The Fruit of the Spirit with Eloisa Guerrero


Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered. My name is Amber Beals, and it is my job and my mission to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me, to help demystify who He is, what his role is, and to deeply encourage you to seek a relationship with him. Alright. Let's get started. Well, hey, guys.


Welcome back to the Holy Spirit Untethered podcast. I am very excited for today because I have a special guest, my very good friend, Eloisa. Eloisa, say hi. Hello, everybody. So I'm really excited because today, we're gonna be talking about

Eloisa Guerrero:

The fruit of the spirit.


The fruit of the spirit. Yeah. I'm really excited about this one because it's I feel like it's well known in terms of, like, what the fruit of the spirit are, but, like, diving in a little deeper and know those the different aspects of the Holy Spirit, I'm really excited to dive in with you. So and I think you guys are in for a special treat as well. I hope so.


Yeah. Alright. But before we get started, we're gonna go ahead and pray. So if it's safe to do so, go ahead and bow your heads and close your eyes with us. Otherwise, just pray along with us.


Alright. Dear heavenly father, I just thank you so much for this opportunity for Eloisa and I to come on this podcast and just talk about your living spirit and just to dive more deep into your character and who you are and just the evidence of us having your spirit in us, Lord. I just pray, Lord, that you would speak through us. I pray that we would be open to that. I pray that for the person listening to this podcast, that you would just soften their heart towards this message, that they would receive this message and plant the seeds that need to be planted, Lord.


And I just pray a blessing over every single person that is listening to this podcast, Lord. And we pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Alright.


Well, I know we're gonna dive into that, but I just want to start with a scripture, which I know you had in your notes because you're a note taker and you're prepared, so thank you for that. But we are gonna be in Galatians chapter 5 verse 22, and I'm just gonna go to the end of the chapter, which is through 25. And I have the New King James version, but I don't know what version you have, El Luisa, but I'm just gonna read this one. So but the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Against such thing, there is no law.


And those who are in Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. Mhmm. So good.


Yes. And again, this is Paul Mhmm. Right? Talking to the Galatians. So what about this really stands out to you, Eloisa?

Eloisa Guerrero:

Like you mentioned, it's Paul, and he lists the characteristics. Right, that manifest in the lives of the believers or they're supposed to manifest within the lives of the believers. Right? If we're walking according to the spirit, then these are the characteristics that we're supposed to have. And I love the fact that it's the fruit of the spirit.

Eloisa Guerrero:

It doesn't say the fruits. And a lot of people confuse that, and that's why I wanted to, like, dive deep into that because they say, oh, yeah, the fruits of the spirit are peace, joy, love, gentleness, kindness, self control. And I'm like, no. No. No.

Eloisa Guerrero:

The fruit. So it's the way that I look at it is like an orange. Right? An orange is one orange, but it has different parts of it that you take it apart. Right?

Eloisa Guerrero:

And so that's that's the fruit of the spirit. Fruit is the orange, and then it has different parts. And some of us have just one. We want the whole orange.


We want the whole thing. All the slices.

Eloisa Guerrero:

We want all of them. But unfortunately, you know, we we are human and the Holy Spirit still is is working in us. We are a work in progress, and so we take one piece at a time. You can't put the whole orange into your mouth. So you do one piece at a time.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. And so that's that's what stands out to me, like the characteristics of of the fruit of the holy spirit.



Eloisa Guerrero:

And I love the way that there's a difference between the fruit of the spirit and the gifts of the spirit.


Yes. Yes. And we've covered that in a different episode with Estella Yes. Gifts of the spirit. And honestly, I could probably do a whole series on the gifts of the spirit.


Yes. But yeah. I feel

Eloisa Guerrero:

like you guys didn't get deep enough.


I know. I know. And it was an hour or

Eloisa Guerrero:

2. Yes. It's a long episode. Yeah.


So but, yeah, I definitely need to dive back in and maybe just break it down by the different gifts for sure. Yeah. So more like an overview of the gifts of the spirit, I guess. Yeah. But, yeah.


And could you elaborate on that? Like Yeah. The difference between the fruit and the gifts of the spirit?

Eloisa Guerrero:

Definitely. So the fruit of the spirit is, like I said, these are the character traits that develop as a result of a spirit led life. So if you are allowing the holy spirit to lead your life, people are going to see the fruit of the spirit in you, within you, around you, and through you. And they're essential for the believer. Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Because if if they see the fruit of the spirit, then that means that the spirit is leading your life. He's working. Right? Yes. Mhmm.


Yes. And you're obeying. Yes. That's that's the other thing. That's the other aspect.


So it's more like the evidence that the Holy Spirit is working in your life, and he you're letting him lead rather than you're allowing your flesh to lead. Right? Correct.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. And so, the gifts, see, and there's the difference. The fruit and then the gifts, There's an s at the end of that. These are specific abilities given to believers by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of serving the church. So the way that I see it is the gifts of the spirit are going to edify the church and the fruit of the spirit is going to edify the Christian.



