Unlocking Spiritual Gifts with Estella Pineda
Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered. My name's Amber Beals, and it is my job and my mission to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me, to help demystify who He is, what his role is, and to deeply encourage you to seek a relationship with him. Alright. Let's get started. Hey, guys.
Amber:Welcome back to Holy Spirit Untethered podcast. I have a real big treat for you guys today because I have a guest. Her name is Estella, and she's amazing. Estella, you wanna say hi?
Estella Pineda:Hi, guys.
Amber:Awesome. Yeah. So she's here today, and we have a very cool topic we're gonna be talking about. We're gonna be talking about spiritual gifts. Yes.
Amber:It's gonna be really, really, really informative. You gave a talk to Gen H, which is the youth group that I'm coordinator for for our church, and you talked about spiritual gifts, and that was just a really cool talk.
Estella Pineda:I I loved it.
Amber:Yeah. You did such a good job, and you even had like a little gift for everybody, like, it was just so cool. So I I definitely wanted to have you on here because, like, I feel like you know a lot about this and you're very passionate about it. So thank you for being here.
Estella Pineda:Oh, thank you for having me. I wouldn't say I know a lot about it, but it's just, you know, whatever the Lord gives you, you know, at that moment, at that time, whatever he puts on your heart. Of course, a lot of it is ex experience, you know, just kinda stepping out in it too.
Amber:Totally. Yeah. Awesome. Alright, guys. Well, before we get started into this topic, I wanna go ahead and pray.
Amber:So if you're driving, be sure to keep your eyes on the road and pay attention. If you're not, go ahead and bow your heads, and let's lift this up to the Lord. Dear heavenly father, I just thank you so much for this opportunity for us to be here, Lord. I thank you that Estella said yes, that she's on this podcast, that she's gonna be talking about the spiritual gifts that your spirit gives us, Lord. I just think that's awesome.
Amber:So, Lord and Holy Spirit, I just pray that you would speak through us today, Lord. I just pray that we would be yielded to you and just allow this message to do what it's meant to do, Lord. And I pray, Lord, for all the people listening to this podcast, whether it be right when it released or years from now Lord. I just pray Lord that this would be received Lord, that you would prepare their hearts to receive this message Lord, and that you would just do the work that you need to get done Lord. We pray these things in Jesus name.
Amber:Amen. Awesome. Well, today, I figured we would start in 1st Corinthians chapter 12. This is where Paul is talking about spiritual gifts. I am going to just be in chapter 12 verse 7, and I'll read through 11 because that's where he's talking about the spiritual gifts, and then we'll talk about it.
Amber:Does that sound good?
Estella Pineda:Yeah. That sounds great.
Amber:Awesome. Alright. So, 1st Corinthians 12 chapter 7. But the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for the profit of all. For to one is given the word of wisdom through the spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same spirit, to another faith by the same spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same spirit, to another, the working of miracles, to another, prophecy, to another, discerning of spirits, to another, different kinds of tongues, to another, the interpretation of tongues.
Amber:But one and the same spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as he wills.
Estella Pineda:Amen. Amen. So that's Paul
Amber:talking. Paul, I love Paul because he does a lot of He teaches a lot. He's a good teacher. He talks a lot about this. A couple weeks ago, I released an episode called, Praying in Tongues.
Amber:Yes. He goes into that, like different kinds of tongues and all of that. This is more general, like the spiritual gifts.
Estella Pineda:And Yes.
Amber:I feel like the praying in tongues or praying in the spirit, everyone has the ability to do, whether if you've been baptized in the spirit, but some people just struggle with it. But these gifts are different. Do you wanna kinda go into these kinds of gifts and your experience with them?
Estella Pineda:Well, I think there is a gift. There's a gift that we all can walk in. You know, we are all called to love people,
Estella Pineda:love others. And I think we should show that love through taking care of one another. And to the Lord, I feel that that is a gift in itself. And however we show it is a gift. So when we when we care about each other and when we love each other, we are concerned about our lives, you know, each other's lives.
Estella Pineda:And I think if we just take the time to listen and pray for others and to love for others and to meet needs. Right?
Estella Pineda:And I I believe that's one of the gifts that Paul also talks about in this chapter later on in the chapter about, loving others and walking in that and meeting the needs, whether it is feeding, healing, clothing.
Estella Pineda:We meet those needs, and those are gifts. Those are gifts of the heart. Mhmm.
Amber:So Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. I know that there's a scripture that I really enjoy, and that one is, it's in here somewhere, but it talks about how yeah.
Amber:Okay. So this is in chapter 13 verse 13, and now abide faith, hope, love, these 3, but the greatest of these is love. Right. Right. Yeah.
Amber:He's he's all about love for sure. Yes. Yes. So which is awesome. So Estella, tell me, what gift do you think that you have in this list?
Estella Pineda:There's several I think I can walk in that the Lord has given me, but mainly, I feel like my desire is the gift of knowledge.
Amber:Can you go into that a little bit?
Estella Pineda:The gift of knowledge is when some when god puts something on your heart I mean, when he speaks to you in a way where he'll speak to you about someone, you know, whether they're on your heart, they're far away, or they're close by in close proximity, you know, in the same room, and he'll give you an impression, whether it's feeling sad or some kind of pain. You know? Just I feel like that the Lord shows shows me that person will need prayer or, you know, need to be encouraged if they're not, if they're discouraged or feeling sad, and they need to be encouraged in that. I've experienced times where I will be in a conversation and someone's not opening up, and I just feel like there's something that they're going through, and then the Lord will give me a word for them. And and then I just will step out and say, you know, God has given me this word for you.
Estella Pineda:And they're, like, blown away saying, yeah. Exactly. That is exactly what I'm going through.
Amber:You know?
Estella Pineda:And, those are things that encourages me because number 1, I'm hearing for the from the Lord.
Estella Pineda:And number 2, I know that he's using me. Right? You know, our our ministry is to to go out, right, and to to love and and to to baptize and to minister. And I feel like that's the way God, you know, shows me how to do that, you know, just to be there for others and and how he would speak to me in in those situations. So it encourages me, you know, and it'll encourage me for the next time, you know, and it'll con continue to encourage me beyond that, you know, knowing that god knows exactly where I'm going, what my steps are, who I'm gonna interact with, and what they're gonna need.
Estella Pineda:So it's pretty cool. It's pretty cool to, number 1, not only to be used, but to know that you're in God's will
Estella Pineda:At that at that time.
