lord. I just pray that they would be able to receive this message and be able to just take it and run with it and really just have them have that desire to include you more in their life, Lord.

Amber Beels:

So and I just pray that this episode just gives them the the tools to be able to do that. Jesus name we pray. Amen. Alright. So this episode, I got the idea for this episode from my pastor, shout out to pastor Shane.

Amber Beels:

I attend Heart Church in Escondido, which is in California. And I love my church, I've been a part of my church for about 5 years now, and really the Lord brought me there. It brought both Eric, my husband and I to this church, right, in its infancy. It was just becoming really a true church. It started in a home, and we got to be there right on opening day, which was amazing, truly God ordained.

Amber Beels:

I have always been touched by Shane's messages. I just feel like he's totally and truly anointed by the Holy Spirit, and he allows the Holy Spirit to speak through him. And so there's actually a podcast with all of his episodes on it. My husband and I, we run that podcast. We take all of the live streamed sermons, and then we just strip the video, and we put all the audio episodes on all the audio platforms like Apple, Spotify, all the different places that you listen to podcasts.

Amber Beels:

So if you're interested, you can go ahead and listen to that podcast. It's called Heart Church Escondido. That's what it's called. And it has, the logo on it and it's just, I believe it's black and white and orange and it's really good. So if you can go ahead and listen, this idea for this episode came from the sermon, which was given on, let's see what day it is.

Amber Beels:

It's September 15, 2024. That's the episode. It's from a series called The Jesus Way, and this is part 5 in that series. It's been a a long series. It's been an amazing series.

Amber Beels:

If you get a chance to listen to the whole thing, it's all very much worth it. But in this particular sermon, Shane touched on Revival of the Heart. That was in the name of the the episode. That was the name of the sermon. And there were certain things that stood out to me that I just loved, and I thought that I could do a whole episode on that.

Amber Beels:

And I was like, hey, I have a podcast. Why don't I do a whole episode on that? So that is where the idea came from. If you want it to listen to the original sermon from pastor Jane, you can do so on any audio platform. Again, it's called Heart Church Escondido.

Amber Beels:

That's the name of the podcast. So anyway, onto this podcast episode, talking about having a pure heart and how we interact with the holy spirit. Like, what is our role when it comes to this relationship between us and the Holy Spirit? Because we have to remember that Jesus is in heaven on the right hand side of God. God is in heaven.

Amber Beels:

He's on the throne. The only member of the Trinity that's here with us is the Holy Spirit. He is the one that is with us through every moment. He never leaves us. He is the one that transforms us.

Amber Beels:

He's the one that convicts us. He's the one that gives us wisdom, gives us comfort. He does all the things. He is our great helper, and he lives life with us. So how do we interact with him and how do we respect him?

Amber Beels:

Because there has to be a sense of reverence for the Lord. Right? Because the Lord is part of the Trinity, and so that includes the Holy Spirit. So how do we show the Holy Spirit reverence here on Earth? Like, there's prayer, and there's talking to him, and there's fellowshipping with him, but there's a part and a responsibility on us to make sure that even though he's helping us, that we are engaging him, that we are pursuing him, and that we are intentional with our relationship with the Holy Spirit so that he can do all the things that he is meant to do, so he can help us, so that he can give us wisdom, that he can reveal things to us and work in our lives.

Amber Beels:

There's a part of us, you know, in a relationship, there's 2 parts. So what what do we do? And one of the things that I really wanna focus on is having a pure heart. Now, scripture says that our heart is deceitful. Like, our heart is deceitfully wicked, and there's a scripture that says that.

Amber Beels:

And I'm gonna pull it up right now because it's it's really an important scripture. It's Jeremiah 179. The heart is more deceitful than anything else and is desperately sick. Who can understand it? This is our heart because we live in a fallen world, because we have a sinful nature.

Amber Beels:

And that is one of the reasons why we need Christ so badly, why we need Jesus because we are sinners in need of a savior. That is the good news in terms of he is that savior. He is the only one that can be our savior and that loved us enough to die for us so that we can be holy and righteous before God Almighty and be able to spend eternity with him. Jesus created that bridge. He created that connection so that we can fellowship with him.