Eloisa Guerrero:

The individual. The believer. The individual. So one is to edify you, and one is to edify the church. So one is flowing in you, and one is flowing out of you.


I love that.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. It's


a really good description.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. Yeah. So I loved digging into this way more than usual. I love the holy spirit and I've been a devoted listener ever since you started. Thank


you. Thank you.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Because ever, ever since 2 years ago, I took your My holy spirit classes. And after that, it was just like, alright, holy spirit, I'm gonna give you the title that you deserve. Mhmm. And ever since then, I have been going deeper and deeper within the holy spirit. And we have a bible study at my work, and the fruit of the spirit was actually going to be one of the classes that we did, one of the bible studies that we did.



Eloisa Guerrero:

So I started, like, doing all sorts of research and, you know, studying it. Yeah. So That's awesome.


And for those of you that are not local, the class that we went through was through the Messenger x series, which I talk about a lot. It's called the Holy Spirit, an introduction. Mhmm. And it's on the Messenger x app. It's free.


Again, go download it. I'll put it in the show notes. It's an amazing app, and they have so many courses on there. But the class that we're talking about specifically is called the holy spirit and introduction, and that's by John Brevere. And it's just just amazing.


It's like another level.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And it's true what you say, and you say it all the time, that you can take the class over and over and over again, and you'll get something different out of it.



Eloisa Guerrero:

And then you'll pick up something and be like, oh, I didn't get that the first time. Mhmm. Because I've taken it since then on my own. I've listened to it, and I've and I've dug deeper. Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. Because it's so good.


It is so good. And he talks so fast. Yes. That's one of the things that I get a lot is like, he just talks so fast and that's why I get new stuff every time. And I'm like, yeah.


Okay. Well.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So digging deeper into the Holy Spirit and the the fruit of the spirit, one of the things that I found is people wanna know how do we get it. How do we get the fruit of the spirit?

Eloisa Guerrero:

Mhmm. Because the the gifts of the spirit are given to you by the Holy Spirit and you ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what are your gifts. Right? And not everybody has the same and some people have multiple. You guys talked about that and what are you walking in and whatnot.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So how do we get the fruit of the spirit? We have to walk in the in the spirit. Mhmm. Right? We have to allow the Holy Spirit to work in us Mhmm.

Eloisa Guerrero:

To work through us.


And he says that in that scripture. Yes. Like, I'll read it again. It's again, Galatians 5 and it verse let's see. 25.


If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in

Eloisa Guerrero:

the spirit. Yep. Yeah. So you have to live in close relationship. And you've talked about this waking up and, you know, acknowledging the holy spirit



Eloisa Guerrero:

And having conversation with him throughout your day Right. On a daily basis.



Eloisa Guerrero:

It's not just knowing that he's there, but actually having a conversation with him. And it's Acknowledging him. Yeah. And it's just as simple as like, hey, Holy Spirit, let's get the day going. And that's literally what I do in the mornings when I go walking.

Eloisa Guerrero:

I I walk to work at times. And when I when I start walking, I'm like, alright, Holy Spirit, let's go. Mhmm. And and then I start having a conversation with him. Mhmm.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So having a daily conversation with him is going to allow you to have the Holy Spirit deposit the fruit of the spirit.


Right. And you have to be intentional with it. Yes. Like, not just in the morning, but, like, include him in everything. Yeah.


Right? If you're writing an email, if you're, you know, I don't know, doing dishes to include him in on that because he's there.

Eloisa Guerrero:



He's just waiting. Yeah. So yeah. No. It's so good.



Eloisa Guerrero:

And then, abiding in Christ. So this isn't the same as having a daily talk with the Holy Spirit, but abiding in Christ in John 14:4 through 5, it emphasizes the importance of remaining in Christ, comparing believers to branches on a vine. Just as branches draw nutrients from the vine, Christians draw spiritual sustenance from the relationship with Jesus. So he is the vine and we are the branches. And so if we abide in him, then he abides in us and we grow fruit.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Right? So it's it's a tree. If we are remaining in him, then we're going to grow fruit. Mhmm. But if if a branch falls off or it's like hanging on for dear life because it's not holding on, it's not gonna produce anything.


Right. It's not gonna produce that for you.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. It's it's gonna rot. Mhmm. It's gonna fall off. Mhmm.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So you gotta hold on. Hold on.


So abiding in Christ, what does that practically look like? So you said it's different between having a conversation with the Holy Spirit and being intentional with that. What is abiding in Christ look like in your life?

Eloisa Guerrero:

So allowing God to talk to me through his word, being intentional like you said, with the conversation with the holy spirit, but being intentional with reading the word of God, with studying the word of God, listening to the word of God, speaking the word of God. It's not just about going to church on a Sunday and listening to the pastor preach.