Amber:And that you're being open enough for him to use you. Right?
Estella Pineda:Absolutely.
Amber:Because his will is to use all of us, but if we're not open to it
Estella Pineda:Right. Right.
Amber:He's not gonna do it. Exactly.
Estella Pineda:And I think as a as a Christian, when you when you've answered the call, you know, you you answer the call to be used by him. You know, you've you've answered the call to have that heart that he has. And, you know, his heart is for humanity, you know, and to heal people and to encourage and and to show them point them to Jesus. And when we're doing that, we we just know that, you know, we're on the right track.
Estella Pineda:You know? So yeah.
Amber:Awesome. So you said word of knowledge.
Estella Pineda:Yes.
Amber:What is the difference between the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom?
Estella Pineda:The word of knowledge is could be a lot of different things. So word of wisdom to me is future tense.
Estella Pineda:I would say, you know, what people are gonna step into and how you could encourage them in that way. Mhmm. The Lord shows you something that whether it's good or bad for that person. Yeah. But I think the word of knowledge, could be either present tense or past tense.
Estella Pineda:You know, something that someone went through.
Amber:Mhmm. You
Estella Pineda:know, it could be somebody that doesn't have a relationship with the lord or maybe have fallen away from the lord.
Estella Pineda:And, you have that opportunity to minister to them, and the Lord is showing you something that will catch their attention that they have gone through. Yeah. And so when you give them this word of knowledge, it gets their attention that, hey. God is has been there. God has been listening.
Estella Pineda:Mhmm. And I think I need to listen to this person. You know? Even, like I said, present tense. You know?
Estella Pineda:Whatever that person's going through now, If God prompts me to say something to them about what they're going through now, it'll catch their attention.
Amber:Mhmm. Mhmm. So he speaks to you either in emotion, like what they're feeling or in a word?
Estella Pineda:In a word.
Amber:Does he ever give you, like, a verse?
Estella Pineda:Or is
Amber:it okay.
Estella Pineda:Yes. Sometimes he will follow it up with a verse. Got it. But he doesn't do it all at once. Mhmm.
Estella Pineda:I think that's how it is with our our walk with God. He gives you one thing at a time. Yeah. And if you don't do that one thing, there's no sense giving you more. The
Amber:next thing.
Estella Pineda:Right. Exactly. So he will give me a word. And when and if I'm obedient Yeah. Because it doesn't happen all the time.
Estella Pineda:Right. But, when and if I'm obedient and I give that word, then he follows it up with a scripture Mhmm. Or a story or my experience, you know, in that specific situation. Mhmm.
Amber:So yeah. I know recently you did that for me. I did. Yeah. You did.
Amber:Because you knew something was up and you were like, are you okay? I was like, yeah. I'm okay. And then you're like, are you really okay? And I'm like, so and you you I wasn't sure
Estella Pineda:if you're gonna bring it up today.
Amber:No. I I'm okay. I'm Okay. I'm open to being vulnerable in this podcast because I I feel like, you know, everyone goes through something. They go through seasons.
Amber:Right? Absolutely. So and I'm human.
Estella Pineda:So Yeah.
Amber:I go through seasons. So, you this was just a few days ago too that you sent me a a bible verse and you sent me, like, hey. I'm praying for you.
Estella Pineda:I'm like, thank you so much.
Amber:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. It is very encouraging.
Estella Pineda:It is. It is. Thank you for even saying, you know, that it was something that you needed. Because sometimes, I don't know. You know?
Estella Pineda:I could I could be reading someone wrong. You know? Yeah. And sometimes when I don't get a response, I'm, like, thinking, okay, maybe that wasn't for them. You know?
Estella Pineda:Yes. So yeah. It's always encouraging to get a feedback if it did, you know, if it did encourage or, it was something that they needed or you needed at the time.
Amber:Yeah. And, if you don't mind me asking, what what did you just use me as an example. Yeah. Like, how did the Lord speak to you through about me, I guess,
Estella Pineda:in the
Amber:last Sunday?
Estella Pineda:Okay. So on Friday last week
Amber:On Friday. Okay.
Estella Pineda:We all went to that to Oceanside Amphitheater.
Amber:Oh. Amphitheater? Yes.
Estella Pineda:Do you remember?
Amber:Yes. The movement. Mhmm. Yes.
Estella Pineda:And I was so excited about it. And when I got there, I just felt sad. I just felt this, like, heaviness. And I'm like, anyway, what's what's going on? And so I just kinda looked around, and I was like, okay.
Estella Pineda:There's somebody here that is feeling this way because I wasn't feeling that way. And I was excited. I was
Amber:like, yeah. You're here ready to worship. Through Jesus
Estella Pineda:culture. Yeah. And I get there, and it was like I just had this heaviness. And, you know, I'm trying to worship, but the lord just kept giving me this heaviness. And and I looked around, and I I I saw you.
Estella Pineda:You know, I kinda just braced through, kinda just scanned my environment, and I I noticed you were there. To me, the Lord showed me that you were downcast. Mhmm. And I was like, oh, okay. Well, maybe she's just tired because I know you just had that
Amber:whole week. Camp and yeah. It's true.
Estella Pineda:Whole time with the kids, so I just thought, oh, maybe she's just tired. And but it wouldn't go away, and so I just kinda started interceding for you. And I was praying for you.
Amber:Right there?
Estella Pineda:Right there. Oh, wow. I was praying for you, and I was asking the Lord, show me what's going on, if this is really for Amber.
Estella Pineda:And he did. Yes. He said he told me yes. It was for Amber.
Amber:Mhmm. And
Estella Pineda:so I prayed for you that whole night. Wow. Yeah. Thank you. Throughout that whole
Amber:Weekend. Night.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. Yeah. That whole weekend.
Amber:Sunday is when you spoke to me. Right. Yeah. Well, Saturday, I saw you. Yes.
Amber:Yes. Because we were celebrating our anniversary.
Estella Pineda:Yes. Exactly. Yeah. And I didn't wanna say anything.
Amber:Yeah. Well, we were celebrating you anyway. So yeah. It was Sunday when you when you asked me. Yes.
Amber:And then I think Sunday night is when you texted me the scripture verse and, you know, the encouragement. So I
Estella Pineda:appreciate that. Of course. Yeah. Of course. Yeah.
Estella Pineda:So that's the kind of things, you know, it's sometimes not a word. It's just an emotion. You know? Sometimes it could be like a pain, like a headache, or,
Amber:you know, a lot of do like a physical pain too.