Amber Beels:

He created that way for us to do that. So when you accept Christ, you are clean because Jesus is clean. You are made righteous because Jesus is righteous. But that doesn't give us just an automatic pass to just do whatever we want. Like, oh, well, I'm righteous because Jesus is righteous, so I don't have to worry about following scripture, or I don't have to worry about following the rules.

Amber Beels:

That's not true. Like, yes, Jesus is righteous. Yes. Because of what he's done for you, you are clean. But we are still broken.

Amber Beels:

Like, he has made us clean, he has made us white as snow, but we are still broken because we still live in this fallen world. We still struggle with the old man. And Paul writes about this in terms of wanting to do good, wanting to follow scripture, but yet he still struggles with the old man and the old desires, the desires of the flesh. And I'm gonna read a scripture in Romans chapter 7 verse 21 through 25. I find this law at work, although I want to do good.

Amber Beels:

This is Paul speaking, by the way. Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being, I delight in God's law, but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am. Who will rescue rescue me from this body that is subject to death?

Amber Beels:

Thank God. The answer is in Jesus Christ, our Lord. So he struggles with this and he is one of the the greats. Right? He is an amazing apostle.

Amber Beels:

He's an amazing man of God and yet he struggles with that. And so, we are gonna struggle with that. I know I struggle with that. I have a hard time saying no to things Even though I pray Holy Spirit really renew my mind, allow me to be more like Jesus today Help me, give me strength where I am weak And it's still struggle. Like there is still intentionality that I have to do and work I have to do to become more like Jesus, to allow the Holy Spirit to do that.

Amber Beels:

And one of the ways that we do that, and what I really want to hit home about in this episode is guarding our heart because out of it flows everything. And there's a verse, it's in Proverbs 423. Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs the issues of life. And there's a different version of it that I want to read that that what I just read was the New King James version. And there's another version that says, guard your heart, for out of it flows everything you do.

Amber Beels:

Our heart naturally, because we live in this world, is deceitfully wicked. It is just not a good place. Right? It's it's not a good heart because of the environment that we're in. But Jesus comes in and he replaces your heart.

Amber Beels:

And there's another verse that I wanna throw at you. I'm sorry. I'm throwing a lot of verses at you, but it's in Ezekiel Ezekiel 3625 through 26. I will give you well, I'm gonna do verse 26. I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you.

Amber Beels:

I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. And then it continues, and it says, I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes, and you will keep my judgments and do them. So it's through the new spirit that he puts in us, that he gives us a new heart. And with this new heart, you and I have to be so, so careful to guard this new heart. You were given a new heart when you accepted Christ into your life.

Amber Beels:

And it's so, so, so important to guard it. You have to realize that everything you do, and I've said this before, everything you do, you are doing with the God of the universe right there. Everything you watch, everything you listen to, you're subjecting the Holy Spirit, God, to do it with you. So make sure it's pure and righteous and it's good. We all fall short and we all make mistakes.

Amber Beels:

Yes. And the Lord will forgive you. Of course, he will. But what is your heart posture? Are you purposely doing these things and subjecting him to it, knowing that he's gonna forgive you?

Amber Beels:

Because that is not the heart posture that he wants us to have. That is where you need to really take a inventory of you and where you're at and make sure that you are in a place where the Holy Spirit can work. You have to create an environment where the Holy Spirit can transform you so that the fruits of the spirit can be evident in your life so that you can be transformed to be more like Jesus. You have to create an environment so that the Holy Spirit can partner with you. He is your partner.

Amber Beels:

He labors with you. There's scriptures that say that He labors with you. He can only labor with you if you actually take His hand and you do it. You do the work. You say yes.

Amber Beels:

You be obedient. I just wanna encourage you so much. Be careful what you listen to secular music. It's just anything what what you watch and as you start guarding your heart, you're gonna be more sensitive to those things As you start guarding your heart, you're gonna become more one with the Holy Spirit You're gonna start feeling his emotions. You're gonna start loving what he loves and hating what he hates.

Amber Beels:

And that is so crucial because it says that in scripture, that is how we know that we are maturing and we are growing is that when we love what he loves and we hate what he hates. And can I tell you one thing that he loves? He loves people. He loves people. And I know that triggers some people.