Eloisa Guerrero:

But it's actually you doing the work and being in scripture and having communication on a daily basis and studying the scripture and going above and beyond. And, okay, what does this mean? Because one thing is for you to read the word of God and that's just drinking milk. Right? And then when you study it and you dig deep, then you are abiding in him and allowing him to speak to you through the word.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And then you take that and then you pass it on because you're so excited and you wanna talk to everybody about it and you wanna share with them. And then because you are memorizing scripture, you are abiding in Him and you're having relationship with Him and you're able to pull out scripture whenever somebody has an issue or they're going through something or they need word or they need life spoken into them. Mhmm. That's to me, that's abiding in him.


That's good. Yeah. One thing I would add to that is having holy fear, holy reverence Mhmm. For the Lord. Yeah.


I mean, scripture says that was it the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Right? And I believe that's truly abiding

Eloisa Guerrero:



In Christ. It's having that reverence for him and not a fear of, like, I'm afraid of him because of what he can do, but it's because of what he has done and who he is. Yes. Who he is in the world and who he is in my life. Yes.


And really holding him up to that level that he deserves. Like, yes, he's your father. Yes, he's your friend. Yes, he's your helper, but he's also the Lord of the universe.

Eloisa Guerrero:



And he holds the world in his hand.

Eloisa Guerrero:



And he's all powerful and almighty and it's We need to What is it Paul says? Strengthen your faith within fear and trembling.

Eloisa Guerrero:



Something like that. I'm paraphrasing. But Yep. He says that in fear and trembling of the Lord because that is you're putting him in his place, and you realize who he is. And because of that, he wants a relationship with you.


Yep. He wants you to abide in him. He cares about you out of all the millions of people that have existed, like he cares about you. How much more does that mean Yeah. To you?


And that, like when you put that in perspective, like it's just it's mind blowing. It's incredible.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. And for those that are listening that have no idea what we're talking about. So you take that holy fear of the Lord, and let's put it into perspective of someone that doesn't know the holy fear of the Lord. Yeah. So as a parent, for those of you that are parents and for those of you that have parents, everybody, that that includes everybody.


Yeah. You came from somebody.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yes. You came from somebody. So you you have like a holy fear of your parents that you are not going to disobey because when you disobey, then there is repercussions. And because you love them, you're going to respect them because you have reverence for them. You are not well, for the most part, you are not going to scream at them or lash at them.

Eloisa Guerrero:

The normal person will not. And then we have some that, you know,


could care less. They're seasons. Right?

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yes. Yes. That doesn't mean that you don't want to lash out. That doesn't mean that you don't want to yell. That doesn't mean that you don't get mad, that you don't, you know, or whatever.

Eloisa Guerrero:

You have all the emotions, but it's that that that reverence that you have for your parents. Now imagine that a 1000 times, 10000 times, a 1000000 times more



Eloisa Guerrero:

For God. Right. For the Lord that made you. I always say that to my my kid. Hey.

Eloisa Guerrero:

I brought you into this world. I will take you out. And I think of that as the same thing that probably God says to me. I brought you into this world. I will take you out.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And that's that's having that reverence. Yeah. You know, abiding in him and doing what the word of God says. Prayer and scripture, it again, it it goes it goes hand in hand with abiding in him, with with walking in the spirit. When you're walking in the spirit, when you're abiding in him, you are going to be in prayer.

Eloisa Guerrero:

You are going to be in the scripture and engaging in prayer and studying the Bible. It helps cultivate a deeper relationship with God. Right.


And one thing I wanna bring up is when you have that whole when you have the Holy Spirit, when you're reading scripture, he's the teacher. Right? He's a great teacher. And so he is going to make the word come alive. Mhmm.


I know before when I tried to read scripture before I really had the holy spirit or asked him to reveal things to me, it was dry. It was super dry, and it's just facts and, you know, laws and all the things. And I'm like, I I want to, like, build this habit, but it's just like it's rough. And so when I went through that series, the, you know, the holy spirit and introduction, and he told you to do that, like, ask the holy spirit to to reveal Jesus to you in the scripture, no matter where you're reading, there's Jesus all throughout it. Yep.


Teach me something, reveal your character, reveal your love to me. And that's when the scripture started speaking to me. That's when it came alive. Like, people call it the living word. Right?

Eloisa Guerrero:



And so, it only becomes alive when you have the holy spirit partnered with you bringing it to life.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. And and again, for for baby Christians, we we drink milk when we're first reading it because we might not necessarily understand it completely. Mhmm. But we're reading it because we want to get into that habit because we want to build a relationship with him because we want to grow. So it's just milk.

Eloisa Guerrero:

You're just reading it. Get into that habit, get in, get into scripture. But then when the Lord starts revealing to you, the Holy Spirit starts to talk to you through the living word. Then that's when you get to the meat of the scripture and that's when things are revealed and that's when it becomes alive in your life. And that's when you can't get enough of it.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And that's when you start making podcasts.