Estella Pineda:I could feel physical pain.
Amber:Oh, interesting. Okay.
Estella Pineda:If someone's going through through that. Mhmm. Mhmm. Wow. Yeah.
Estella Pineda:That's so cool. Pretty cool.
Amber:Yeah. I mean, not cool if you're getting a headache and it's not you. And you're like, why do I have a headache?
Estella Pineda:No. Exactly. But to be a an instrument of god, you know, in a way where, you know, you you have to capture those moments, I think.
Estella Pineda:You know, there's times where I didn't I didn't speak up. I didn't pray. And it just left me really burdened. You know? I I felt a burden.
Estella Pineda:Like, not only did did I feel like I I missed out, but I felt that there was something that I couldn't overcome. Yeah. You know? I think
Amber:that's the grieving of the holy spirit. Right? Yeah. Because Yeah.
Estella Pineda:I think that's
Amber:there was an opportunity for you to use him or for him to use you and you didn't. Right. Yeah. That's interesting.
Estella Pineda:Yeah.
Amber:But that's okay. Because he gives us multiple opportunities. Right? Absolutely. Thank God.
Estella Pineda:Thank God he does.
Amber:Yeah. Have you experienced any other sort of one of these spiritual gifts like healing or, let's see, working of miracles or discernment of spirits? Like, I think I've had discernment of spirits. I don't know if I have that, like, all the time, but I feel like the Lord will give you certain gifts at a time when you need them.
Estella Pineda:Mhmm.
Amber:Not necessarily have them for all the time. Right. So for me, in my experience, when my mom was going before she was a believer, she was in Wicca. Mhmm. Like, she was a high priestess in her coven and everything, and I believe that she had spirits Mhmm.
Amber:That she was possessed. She also has bipolar, so she has, like, a mixture of, like, mental illness plus like spiritual side of things, and so I was living in California and she was living in Texas, and she had sent my grandparents like a text that was very much like a suicidal type text. Wow. And so being she's been through these episodes before, but I was so young I didn't really understand. At this point, I was 19 and I understood what was being said and I was like, dad, because he's my grandfather, but I call
Estella Pineda:him dad. Yeah.
Amber:I was like, dad, I need to go. Like, that's not a good text message. And he so the next day, he sent me and my grandmother to go help her, and as soon as I walked in to her house, like and at this point, I was a re newly rededicated Christian because I was agnostic for a while. Then it had been a month where I came back to the Lord, and then I got this. And so when I walked into her house, I just knew there was a spiritual war going on.
Amber:Like it wasn't her mental illness, it wasn't bipolar, it was all spiritual. And I was like, look, I just got back into this. Like, Lord. Like, that is the most scary thing for me.
Estella Pineda:Oh, yeah.
Amber:Or, especially at the time, I was like, I don't want to deal with any spiritual like that. Like, that that's just like, I don't watch scary movies, like, for this reason because I know it's real. And so, like, that that was a whole thing, but that was an an instance where I feel like he gave me that gift to be able to discern that there was a spiritual warfare battle going on. Right. That I needed to address that and not the physical or the mental side of things.
Estella Pineda:Right. Right.
Amber:So I've experienced that. But have you experienced anything else like, like these any of the other ones?
Estella Pineda:Yeah. Like you said, at different times. Sure. You know? Different times similar to what you just described.
Estella Pineda:Being in a public setting or me even, you know, at a private setting where there's a a lot of people, I could sense certain people. You know what I mean? Sure. You just have this you know, it's the holy spirit.
Estella Pineda:You know? It's that discerning spirit. First of all, I'm not a very social kind of person. I I mean, I am, but I I always kinda check the room out first. Sure.
Estella Pineda:You know? So when I do that, I just have these things, you know, you just kind of sense it. Right?
Estella Pineda:And those are where I just stay away from people.
Amber:Yes. Yeah. You know? It's because it is scary. It's kinda like I
Estella Pineda:don't It is.
Amber:You know, I don't know. Yeah. I don't know what this is. I don't know what I'm dealing with. Like, you know?
Estella Pineda:I mean, there was even times when my husband and I would go, and he would go out on the streets and feed the homeless, you know. And, you know, it's really sad, but you would you can sense that there's just they are very oppressed
Estella Pineda:You know, and the things that they're going through. You see manifestations. You know? And a lot of it, I'm sure, is mental illness, but then there's also something there.
Amber:Yeah. You know? The spiritual side of things.
Estella Pineda:Yep.
Amber:For sure. Exactly. Yeah. So Well, we are spiritual beings. Right?
Estella Pineda:We are. Mhmm. We are. Exactly. And I think, a lot of things that happen in our physical in the physical
Estella Pineda:Has already happened in the spirit.
Estella Pineda:It's just manifested in the physical. Yeah. So, you know, when when things happen in our life, we're like, oh, okay. You know, we have to take a think about another perspective.
Amber:Right. You
Estella Pineda:know? And then that's when, you know, whether we either pray or we accept it. You know? Mhmm. But, yeah, I think I'm a very I I think that I like to look at things a lot in the spirit in as far as activities.
Estella Pineda:You know? Not that I like to confront anything. Sure. Yeah. Unless I have to.
Estella Pineda:Uh-huh. And I believe that God gives us the power to do that Yes. Also. Absolutely. I think there are more that are more qualified, I believe, but I think when God says, no, I think you should do this, you know, he gives us that power to do it.
Estella Pineda:And he, you know, he's already won that part. You know, of course, he always wins. So yeah. It's Yeah. Interesting.
Amber:I kinda wanna challenge that a little bit in terms of qualified. Like, some people are more qualified. I think the Lord gives us all the ability and the authority to be able to take charge in those situations. Yeah. It's whether or not we are willing to step up to that.
Amber:Right? And I totally get that. Like, when this happened to my mom, I had to find, like, a Calvary travel preacher because I was like, I don't know what I'm doing. And so he helped me out and he was able to help me out. But, you know, now, like, I've experienced that with somebody else that I knew, and I felt more prepared at this point because I had already gone through a lot of this stuff and the Lord's like, I'm like, where's the other person that can do this?
Amber:And the Lord's like, it's you. You're the other person, you're the person. I'm like, okay. So I feel like, you know, if we're called for a certain time Yes. Like, we all have that authority.
Amber:We just have to build up our faith in that area
Estella Pineda:Yes.
Amber:And learn to yield to the Lord to tell us what to do in that situation. Yeah. For sure.