Amber Beels:

If you don't like people and you're like, oh, well, I'm not a huge fan of people. Okay. Yeah, I get it. We're broken. We're messed up.

Amber Beels:

Like we make mistakes. I get it. But we're not supposed to hate people. We're supposed to love people. The scriptures say that the world will know us by our love.

Amber Beels:

Paul, he talks about that so much in all of his letters to the different churches, just that love is so important. He was says above all else, love. Like, there's so many different scriptures where he says that, and all that you do, let it be done in love. Like, there's so many scriptures that he says, love, love, love. And it's so important, especially to love his people, to show love for his people.

Amber Beels:

Now there's not to say that we can't get angry. We can't hate sin. The Lord hates sin, and it doesn't matter what sin it is. Like for us in humans, we kind of put levels on things, right? Like a little white lie is a different tier sin than like murdering someone.

Amber Beels:

Right? I mean, that just makes logical sense to me, and I'm sure most of you are probably on board with that, but the Lord doesn't view it that way. And that's hard to understand that the white lie has the same consequences as the murder in God's eyes. They both are sin, and both of the penalties for each sin is death. And that's crazy, because like, like, what the heck?

Amber Beels:

Like, Lord, that doesn't seem just, but to him, anything that is sin separates us from him, and the penalty is death. And we don't have to understand it. Remember, I say this a lot, you don't have to understand everything that's in the scripture. That's where faith comes in. We just say, I believe that a 100% of the Bible is a 100% accurate, a 100% of the time.

Amber Beels:

Okay. If that's what he says, then it's true, even if I don't understand it. And I have to ask the Lord, like, Holy Spirit, help me help me believe this. Like, I don't understand it, but help me believe it because you're saying it, so it has to be true. And I'm going on a little bit of a tangent, but my point is that we are to guard our heart.

Amber Beels:

And when we do that, the evidence of it are the fruit of the spirit and that we pursue things that are holy, things that are beautiful, things that are are are lovely. That's what scripture wants us to do is to do those things. And we can only do it with the Holy Spirit. We can't do it on our own. Lord knows I can't do it.

Amber Beels:

Like I can't say no to, like, sweet. I love sweets. Like, I I that's my kryptonite. Like, I I love anything sweet. I'm gonna eat it.

Amber Beels:

Like, and I need to rely on the holy spirit to help me say no and guard my heart and discipline. And that's where that self control comes in from the fruit of the spirit of like saying no. And it doesn't have to be food. Like that's my, that's my kryptonite. But I mean, people have their weaknesses that they have hard time saying no to and guarding their heart against that.

Amber Beels:

Some people, they love secular music. Like, they just love it, and they they've always jammed to it or they love to study to it or whatever. And it's it's really hard, but you have to be very mindful because especially in music, like Satan was the number one worshiper. He was in charge of worship music. And so he uses that for evil now.

Amber Beels:

I am super strict about what I listen to, and I never used to be. Like, if teenage Amber heard me today, her eyes would be in the back of her head because she would be so like, her eyes would roll so far back Because she's like be like, oh my goodness, really? Like, that's what you're listening to? All you listen to is worship music? Yeah.

Amber Beels:

That's all I listen to you now. And that's good because I, for the most part, most worship music is coming from the right place. Now I believe there is some worship music that even the enemy put into place and you have to be very, you know, intentional of even the worship music that you've listened to nowadays. You just have to be on guard and protect your heart with anything that you do because you're subjecting the Lord of the universe. And when you create that environment where he can flourish, where he can work in your life, you're gonna accelerate in your growth.

Amber Beels:

You're gonna accelerate in your maturity, in your spirituality with the Lord, in your growth with Jesus, in your walk. You're going to finish your race well because you're intentional about your environment. You're intentional about what you put in your heart. There's always going to be conflict. Jesus said he didn't promise us an easy life, but what he did say was, I have overcome the world and so can you, because he overcame the world, we can now overcome it too.

Amber Beels:

There's a scripture that says, some oh, man. I wish I knew it off the top of my head, but it was something about temptation. He where he always provides a way out that you may be tempted. The Lord will always provide a way out. He will always provide a way out.