Because you listen. Because you listen.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So that but all of that comes with abiding in him, with being in prayer, with being reading the scripture, with allowing the Holy Spirit to, to lead you, to manifest himself in you and through you and all around you. That's when you start to see the growth. That's when the the fruit of the spirit actually comes alive in you because you've been eating 1 wedge at a time. Right. Reading the scripture because you're abiding in him.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And so you take another wedge and then you start reading the word of God and you take another wedge and then you start praying more often and you take another wedge. And then you're like, holy spirit, I wanna talk to you every day. Here's another wedge. And then before you know it, you are walking around with the whole orange in your body. Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

With the whole fruit of the spirit and it is alive just like his word. It is alive in you and people see it. People see the love in you. People see the peace in you. And that doesn't mean that you are, you know, walking around with like,


right? With heavenly music.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. You're just walking and everybody sees you glowing and everybody sees you coming. No. But there is a difference. And people ask that.



Eloisa Guerrero:

There's something different about you. What is that? Mhmm. Oh, let me tell


you. Let me let me share.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And and that's that's how we get the fruit of the spirit. Mhmm. By walking with him, by allowing him to guide us, by abiding in Christ, by praying, by reading his word.



Eloisa Guerrero:

And one wedge at a time, one wedge at a time. So I encourage everybody to, allow the holy spirit to work in you and through you and around you. And one wedge at a time this week to to practice one what are the fruit of the spirit. Mhmm. You know?

Eloisa Guerrero:

Okay. Today, I'm gonna be I'm gonna try to be love.


Do I be love? Yes.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And, you know, and it's hard. You you have to be intentional. When someone comes at you and you're and they're like, and you're just like looking at them and you're just like all sorts of feelings and emotions are bubbling up in you and you choose to just breathe in, breathe out, and I I I'm gonna love you no matter what. Or peace. I don't know I don't know which one you struggle with the most, but peace for sure.

Eloisa Guerrero:

I'm just like, Lord Jesus, give me peace. Lord, father God, give me peace. Holy spirit, work in me with the peace. And that goes hand in hand with knowing that you are not in control.


Yes. Are you a controlling person?

Eloisa Guerrero:

I always say.


That's why you don't have peace. Or that's the one that you're working on. Yes. That you're mentioning on

Eloisa Guerrero:

that that wedge.


Yeah. For me, it was it's the soft control. I feel like that one is the the hardest one for me. And it's funny because Eric's like, but I feel like you're pretty self disciplined. And I'm like, no.


No. I just pretend. It's that one's a really hard one for me. A piece, I feel like, I don't know. That one is easy for me, but I'm always been, like, a very calm person and, like, not one to, like, panic or anything.


Even with, like, my upbringing, like, I don't know. I feel like the Lord gave me that one. He was like, you need this one. This one's just gonna come built in software updates already there, like, you know, type of thing. So but yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

People always say that the the younger child, the the baby is at peace all the time because they get away with everything. I'm the opposite. So I'm the baby of my family and I'm always, like, panicking. Like I always feel like I need to be in control because I'm the baby. Interesting.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And because my brother and my sister always trying to, you know, tell me what to do and tell me how to do it. And and I'm just like, no.


I'm the first born. So we would think I would have more anxiety, I guess. But my brother's 10 years younger than me. So I don't know.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. The the age gap. Yeah. That age gap comes like You're like, really? No.

Eloisa Guerrero:

I I'm yeah. I'm the type that I want to be in control. I want to know how things are going. And, so I'm a baker and my husband's always trying to help me bless him to the mean and bad. Oh, my god.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So I always have him doing the cleaning because if I try to get him to help me with, like, the actual baking or the oh my gosh. And I can tell him exactly what to do and he will still do it a different way. And I'm like, what happened? You had the instructions right in front of you, like, step by step. And so because of that, like, I'm a I'm I'm a control person.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. And and I don't yeah. So that's one I definitely the holy spirit is always like, peace be with you.


You need a heavy dose of this

Eloisa Guerrero:

today. Yes.


No. I get it. But I feel like everybody has those different ones that they struggle with. Right? And some of them I've been told like, be careful when you pray for patience or long the long suffering.



Eloisa Guerrero:

Because he's just gonna put


you in situations where you need to practice patience. Right? And so, it's funny. That's how the Lord works.

Eloisa Guerrero:

You know,


he's just going to put you in those situations. That's going to really, you know, put to test that fruit that you want. And he's going to give you the resources to be able to do it. Yeah. Because he is the strength that you need to be able to produce this fruit.


Mhmm. You just have to learn to trust and lean on him.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. And and patience is another one that I struggle with a lot. And but it goes with the peace and the controlling and


Yeah. Totally.

Eloisa Guerrero:

That those yeah. Those those definitely coincide. And if they don't if they don't if you don't take them hand in hand Yeah.


It's rough.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. Mhmm. It's really rough. I have found it that when I am in the word more, when I am praying more, when I am in communication with the Holy Spirit more, I do have peace and I do have patience. And I am able to allow the holy spirit to take control of the situation instead of me being in control of the situation.