Estella Pineda:Right. Right. I totally agree. Yeah. And yeah.
Estella Pineda:And when I say qualified, I sometimes disqualify myself. Yeah. Because, you know You're powerful. It's not exactly. I know I am in in Christ.
Amber:Right? Yeah.
Estella Pineda:But, you know, sometimes you you look at somebody that's,
Amber:you know Further down the line maybe, you think they are.
Estella Pineda:Down the line. Uh-huh. Probably experienced it more than I have. Sure. You know?
Estella Pineda:And
Amber:Yeah. I know that I've talked a little bit about in another podcast about tongues. He says that in here different kinds of tongues which are for
Estella Pineda:sign, for interpretation, and that I
Amber:think that's what he's talking about here are like the 2 different signs for or types of tongues that are 4 signs. Right. So whether that's in another earthly language or whether that's in a heavenly language that needs interpretation.
Estella Pineda:Right.
Amber:So have you experienced that? I have never had somebody speak in another language that they didn't know, but that was a earthly language Yeah. Or somebody that speaks in a heavenly language and have somebody else interpret it.
Estella Pineda:Yes. I have seen it. I've I've never experienced it myself. Although, when I have seen it, I asked the Lord to to show me if that was something that I could interpret. Mhmm.
Estella Pineda:You know?
Estella Pineda:Because I wanna I wanna I wanna be able to hear it.
Amber:Yeah. Exactly. You know, I want I want all of it.
Estella Pineda:If this is for me, Lord, I wanna you know? And so I have prayed that when I would hear it in other churches, I would ask if that was something that I needed to interpret, if that's something that and, you know, your your mind is just, like, going. You know? You're thinking, okay. What's he saying?
Estella Pineda:You know? You're talk kinda talking to yourself. Yeah. But then you got you have to shut those voices out and say, I need you to speak if this is something for me. Yeah.
Estella Pineda:I don't wanna use my my earthly mind to try to figure this out. I need you to speak. And, it's never been. I I guess that's not my gift. Mhmm.
Estella Pineda:You know, I'm I'm just guessing. There's been times when I felt like he's wanted me to speak
Amber:in tongues. Oh, really? Like, publicly?
Estella Pineda:Publicly. Yes. And I I shy away from it because I feel like I I don't know what I'm first of all, it's it's a different tongue.
Estella Pineda:And then if no one interprets, you have to interpret it.
Amber:Right. It's your responsibility if nobody stands up. Right?
Estella Pineda:So, you know, to be honest, it's it's something that I have shied away from.
Amber:Yeah. I mean, that takes an incredible amount of faith. I feel like to be able to do that and just be like, alright. Let's do it. Yeah.
Amber:Definitely. Yeah.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. I know. I get it. But, you know, I am very comfortable in speaking in tongues. I'm comfortable in praying in tongues.
Estella Pineda:You know, I'm not I don't shy away from that at all. Mhmm. You know, it, when when I feel like, the Holy Spirit is building me up, that's, you know, that's when I speak in tongues. When I feel that I need to intercede and do warfare for someone or even for myself,
Estella Pineda:home, or whatever is going on, you know, spiritual attacks, I I go into speaking in tongues. When I pray I think I prayed for you one one Sunday morning, and I felt like there was a warfare. Mhmm. And I prayed in tongues for you in in a warfare kind of way. Mhmm.
Estella Pineda:don't know if you remember that.
Amber:Wait. You did it in front of me? Mhmm. Oh, when was this?
Estella Pineda:This was a couple maybe 3 weeks ago before you guys went
Amber:to camp? Uh-huh. Oh my goodness. I don't remember that.
Estella Pineda:Really? Yeah. You you got you went up and and asked
Amber:for prayer. Oh, when I asked for prayer. Yeah. Yes. I I don't know.
Amber:I was a hot mess. Like, I don't remember much, but I think I remember you praying in tongues.
Estella Pineda:Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Amber:Yeah. It's been since that point until now that I've been in this funk. Oh. That I've been like I don't know. That and that was the week before I went up and preached.
Estella Pineda:Okay.
Amber:So, like and going up and preaching this last time was just rough because I don't know. I because I was going I'm going through that funk, and then I had to get up and, you know, pray or preach. You know? Yeah. From a place where I felt like I wasn't really there to you know, not that I wasn't present.
Amber:I was present. I just, you know, I just felt so not worthy to be up there at that point. Yeah. And then from then, like, through camp and stuff, I I've just been going through it. And I know that the Lord has been, like, yelling at me, basically, to rest.
Amber:He's like, you need to, like, you need to stop. I've heard it from, like, 5 people, different people. And, like, the last Sunday where you prayed for me, that Sunday, I was I no. Was it that Sunday or the Sunday before? I can't remember.
Amber:Liz came up to me after prayer Mhmm. After, like, preservice prayer. She was like, the Lord just told me that you need to rest, and that was the 5th time I had heard that
Estella Pineda:Oh, wow.
Amber:From different people, and I just broke down.
Estella Pineda:I was like I didn't I think I did tell you that too.
Amber:That was one of the worst. Yeah. That was yeah. You were one of the 5 that told me that. So she told me that and then I just broke down.
Amber:I was like, okay. Okay. And I'm just like, I don't the thing that I thought to give up was LifeGroup. And so, like, when I I went over to Derek, all just broken and being like, so if I were not to lead LifeGroup this season, would you be okay to find somebody else? And he's like, oh, I already talked to Shane last week because I already knew.
Amber:And I was like, how did you know? And he's like, the Lord's been talking to you, hon? I was like, yeah. He's been yelling at me. He's like, yeah.
Amber:No. I knew. I was like, oh, okay. Great. He's like, I just wanted to hear it from you.
Amber:Yeah. And I was like, okay.
Estella Pineda:So Isn't that funny how we sometimes don't wanna let go of something?
Amber:It was some kind of guilt. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. And, like, I prayed about it that night and like, lord, why do I feel so crappy?
Amber:Like, why do I feel so bad? And he gave me a word that was very convicting. He's like, who do you serve? Do you serve Shane? Do you serve our church?
Amber:Or do you serve me?
Estella Pineda:Right.
Amber:And I was like, yeah. No. I serve you. And he's like, okay. If I tell you something, you need to do it.
Amber:Like, you know, like, you need to let go of this.
Estella Pineda:Yeah.
Amber:And I was like, alright. And so, like, ever since then, but still in a funk. Like, I let go of that, but I'm just I'm just I don't know. But I I'll I'll get through it. I know I will.