Amber Beels:

He will always be there to allow you to say no, to allow you to be obedient, to allow you to have that self control so that you can keep this environment where the Holy Spirit is comfortable, where the Holy Spirit isn't silenced. Because when you're in an environment where the Holy Spirit is grieved because of what you're watching, because of what you're listening to, because of the people that you're hanging out with, because whatever, he becomes quiet. He doesn't leave. His promise is that he won't leave you, but he becomes quiet. And that's the last thing that you want is for the Holy Spirit to become quiet in your life.

Amber Beels:

You need to be intentional. You need to protect the Holy Spirit. Like, that's kind of a weird thing to think about, but I just wanna encourage you to create an environment where the Holy Spirit can work. You're like providing all the things for him to be able to do his job well, to do his role, to partner with you, to strip the things away from you that no longer serve you and make you more like Jesus, so that you can build the kingdom, so that you can know Jesus on a deeper level. The Holy Spirit wants to glorify Jesus.

Amber Beels:

That's his main role, to remind you of the things that Jesus said and to glorify Him and the Father. That is what He wants to do, but He can only do it in an environment where you listen, where you're guarded, where he can thrive so that you can thrive. It's a partnership. And that's something that I really wanna nail down, that it is a partnership. You guys are doing this together.

Amber Beels:

And that's what's amazing about the Holy Spirit is that even though he's the God of the universe, he put the stars into their place. He formed you in your mother's womb, and yet he wants to do life with you. He subjects himself to time to, to spend every single second of every single day with you. So help him out, make sure that your environment is good. Make sure that you're intentional with your time.

Amber Beels:

Make sure that you include him in your life. Wake up and say, good morning, Holy Spirit. Renew my mind today. Reveal to me things that I need to know in order to do the things I need to get done today. Help me be productive.

Amber Beels:

Because he's there. That's that's what he's doing. I mean, it's not like he's busy. He is there waiting for you. He's a gentleman.

Amber Beels:

He's not gonna force anything on you. He'll gently nudge. He'll gently prod. And I mean, sometimes he'll hit you with a 2 by 4 like he did me, but that's rare and that's when he wants to course correct in your life. Those instances are rare.

Amber Beels:

For the most part, he stays silent. He's a gentleman and he waits. And so when you give him the reins and say, you lead Holy Spirit, and you have to do that every day because we have an inner man, an inner old man, an inner old spirit that is constantly trying to take back control. And it's not necessarily the enemy, like, I know the enemy has a big part in our lives. However, we are sometimes enough to put a wrench in our own lives.

Amber Beels:

We sabotage ourselves. And it's sad, but it's true. And once you've realized that, you know that you have to make sure that you are intentional with saying, Holy Spirit, you are the leader in my life. You lead my life. Please show up, speak to me in moments when I need to hear you.

Amber Beels:

And then the next step for you is to be quiet. That's a part of creating the environment is being quiet so that you can hear him so that he can speak. Because a lot of the times he speaks in a whisper. So you have to tune out everything else that you can hear him and ask him to speak to you. Say, Holy Spirit, reveal this to me, speak to me.

Amber Beels:

Is there anything I need to know about this situation, about this meeting I'm about to go in? Is there anything that I need to pray for? Bring to mind people that I need to pray for, whether it's someone I'm close to or maybe it's someone that I'm not close to, Lord. I am here to be used by you. So even if it has nothing to do with me and my circumstance, Lord, Holy Spirit, use me.

Amber Beels:

I want more of you, less of me. And that means denying more of you. That means denying more of me so that he can work, so that he can reveal things to you, so that he can strip things away from you, and that he can grow these qualities in you that you didn't even know you had. You know, I'm talking about fruits of the spirit. Next week, I dive into the fruits of the spirit.

Amber Beels:

I have a guest on, and it's it's gonna be amazing. I just recorded this episode. You guys are in for a treat. It's gonna be amazing. So you definitely wanna tune in next week for the fruits of the spirit episode with Eloisa.

Amber Beels:

But really, you wanna create this environment for the Holy Spirit, not just for him, but for you. Like, he's doing this for you. He is partnering and working in you and doing all of this work for you so that you can be more like Jesus, so that you can be used, so that you can, you know, get the reward in heaven, but then give it all back to Jesus because you realize that is who deserves it. You don't deserve it. You are so incredibly loved.