Eloisa Guerrero:

But that only comes from me being intentional with being in the word, me being intentional with being in conversation with the holy spirit and having that relationship with Christ and not just reading again, not just reading the word, but really digging and really getting into the meat of the word, where it comes alive, where you see it and you get excited. And then one verse leads you to another verse. And, oh, wait. I saw this over here, and it coincides with this. And then it goes in with that.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And, oh, this fits perfectly with this. And then the Holy Spirit starts to revealing in you. Remember when this happened? Remember when that happened? Oh, this goes with that.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So when you allow yourself to be within that, that's when it's easier to walk with the fruit of the spirit. Yeah. It it's not that it you're gonna flow in it all the time, but it's just easier to walk in it.


Absolutely. And I think the more intentional that you are Mhmm. The more that you're seeking the Lord. It's it's funny because I just recently read 1st and second Chronicles, which goes through all the kings, right?

Eloisa Guerrero:



Of Israel. And a lot of the times it'll say, this kings, he searched for the Lord with all his heart or he sought the Lord with all his heart. This king did not search the Lord with all his heart. Right? And it it and it starts out that way.


Like, it gives you like the breakdown of this king starting with what his relationship with the Lord was like. Yeah. And as I was reading that, I was like, well, Lord, what does that look like? What does that mean to to seek you with all my heart so that I can make these right decisions? So when that the holy spirit, the fruit of the spirit Mhmm.


Come through. Because I think if we do that first Mhmm. If we seek the Lord with all our heart, and we're intentional with the relationship that we have with the Lord, and we're intentional with our journey with Jesus and our growth and our maturity, this comes with it. Yep. It's a package deal.


Yep. Right? So instead of like, oh, man, I really wish I had more joy in my life. Man, like, I feel like I'm sad all the time. Like, I just want more joy in my life.


Well, seek the lord. Yep. Do that first, and then this will be the evidence that you're doing that. Right? Yeah.


And, that was kind of a light bulb moment for me in terms of, like, just seeking the lord. And, of course, I'm very practical. I'm like, well, lord, what does that look like? What does that look like for me? And it's doing a lot of things you mentioned.


It's Yeah. It's praying. It's being in his word. And not being in his word for me. Meaning, I'm not looking for myself in scripture.


I'm not looking, like, how does this relate to my circumstances right now? It's more like I'm reading this because I wanna learn more about you.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Or Yes.


I wanna learn His character. His character. Mhmm. Exactly. And the more that you do that, the more his character jumps out.


Yep. And it doesn't matter where you are in scripture. Old Testament, New Testament, doesn't matter. He's there. Yeah.


And you can see his hand. And there there's this one song, so will I, so so will I. That's it. And he in one line it says, you know, I see you in everything you've made.

Eloisa Guerrero:



And that like Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Once you read the scripture and you see his character and you see all the things that he's revealing to us Yeah. That we just need to go searching for.


Yeah. You see it everywhere. You see it in his creation. You see it in other people. You see it.


And it's just it's just awesome.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yep. And if you finish that that verse that you were saying, seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all of these things Will be added. Will be added on to you. And if we look at what what does it mean all of these things, it's it's everything that you're asking for, whether it's physical, whether it's emotional, the fruit of the spirit, all of these things will be added onto you because you first are seeking him. Right.

Eloisa Guerrero:

You are seeking the kingdom. You are seeking His righteousness. What does righteousness mean? It's it's abiding in Him, doing what He wants for your life, doing what the word of God says, having reverence for him. And what does it mean to seek the kingdom of God is doing things based on what the word of God says because his kingdom come, thy will be done.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So meaning the things that are of heaven, we're going to do here on earth. Mhmm. So we we are going to abide in him. We are going to read the word of God. We're gonna do what he says the word of God to do.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And when we do all of that, then that's when he starts revealing in everything. Right. What his what his spirit is Mhmm. And his goodness and his love and his joy and his kindness. And we start walking in those without us even knowing.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Right. Right.


I know that when I started my, like, journey a few years ago, really just like, alright. The Lord hit me with a 2 by 4, and he's like, okay. Like, we need to take this relationship to the next level. And I'm like, okay. And ever since then, like, I can see the evidence.


Yeah. Like, things that I wouldn't bother me before. Like, maybe watching a show or a movie or something. Something that wouldn't bother me now, I can't watch. Mhmm.


I can't do it. And that's because the Holy Spirit is working in me Yeah. To become more like Jesus. Yeah. To become more holy.


Yeah. To love the things that he loves and hate the things that he hates.

Eloisa Guerrero:

To have the characteristic of Christ.



Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. Yeah. And the characteristic of Christ is the fruit of the spirit. Exactly. Those are his character traits.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So when people describe you, what are your character traits? What are they going to describe?


Hopefully, some of the fruits. Or at least one of them. Come on. Throw me a bone here.

Eloisa Guerrero:

1 or 2. Come on. It's not gonna be patience. Oh man. Oh man.

Eloisa Guerrero:

She's a lovely person.


You bake really good cookies.

Eloisa Guerrero:

I'll tell


you that.