Estella Pineda:I believe if I can just tell you something Yeah. Since I've been praying for you. I believe that God has something in stored for you
Estella Pineda:That you haven't seen yet. There's not you you have no inkling of of knowing what that is. Mhmm. And you're not gonna see it if you're you're gonna be like this. You know?
Amber:Head down.
Estella Pineda:Head down. Focusing. Sorry for yourself.
Estella Pineda:Or, you know, thinking about instead of okay. You're going through stuff. Okay? But you understand that the enemy is attacking you right now.
Estella Pineda:And he doesn't want you to see what's coming. He wants you to be like this
Estella Pineda:You know, with your head down and thinking about what was me. Right?
Estella Pineda:But when we recognize that when you recognize that and say, no. I'm I'm just gonna keep my eyes on him, my heart, my affection towards the Lord.
Estella Pineda:You're gonna see it coming, and you're gonna know exactly what it is. You're gonna see it, and you're gonna go, this is why.
Estella Pineda:This is why he's trying to keep me from something, you know. So stay, you know, stay plugged and stay encouraged. Yeah. This is what I I wanted to get together and talk to you about Mhmm. Because I knew there was something, and I knew that I knew it had been going on for a while.
Estella Pineda:Mhmm. And the reason why I say that to you is because it's it's happened to me Mhmm. Several times when I'd be attacked through my job. Right? There'd be so much stress and stuff going on that I'm feeling like, oh, I'm not I'm not capable of doing my job.
Estella Pineda:I'm being, you know, forgotten over here, and I'm feeling sorry for myself. And yet, you know, god is opening doors for me, for ministry, or for other things, but I'm not paying attention to that because I'm too stuck over here. Right?
Estella Pineda:And there was a time where god said, no. You're looking in the wrong direction. Mhmm. You need to be looking over here. Yeah.
Estella Pineda:Because that I can take care of. I can do I can take care of all that, but this is gonna build you up. So keep your head over here and keep your eyes open. And this last time it was happening, I totally told Satan to shut up, and I turned the other way. And all of a sudden, I felt like god just opened up so many doors for me.
Estella Pineda:Mhmm. He was giving me things. He was putting stuff on my heart that I felt like I I needed to walk in. You know, things some ideas that I needed people that I needed to reach out to, some some ideas for ministry, and just things like that. I was like, woah.
Estella Pineda:Where is this coming from? Mhmm. And and the Lord said, this is what I want you to focus on. This is what the this is what builds you up, and it builds up my kingdom.
Estella Pineda:You know, your job is gonna be taken care of. If that doesn't get taken care of, I'm gonna provide something else for you.
Estella Pineda:You know, don't worry about these earthly things. Yeah. You know, focus on the heavenly things. Focus on the things that's gonna build my kingdom. Mhmm.
Estella Pineda:So I just wanted to encourage you on that. Thank you.
Amber:You're welcome. I appreciate that. Of course. Yeah. I guess my message is I need to, like because you're right, I have been feeling sorry for myself.
Amber:I feel overwhelmed, I think. I've been trying to, like, pinpoint what it was. Like, why am I feeling this way? And I'm like, I feel like I've been the rock for so many people and I'm tired.
Estella Pineda:Yeah.
Amber:And, like, those are the words that keep coming back of, like, I'm just tired. I just don't wanna do it anymore. You know? And, like, especially at camp and, like, all the things, like, I I'm always the person to go to, and I'm like, oh, Lord, I don't wanna be the person to go to anymore. Can you be the person to go to?
Amber:But you're right. It's it's one of those things where I need to view change my perspective on it. Yeah. And be like, no, I I get to be this vessel for the lord and that he is my rock that I can take all that stuff and just pass it on. Like, I don't have to internalize it.
Estella Pineda:Right.
Amber:Right. So yeah. No. That's good. That's really good.
Amber:Thank you.
Estella Pineda:Good. Yeah. You're welcome.
Estella Pineda:I know we're
Amber:I know it's kinda sidetracked, but it's still good. I think I think other people can can benefit from it. So we have the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith. I've always wanted this one Yeah. To have the the gift of, like, just extreme faith.
Amber:And I know, like, faith comes by hearing hearing of the word of God, but I feel like this is, like, above and beyond faith.
Estella Pineda:Yes.
Amber:And Yeah. If you have that, then I feel like all the other ones kinda, like, come with it almost because if I think so. If you have extreme or I call it extreme faith, like it's in a sport, like a sport or something. But, like, if you have just an abundance of faith that Yeah. You're able to pray over somebody, you can have that word of knowledge or Right.
Amber:Wisdom or be able to interpret spirits or I feel like it's the the keystone, the cornerstone of all the other ones.
Estella Pineda:Right.
Amber:What are your thoughts
Estella Pineda:on that? I think I compare it to people that have given their whole lives to god.
Estella Pineda:That have given up everything and done god's will. Right? Have worked for god. Missionaries Yes. For example.
Estella Pineda:They they have given up their their lives and and answered the call. Right? And they have relied on the Lord for finances
Estella Pineda:Where they're gonna live. Right. What what they're gonna do. You know? What door are you gonna open?
Estella Pineda:I mean, completely. And
Amber:Their whole life is faith.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. Exactly. So that's to me, that's a gift of faith. Totally. You know?
Estella Pineda:And and when I see that and I hear about that, I'm like, I am just so blown away. Yep. So blown away. Yeah. I have a sister as a matter of fact.
Estella Pineda:Her whole family, they went out on the mission field.
Estella Pineda:And they were a very successful couple. They, you know, lived the life, big home, fancy cars, started serving god, and got called out to the missions, sold everything.
Estella Pineda:Everything. And I just thought, wow. They're they're, like, really going for it. You know? And and they're still out there years later.
Estella Pineda:And it's because they continue to be out there. It's because god has met them every time, every time, even for their children, even
Estella Pineda:provision, even for, you know, just little things, you know, that we think are little. But to god, it's like, I'm gonna take care of everything. Mhmm. So those are to me, that's a gift of faith. You know?
Estella Pineda:It's amazing.
Amber:Yeah. That one's a really cool one.
Estella Pineda:It is. Very cool.
Amber:The gifts of healing, have you witnessed that?
Estella Pineda:I have. I've gone to healing meetings.
Amber:Like at Bethel? Like, I know Bethel has, like, a whole healing room. Right? Yeah. I've never been there.