Amber Beels:

And because of that, your desire should be to please the one that loves you, to please the one that provides for you, that blesses you, that created you. It's because of Him that you exist. So create that environment so that He can work even more. Create that environment so that you can level up, so that you can be used to build the kingdom of God, because that's what it's about, to be that example, to be witnesses to Him to the ends of the earth. That's an act.

Amber Beels:

That's what He calls us to do. So yes, the Holy Spirit has roles and He has a job in your life and He does all these things, but we have a job too, and that is to create an environment to be obedient. If there's something in your life that he keeps nudging you about, you should probably address it. You should probably work on it. Pursue things that are holy, that are beautiful, that are true, that are pleasing to him.

Amber Beels:

Because when you do that, he thrives. He talks louder. He engages you more. He grows your gifts of the spirit so that you can be a blessing to others, so that you can edify the church. And let me tell you, when you truly become a vessel for him and, you know, there's there's seasons.

Amber Beels:

Right? There's seasons where you're just dragging along and you're eating you're doing so good. You're on fire for the Lord. He's using you. You see his hand left and right.

Amber Beels:

And then there are seasons where you're just in the wilderness, where it feels dry, and where you feel like you can't hear his voice. And a lot of the times in those seasons, he's separating you because he's preparing you for something else, for something bigger. And that's okay because you can look forward to the times when you're on fire again. You just need to protect your heart in any season that you're in, in any season because he's gonna use you. And, again, I've said this before, but I believe on judgment day, if we're gonna be able to see all the different ripples on when we allowed the Lord to use us as a vessel, where we allowed the Holy Spirit to speak through us, where we allowed him to use us through gifts, through prophecy, through healings, whatever it is.

Amber Beels:

When you truly allow him to use you and and do the things and you get to see him work through you, Sometimes you don't see it in the moment, but when you look back, a lot of the times you're like, wow. God, your timing is something else. You are just amazing. And I did not even know. I didn't know until after the fact.

Amber Beels:

But that's the beauty about the Lord is that he's outside of time. He's already seen all of this play out already. He knows what's best for you, and he knows how you play out your race. And that's relieving to me. I don't know about you, but that's relieving to me that I know he knows what's gonna happen.

Amber Beels:

So he's the one that I'm getting counseled from. He's the one that's guiding me. He's the one that's showing me the way, and he knows what is going on. He knows, like, it's already happened because to him, it has. There's definitely a sense of relief in that.

Amber Beels:

So again, I just wanna encourage you, guard your heart for out of it flows everything you do. If you put garbage in, garbage is gonna come out. If you put good things in, then the Holy Spirit's gonna work, and it's gonna be evident in your life that he is working, that you're saying yes to the things he tells you to say yes to, and you're denying yourself in the areas he wants you to deny yourself. It's all healthy, and it's all gonna be good, and it's all for your good. And maybe if it's not for your good, it's gonna be the for the good of the church, good for somebody else, and you can depend on that.

Amber Beels:

So I hope this message blesses you guys. Again, if you wanna go listen to the full sermon on this, it's amazing. It's on Heart Church Escondido. You can find it. It was an amazing sermon.

Amber Beels:

It really was enough so that I did a whole episode on it. I hope that you take this and you really put some thought into it, like and take some inventory of your life on areas of your life that maybe you can improve on. We should be seeking to be more holy and righteous, and it's not because we're trying to change our behavior. It's because we're trying to create an environment where the Holy Spirit can transform you. And if there's areas in your life that you need help, he's there to help you.

Amber Beels:

That's his main role is to help you. So depend on him. Okay? And when you get a chance, please leave this podcast a review on Apple or Spotify, wherever you listen to. Please subscribe, follow it.

Amber Beels:

If this message blessed you, if any of the podcast episodes have blessed you, please share it. Allow it to be reached by the people that it needs to reach. And that has been my prayer from the beginning is that this podcast would reach the people that it needs to reach and that it would touch the people that it needs to touch and that the Holy Spirit would use it because this is all by faith. Alright, guys. Thanks so much, and I'll see you next week.

Our Role with the Holy Spirit
Broadcast by