Eloisa Guerrero:

She is a baker. Okay.


That's gonna be one of the fruit of the spirit. Come on.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Can I can I throw some some Bible at you?


Let's do it. Yeah. Let's go.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So if you want to, for for those of you listening, if you want to dig deeper into each part, into each wedge of the fruit, go into 1st Corinthians 1347 for love. Love suffers long and is kind. Love does not envy. Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in inequity, but rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. That's love for you.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And I read it from the New King James version. That's my favorite. Yeah.


That's my favorite.

Eloisa Guerrero:

When you said that, I was like, oh, I'm there with you. So, you know, this this is, an example of showing love in challenging situations, in everyday life, in your relationships with your family, with your spouse, with friends, with coworkers. This is a very popular verse to use at weddings. Definitely. But it's not just for a married couple.



Eloisa Guerrero:

This is for your everyday life. This is what you are supposed this is what love looks like. And you don't just love your spouse. I hope you love your spouse. But you are not just love is not just represented within a spouse, within a marriage.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Love is represented in anything and everything that you do. Right. Joy. We explore, joy in Nehemiah 8:10. And again, I'm, I didn't say this, but I'm Mexican.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So please excuse me if I say something that is not correctly pronounced in English.


You're free.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So Nehemiah, is that how you say it? Yeah, Nehemiah. Oh. Yay. You're good.

Eloisa Guerrero:

I said it right. So Nehemiah 8:10 says, then he said to them, go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared. For this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow for the joy of the Lord is your strength. So in everything that we do, we find joy.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Don't worry about the circumstance. Don't worry about this. Don't worry about that. Have joy. And joy comes by being and abiding in Christ.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Peace is referenced in Philippians 47. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. There are times in my life a lot that I don't understand something.



Eloisa Guerrero:

And I want to understand because again, I'm the type of person that wants to know everything. It's kind of the worst thing. When you


want to understand something and don't.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yes. And so peace does not come naturally to me because I want to know. I want to understand. I want to see the whole picture. And God's like, no.

Eloisa Guerrero:

No. No. That's for me to see. Mhmm. I see the whole picture.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So it surpasses us. It's above us. It's it's too much. And sometimes I I feel like the Lord doesn't show us a whole picture because if we saw the whole picture, it'd be too much. It's like seeing


Absolutely. Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

It's seeing him in all his glory and all his splendor. But knowing that he is in control and, and knowing that he's going to give you peace no matter what, then that's cause for like, okay, I can breathe. Yeah. And I've, I've really been working on this in, in allowing myself to not be in control. And I feel for me, that's saying no, knowing how to say no to certain things, because I always want to say yes.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So knowing that my body cannot do everything. So it's okay to say no. Mhmm. I said no to you just recently when you asked me to, offer Jenny. Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

When you asked me to switch and and to teach Jenny and tonight, and I was about to be yep. And I said, no.


You can say no to me, I'll let you say it's alright.

Eloisa Guerrero:

I got thicker skin than that. No. But it's not about you. It's about she knowing how to say no. Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And then I said no to to Noemi. When she asked if I could do announcements. I was like, yep. No. Because my body has been hurting.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And so I have to listen to myself. I need I need to listen to my body. And the holy spirit told me it's okay to say no. Right? You don't you don't have to be in control of everything.

Eloisa Guerrero:

You don't have to say yes to everything. I'm giving you permission and peace to say no.



Eloisa Guerrero:

And so that has been a big one for me is allowing myself to, to listen to the Holy Spirit and to say no. So it's And


that could be hard.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Very hard.


I know with me, when the Holy Spirit told me multiple times to like step down from LifeGroup, to to be a leader in LifeGroup, to step down, like multiple times. I think 4 or 5 people, different people that not connected in any way. They're like, the Holy Spirit wants you to, you know, take some rest. And that to me translated to let go of some things. Yeah.


And LifeGroup was number 1 on that list. Yeah. Because that's the like, as much as I loved being a LifeGroup leader, it didn't give me as much fulfillment as some of the other things that I do in the church. And there are other things that I wanted to do that I felt like I couldn't because I had so much on my plate. Right.


And so, like, people saying, the Lord told you that, you know, you need some rest. And I'm like, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.


It was that one day at church and you were like trying to find me because I was just like a hot mess because I was like, I broke down. And Derek's like, you're this who are you? What is going on right now? Because like I'm in tears. Yeah.


And it was so funny because I was like, do you have enough time to find another life group leader? Like, this is like a month and a half before. And he's like, oh, I already know.

Eloisa Guerrero:



And he's like, the Lord talked to you. And I was like, yes.

Eloisa Guerrero:

I remember that day because I saw you and the holy spirit right away was like, there's something wrong. You need to pray for her. And I asked you, are you okay? Yep. Now I


hate it when people ask me, are you okay? Because if I have anything going on, just immediate tears. Yeah. Just immediate. So whenever people ask me,

Eloisa Guerrero:

I'm like, nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm good.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Just stop. Yeah. Don't ask those words. I wanna break down for something stupid. Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

No. And then and then after church, I waited because I could not find you. And I went and I and I asked Eric. I said, hey. Is is Amber okay?