Estella Pineda:prayer room. Yeah. They have a healing room. The last church that we went to would invite, like, Bethel ministry
Estella Pineda:To there. And we've would sit under some teachings of healing, and and and then, you know, there would be, like, a a a call for healing, and people would come up. And and I didn't see anything extreme. I've never saw anything extreme, I don't think. But I have seen, like, legs grow.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. I have seen people that had back issues for years years years.
Estella Pineda:And they didn't know that it was because they had one leg longer than the other. Wow. And so when this person would call them up and have them sit and and extend their legs out, one leg would be you could see the difference. It'd be, like, 2 or 3 inches. Wow.
Amber:You know, you And they never noticed it?
Estella Pineda:And they they knew that they had issues with, you know, their leg, but they just never knew it was that bad. Some were slightly just slightly and some were obvious. You know? And then, you know, prayer would go out to this person. They would lay hands on this person.
Estella Pineda:And I would I'd I'd see this for myself. And and they would have their legs, and you all of a sudden, you can see their their legs start to just extend out. Wow. One leg would extend out. One wouldn't get shortened, of course.
Estella Pineda:It would be the one that was short.
Amber:They wouldn't make them shorter. They just they just made them taller. At least the lord is good. He's gonna make you taller.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. So that's what what hap I I saw that several times. And then the back issues went away. Of course, because, you know, you have They
Amber:weren't in alignment. They were.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. Exactly. Wow. Yes. That's so cool.
Estella Pineda:Yes. What else have I seen in with my own eyes? I've been healed. I had lumps in my breast, and I was prayed for. This was years years ago, and it wasn't anything, you know, cancerous or anything.
Estella Pineda:Although I was fearful, you know, you just don't wanna go through anything like that. And I got prayed for, and it it went away. It disappeared. It got smaller and smaller, and then all of a sudden, it was gone.
Estella Pineda:So I did get healing for that. And then there was other extremes where I've witnessed women who have had cancer and breast cancer, and and then all of a sudden, it disappeared
Estella Pineda:You know, through prayer
Estella Pineda:Things like that. So That's so cool. It's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah.
Amber:I know Daniel Jordan, who was a guest on my podcast Yeah. On episode 3. He didn't mention this in the episode, but he has been healed from his back. He had Oh, wow. Severe back issues.
Amber:And he went to Bethel in the healing room, and they asked him, like, is there anything you need healing for? And he's like, no. It's all good. And then they're like, what about your back? And he's like, oh, he had had the pain for so long and lived with it for so long.
Amber:He didn't even, like, consider it anymore. It was just part of his everyday life. Right. And so they prayed for him and then he was able to, like, touch his toes And he's, like, never hasn't been able to do that in years. Wow.
Amber:And he's, like, yeah. It's, like, almost gone. And they're, like, well, let's keep praying until it's gone. And so they kept praying for him, and then now he's healed. And he hasn't had pain since, and I think it's been over a year or something like that.
Amber:Awesome. I know. So I was like, man, I need to go to this or not that I need, like, healing, but, like, I just wanna witness it. You know? So, yeah, the gift of healing.
Amber:I know that our, Foursquare founder, Amy McPherson. That's it. Amy McPherson. When she was going out, because she was an evangelist by heart, you know, she went out to the to all the different states, and she would invite hospitals Mhmm. To come to the rallies.
Amber:Right. Bring your sick.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. Because
Amber:we're gonna heal them.
Estella Pineda:Yeah.
Amber:Or like what faith did did that take? Yes. To just be like, come bring your sick. We're gonna heal them.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. Yeah. That is so cool. I wish that happened now. Well, you know, you can go to I'm sure it still happens.
Estella Pineda:I'm sure there are
Amber:still news, maybe?
Estella Pineda:Yeah. It's not news, but I'm sure there are still churches out there that do have these healing sessions. You know? It's I'm sure they're out there. Yeah.
Estella Pineda:Kinda have to look for them. Yeah. Let's do that.
Amber:Let's do it. Yeah. I wanna go. That's awesome.
Estella Pineda:Let's do it.
Amber:Okay. And then the last one I think that I kinda wanted to talk about was prophecy. Because this is the one that Paul talks a lot. He, like, he wants everyone to be to have the ability to prophesy because it edifies the church. Yes.
Amber:And I feel like that one's the most scary one, at least for me, just because, like, what if you get it wrong? What if you hear not from the Lord And you tell someone the wrong thing.
Estella Pineda:Mhmm. Mhmm.
Amber:And I know that will happen, like, if you try to step it out in that gift because you're learning. So you have to be, like, open to to failing or, you know, maybe not getting it. What do you think? Is there anything else? Yeah.
Amber:I know. But I don't know. It's just that seems like like a huge responsibility.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. Yeah. What do you think? I think prophecy kinda goes hand in hand with words of knowledge. Yeah.
Estella Pineda:So words of knowledge, I think, is you tell somebody, you know, what you're going through. I know god is showing me this is what you're going through, or this is what you've you've already gone through, or or this is what's happened to you. And then comes the prophecy, I think. Yeah. You know?
Estella Pineda:As far as encouraging. You know? And that's what I like to walk in. However, when you when I think it's being said here, it's like public prophecy. You know?
Estella Pineda:Oh, I see. I think. Uh-huh. I think it for the church. You know?
Estella Pineda:That's true. You know? Okay. For the whole church. Yeah.
Estella Pineda:The congregation or, just the church itself.
Estella Pineda:And, yeah, I could see where that can be, like, oh, you know, it's scary.
Estella Pineda:know? Because you there are people out there that are considered prophets. Yes. Mhmm. Yes.
Estella Pineda:So and I think that's the gift that they're talking about. Yeah. I think. Right? It's like one of those things, you know, should I ask for that?
Estella Pineda:Because that's like a huge, you know, that's something huge. Right. You know?
Amber:I have yet to ask for that one. I'm like, I'll do any of the other ones, but this one, I don't know. I don't wanna miss it out.
Estella Pineda:Thanks to Ashley. Yeah. Yeah.
Amber:But it's Yeah. It's fun to
Estella Pineda:I'll stick to the word. Just give me that one word.
Amber:Just the one word. That'd be great. I know, like, with, Lalin. Did
Estella Pineda:Yes.
Amber:There was one worship night that she came and she spoke over me and she said things that, like, even I had, like, hidden from myself.
Estella Pineda:Right.