Eloisa Guerrero:

And he goes, yeah. Why? I was like, there's something wrong. He goes, well, yes. I feel it too.


Oh, really?

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. And but I don't know what it is. And I was like, okay. I need to go find her. And then I went and found you and I was like, okay.

Eloisa Guerrero:

The holy spirit is telling me that there's something that I need to pray for, and you need to tell me. When I ask you, are you okay? I really mean, I need you to tell me what is going on.


The dog just blew me off.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yeah. I'm not walking away, woman. And so when you when you told me that you were letting go and I said, well, the holy spirit said it. And if he said it, then let go. Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Because and and Stella told you too, the Lord is preparing you for something.



Eloisa Guerrero:

And one of the things is letting go.



Eloisa Guerrero:

Because this this is getting in the way for what the Lord is going to work through you and in you. So when, when she said it in the podcast, I was like, yep. That's exactly what I said. Listen, woman.


It's hard to say no. Right? I mean, I'm recovering from being a people pleaser. Right? Because I am a first born that is a very big, like characteristic of somebody who's first born is just being that people pleaser.


Right? And so like, just learning to say no, and even saying no after you've been doing it for a while, like the the LifeGroup thing. And so, I was just like, but I don't wanna like and I had to really dig deep to be like, why does it bother me so much? Like, why am I having a hard time? Like, why am I crying over life poop?


Like like, they're obviously okay with it. Like, they've already got it in the motion. They already have a plan. Like, why am I, like, a mess right now? And the holy spirit's like, well, because you are serving your pastor above me.


And I was like, and he's like, you serve Heart Church, but I you serve me first. Yeah. And if I tell you to do something, I need you to

Eloisa Guerrero:

Mhmm. Listen.


I need you to do it. Yeah. And not and not be concerned about what Shane is gonna think or what the leadership or the council is gonna think because you serve me. Yep. And I was like, okay.


Yeah. Alright. Yeah. I had to eat crow on that one, but like, it's good though. Like, when the holy spirit convicts you, he's convicting you for things that are true Yeah.


And things that are gonna help you grow.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yep. Again, he sees the whole picture. Right. We don't. He does.



Eloisa Guerrero:

So Yeah. Love it. So patience, we see Proverbs 1429, He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, but he who is impulsive exalts folly. And I think this is huge because we have to, before we react, and you touched on this earlier, pray about it, talk to the Holy Spirit about everything. And that also goes into before you react to something, before you send that email, before you make that phone call, before you send that text, before you have that conversation, ask the holy spirit to first reveal to you what you should say, what you should type, what you should text, what you should talk about, and have the holy spirit give you peace before you react to anything.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Because when you're patient with the response, then then you will speak out of love. Right. You will have understanding that you don't have and you won't be a jerk. Don't be a jerk. Don't be a jerk.


And I think that's key what you just said. It's it's responding not reacting. Yes. And you can only respond after you've had a minute.

Eloisa Guerrero:



Then think about it, pray about it, and then you respond.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yes. So good. Because so many of us, we react.


Because the emotions are real. Yeah. Yes. And they fled you. Right?


And so you have to have that self control.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Mhmm. Right?


I think that ties into that. Yeah. To be able to pause, be patient, get wisdom Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And then respond. And I think that's one of the reasons why I absolutely love texting. Because when somebody texts you something You have a minute? Yeah. You have a minute to respond instead of just reacting.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And I'm a person that I speak very loudly with my my face.


You do. Yes. I do too though. I get it.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Like, you don't I don't wanna be in a conversation. You don't wanna be in a conversation with me. And then and then I'm gonna be extremely quiet, but my face is gonna be yelling. Like and you've told me that, like, I I saw your face. Like, I can't hide that one.

Eloisa Guerrero:

You can't stop the face. Yeah. I and and and I'll be just like, and, like, even with my with my noises. And pastor has said it, you know, I Elisa was preaching with me today because I'm just like, yep. Mhmm.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Amen. Yep. Mhmm. You will always hear me because I I I react really quickly. Mhmm.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And so I love texting. But that's one of the things that, you know, the the the Lord is working in me with patience and and not reacting. Mhmm. He he still needs to work on my face, but my mouth is something that he's working with. Kindness.

Eloisa Guerrero:

We see Ephesians 4:32. It says, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. So forgiveness has always blown out of me very, very quickly. And that's one of the characteristics that it's so it's so crazy, but my family hates about me is that I forgive quickly.