Amber:And I was like, how the heck does she do it? Like, you know? And so, like, I had such respect for her because I was like, you are like, the holy spirit's in you for sure. Because, like, you're saying stuff that, like, you're revealing things to me that I had hidden from myself. It was so, like, deep.
Amber:So when the Lord, you know, hit me with a 2 by 4 and was like, hey, you need to, like, you know, get to know me better and, like, let's have a relationship. He told me I needed a mentor and he told me Laughlin. Mhmm. And had been a year since I had seen her because she had moved to Virginia. I didn't even have her number.
Amber:And I was like, Lord, I don't that's weird. And he's like, you can figure it out. Like, there's other people in the church that have her number. You can get it. And so I did.
Amber:I called her and and, like, now I know, like, the reason why he chose her for me was because, like, I wanted what she had, which was that relationship with the Holy Spirit so close that she could, you know, see into somebody's Mhmm. Soul almost and see, like, what they're struggling with and be able to encourage them. And she used to get up on stage
Estella Pineda:Yes.
Amber:At Heart Church and be like, I have a word for somebody. Yeah. And I'm like, wow.
Estella Pineda:Or she would just speak to the church. Or speak
Amber:to the church.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. Exactly. Did have that gift of prophecy. Yeah. Yeah.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. Because she I remember her doing that at a couple of the worship nights. Yeah. And she would either call someone out, you know Mhmm. Or she would just speak to the church in general.
Estella Pineda:You know, as to where God was taking the church or, you know, something to just encourage the church.
Estella Pineda:But, yeah, that's that's pretty awesome.
Amber:Yeah. Yeah. It is a cool gift.
Estella Pineda:It is.
Amber:I always thought you hadn't. You think so? Yeah. Well, because I remember I don't know if you remember this. It was one of the first camp lands that we were at, like the second one, I think.
Amber:Mhmm. You guys came and it was the last day and we had our, like, little circle of encouragement, you know, encouragement circle.
Estella Pineda:Yeah.
Amber:And you had a verse for somebody. And you had said, like, you know, I have this verse. It was Acts 1 8, and you were like, I didn't know who it was for until right now. And it was for us. It was for Eric and I.
Estella Pineda:Oh, okay. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I think you spoke that.
Estella Pineda:Yes.
Amber:Yeah. You spoke that verse over us and, like, I I read it, like, every week just to kinda keep myself, like, in alignment with that verse and, like, try and understand what it what I'm gonna look it up
Estella Pineda:right now. Yeah. So I
Amber:can read it. But it's, I had it memorized, but I don't wanna mess it up. Let me just let me just grab it. Is it
Estella Pineda:the part where you where you When the holy spirit comes. Yeah.
Amber:Mhmm. Yeah.
Estella Pineda:You receive power when the
Amber:holy spirit comes upon you. Mhmm. I kinda used 7 and 8 because he talks about times and seasons. Like, it is not for you to know times or seasons which the father has put in his own authority, but you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth. And I even put a date here, October 10, 2021, Estella.
Estella Pineda:Oh, wow.
Amber:I read it. Oh, no. Yeah. So
Estella Pineda:Oh my gosh.
Amber:It like, the things you've said to me, like, I always get excited whenever you talk because I'm like, okay. Okay. What's my word? Like, you know the same thing because you've given me this first. I remember at LifeGroup, you had like Eric and I, I feel like we're all not always, but a lot of the times we're we're struggling in our business in terms of like, okay, we really have to have a lot of faith because Lord knows our bank account.
Amber:He knows, like, all of our bills and everything. And owning your own business is not for the faint of heart. Like, it's just you can have a lot of faith for us. But, you know, I think we had asked for prayer and we were discouraged at that point, and you had said over us that we were like Joseph and that everything we did, the Lord prospered would make prosper. Wow.
Amber:And I was like, that's awesome. Yeah. And so I've been waiting for that, and I've been believing for it for sure. Yeah. And, you know, I I feel like whenever we receive a word, we're hoping that it's gonna happen right then and there.
Amber:You know? Like, Lord, alright. Where's where's the blessings? Where's the prospering? Where's the abundance that you've promised me?
Amber:And Yeah. Then I'm reminded that the Lord gave Abraham a promise of I'm gonna give you a son Right. But it took 25 years.
Estella Pineda:Yep. And how long was Joseph in, you know Right. In Egypt before he processed.
Amber:In prison. Right. And, you know, before he became Yes. You know.
Estella Pineda:Exactly. In prison. Right.
Amber:Yeah. Right. And so, like, I'm reminded that it's not my timeline. Yeah. It's his.
Estella Pineda:Gosh. You know, it's funny that you mentioned Joseph because I was just listening to to a sermon on Joseph, and it just totally blew me away. He mentioned how Joseph was in prison, and he was in prison with the cup bearer. You remember? Mhmm.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. And then the cup bearer was The chef first. Yeah. Yeah. He he was let go or he he was able to get out Yeah.
Estella Pineda:Because he I don't know what he did something.
Amber:He interpreted his dream.
Estella Pineda:Yes. Yeah. Yes. And he and he got out and he he told him, don't forget about me.
Amber:Right. And he did.
Estella Pineda:And he did. But if you really think about it, something this preacher said, if that cup bearer did not forget about him and he was he was taken out of prison at at an earlier time, he would not have been in there to be the person to interpret Ferro's dream.
Amber:Mhmm. That's true.
Estella Pineda:So we don't know sometimes the hardship that we go through or this we think is a setback or, you know, we're waiting for so long, you know, for this thing to happen.
Estella Pineda:But god knows. There's there's a reason for it. You know? And it's like perfect timing, you know? He's gonna do something and it's perfect time.
Amber:Mhmm. It's his
Estella Pineda:perfect time. Exactly. His perfect time.
Amber:The Amber's perfect time. Right. Right.
Estella Pineda:And that just blew me away. I'm like, wow. That is so true. He wouldn't have been there to, you know, be called out to interpret the pharaoh's dream and and, you know, all of and then everything that happened, you know, the instruction that he had given him. Mhmm.
Estella Pineda:You know? Yeah. About the the famine that was gonna come. Right. And, oh my goodness.
Estella Pineda:And all that he had to do. Yeah. But that's pretty awesome that, you know, it's that faith thing. We have to accept where we are. Mhmm.
Estella Pineda:You know? And have and just be content. Know that we're here for a reason. You know?
Amber:Yeah. We're
Estella Pineda:we're doing this for a reason.
Amber:We're learning something to prepare us for the next season. Right.
Estella Pineda:Exactly.
Amber:I have to just keep reminding myself. Yeah. There's something I'm learning. What am I learning?
Estella Pineda:Yeah. And and when you say when, you know, getting back to prophecy and word of knowledge, see, I think that's where it goes hand in hand.
Amber:Yeah. I don't see
Estella Pineda:it as a prop I don't see myself as a prophet or having that gift of prophecy. I just see it that I've is a word of knowledge, you know? Yeah.
Amber:Well, is there anything else that we didn't touch on for spiritual gifts that you maybe wanted to talk on a little bit more? Or do you think we covered it?
Estella Pineda:I think we did. Covered it. Yeah. But I think, you know, just like anything else, if we desire it and god gives us an opportunity Mhmm. I think we we we need to walk in it.
Estella Pineda:Mhmm. You know? Take that first step.
Estella Pineda:You know? Because he's he's gonna continue to meet us where we are. And, you know, we've we learn the hard way sometimes. You know? We feel like, we don't we miss out and don't get that opportunity, but he always brings it all back and
Amber:He does.
Estella Pineda:As long as we say, okay, Lord, here I am. You know? Jesus.
Amber:I feel like too, like, I've asked for the gift of visions, which is in the I don't know what you would classify that under, like, word of knowledge or Mhmm. Wisdom or prophecy or maybe all 3, I don't know. But because I know some people that have that gift of of being able to, like, they God speaks to them in visions and I'm like, that's so cool. Like, I wanna have a vision. And so, like, I will ask for it a lot of the times.
Amber:And the Lord has never answered that one. And I think he told me, he was like, I talk to my children all differently. And he's like, I don't think you need visions. And I'm like, oh, okay. He's like, some some of the people that I speak to in visions, like, they need that.
Amber:They need that visual, like, image of what's gonna happen or how I'm talking to them or what's happening in their life right now. But for you, I talk to you in this way. I talk to you in a different way. Mhmm. Not that like desiring visions is bad, but Right.
Amber:I'm like, okay. And you have to be okay with his answer. Right? Right. Right.
Amber:You have to be okay with it and be like, okay. Well, maybe that's not for me. Maybe not right now and not in this season. Right. Maybe in the future, I'll be able to do that.
Estella Pineda:When you say visions, are you actually saying are you thinking are you saying, like, mind's eye? Like, something God's showing you? Okay. Yes. Okay.
Estella Pineda:Not all of a sudden, some people will, you know, go into this thing where they can see something. Right?
Amber:Yeah. You know, someone I know, they were able, like, they were worshiping and all then all of a sudden, they just got shot up straight and everything went quiet, and then they were able to see, like, into the spiritual realm. Right. And, like, they were able to see, like, Jesus and his army and, like, it was just so cool. Right.
Amber:So I was like,
Estella Pineda:I wonder that. Yeah. Is that
Amber:what you're talking about? Yeah. I was like, that would be really cool to be able to witness that and but at the same time, I don't know if I could handle it. Like, something like that.
Estella Pineda:That could be the reason why now, not yet.
Amber:Yeah. You
Estella Pineda:know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah.
Amber:Because I I do get freaked out a little bit. I still have a little bit of that spiritual trauma that I'm working through. Like, even being able to pray in tongues, like, that took me a while to be able to do that because I was afraid of it. Even though I knew it was from the Lord, like, I still had witnessed all that stuff with my mom and I was like Right. I don't want anything spiritual, but I've come a long way since then.
Amber:But I think maybe there's still a little bit of that, like, you know, fear behind it that he's like, I don't know if you could you could handle that right now. And I'm like, okay. Well, that's fair. Yeah. Maybe maybe I can't.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. Maybe maybe not yet. Yeah. Maybe not yet. I think I think, I think you do though.
Estella Pineda:I think you have that potential. I think you do because you've already experienced having that discerning, You know? And some discerning to me is just another way of seeing it.
Estella Pineda:Right? Yeah. Feeling it. Yeah. Whatever.
Estella Pineda:Sure. Your senses are open to it. And it just opens up a light in another room, I think, or another compartment as far as our one of our senses. Yeah. But if you're having discernment, I think you already have it.
Estella Pineda:It's just not fully developed. Sure.
Amber:Yeah. That's an interesting way of looking at it. Yeah. Yeah.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. So so sometimes I I will see a picture. It's not like a vision, but I'll see a picture like a mind's eye. God will give me, let's say, for instance, randomly a a screwdriver. You know?
Estella Pineda:And I'm like, I don't know why this picture of a screwdriver keeps coming up. Does anybody know what this means? Yeah. And then, you know, it could mean something to somebody. Right.
Estella Pineda:You know what I mean? Uh-huh. But, but not like one of those full up on the cloud kinda
Amber:Sure. Scene. Yeah. Yeah. Where Jesus and his army marching, like, okay.
Estella Pineda:I mean, that could happen to others, you know? Yeah. But that doesn't happen to me. Yeah. Yeah.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. Yeah. I think you have that potential.
Amber:So Thank you.
Estella Pineda:Yes. You do.
Amber:I'll I'll, keep asking for it, and we'll we'll see.
Estella Pineda:Yeah. Take me through the process, Laura. Yeah. You know, whatever I need to to see what you're doing Right. To develop that in me.
Estella Pineda:Awesome. Because he will he always he gives you the desires
Amber:of of
Estella Pineda:your heart.
Amber:That's what
Estella Pineda:he says. Right?
Amber:I think as long as they're within his will, which I I couldn't see this not being within
Estella Pineda:his will. Right. Exactly. I mean, yeah. It's in his will for you to walk in it.
Estella Pineda:An amazing gift.
Amber:Mhmm. You know? Yeah. Mhmm. For sure.
Amber:Yeah. Alright, Estela. Well, thank you so much for coming on. This was an awesome conversation.
Estella Pineda:Oh, thank you for having me. It was fun. Yeah. Yeah.
Amber:It's not intimidating. Right?
Estella Pineda:No. Okay. Good. You and I are just sitting here chatting. Yeah.
Amber:Just having a conversation.
Estella Pineda:Yeah.
Amber:So, alright everyone. Well, thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you have any questions about spiritual gifts, I have my email in the show notes. You can send me your questions. I will forward them on to Estella.
Amber:We'll talk about them and answer them. Please. If you like this episode, please share it with somebody else and give it a rating and, you know, it helps us with the algorithm and all that. So I hope this message blesses you, and we'll see you in the next episode.