Eloisa Guerrero:

And I'm not just a person to forgive you. I'm a person to forget. Like, you did all of these stuff to me, and I'm so sorry. Okay. Let's start all over.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Okay. And, like, if nothing happened and people are like, you can't do that. And I'm I'm growing in that that I I definitely can't forgive, but I have to remember certain things so that it doesn't happen to me again. Mhmm. But being tenderhearted, I love that word.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Tenderhearted. And you're like, oh, like, you just you you see a baby when they say that, oh, you're so tenderhearted. Oh, you're such a beautiful baby. And that that's what the holy spirit wants in us to to be his baby, to to allow him to change us from the inside out so that it flows out of us. Mhmm.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And then faithfulness, first Corinthians 42. Moreover, it is required in stewards that one be found faithful in everything. In your walk with the Lord. Be faithful in in your relationships. Be faithful in what you speak.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Be faithful. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. In in your work ethic, be faithful. So, yeah, gentleness. Philippians 4:5 says, let your gentleness be known to all men.

Eloisa Guerrero:

The Lord is at hand. Self control, it went in with patience. 1st Peter 5:8 says, be sober, be vigilant because your adversary, the devil, walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. So you have to have self control in everything in your life. Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

It doesn't mean that you don't do it. It just means, like, for example, me, I'm doing the carnivore diet right now. Mhmm. So I am having to control myself and not eating certain things. All animal products I can eat.

Eloisa Guerrero:

But anything else, I have to control myself and not devouring. Because if I devour it, then it's just going to ruin the work that I'm putting into it. Right. And that's the same thing with everything that you do and in the Lord and in all of your relationships. You have to control yourself so that the Lord will work in you and through you.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So allow the Holy Spirit to take that control.


It's good. So yeah. No. Thank you for having references for all those all the fruit. That's amazing.


All these fruit. And I love that you said it's one fruit. Yes. Like, it's all part of one fruit. I've never noticed that before.


Really? Never noticed that.

Eloisa Guerrero:

A lot of people don't notice that. Yeah.


So that that's very enlightening.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Fruit. It's one fruit. Multiple wedges.


I'm gonna just think of an orange every time now.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yes. The fruit of the spirit is an orange. It's an orange. Yes. And then what Adam and Eve ate is an apple.


Yeah. Was it worth it? Because like, I don't even like apples. So, come

Eloisa Guerrero:

on. You don't like apples. But do you love oranges?


I love oranges.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Yay, fruit of the spirit.


There you

Eloisa Guerrero:

go. There you go.


No, I love that. And you know, everybody's gonna have the fruit of the spirit that they just, like, kinda just naturally have. Like, it was in built in their software. Right? Like, I think for you, it's the forgiveness and the, you know, the kindness and and all of that.


Like, it comes so easily to you. Right?

Eloisa Guerrero:



So, like, for me, it was the peace and and,

Eloisa Guerrero:

I feel you're really gentle.


Yeah. Gentleness. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

And you're very kindhearted.


Yeah. I've been told I'm too kind sometimes. By my brother specifically. I'm so sorry. It's just in me.


No. But I I think everybody has their strong suits. Right? Everybody has their weaknesses, and that's where the holy spirit's gonna really shine, is in those areas that you you have a hard time.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Right? If you allow him to shine. Correct. Yes. Because if you take control for yourself and you're not patient and you're you don't have that peace, then the Holy Spirit is gonna try to work in you, but it's just like, no.

Eloisa Guerrero:

I got it. Okay. Thanks. I have I have these abilities. I'm good with the other ones.


Right. Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

So it it depends. Do you really want the holy spirit to work in you, or do you wanna take control?


Right. Right. And that's hard. It it's hard to say no, and it's hard to allow him to lead, but it's so worth it. So worth it.


Yeah. It's so worth it because you're gonna look back and see all these all the fruit

Eloisa Guerrero:



That are coming forth and that are just really evident in your life. And I think also it's this is good to know these fruit of the spirit as well. Because if you're looking to, to have a mentor or you're looking to have somebody that you look up to, whether it's close or far, like, if you watch them on YouTube or whatever, like, look at their life.

Eloisa Guerrero:



What do they display? Do they have the fruit of the spirit?

Eloisa Guerrero:

What evidence?


What is that evidence there? Yeah. Because you can't fake it. Mm-mm. And you could try.


But eventually, it's gonna show through. Yeah. Right? And so knowing and looking for these things in your relationships, and then looking for them in you. Yeah.


Look at look for them in yourself. Yeah. And be like, okay. I am really strong in these areas, but I kinda lack in these ones. So holy spirit, please help me figure out how to develop these characteristics.


Yeah. Please work in me. Allow take away the things that don't serve me anymore so that I can be a good vessel for you Yes. To use Mhmm. And have the evidence shine through that people can trust me, that they do see that love and they can desire it because they see it in me, so they want it for themselves.


Yeah. And that's that's the point. Right? Yeah.

Eloisa Guerrero:

For us


to get closer to the Lord and have this evidence, but also to be that example and help build the kingdom. And that's how you build the kingdom is being an example.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Less of me, more of you, God. Right? That's my prayer all the time. Less of me, Lord, more of you. Mhmm.

Eloisa Guerrero:

Less of me, more of you. And when we when we become less, that's when he shines. Right. That's when the evidence comes through,



Eloisa Guerrero:

that's when people notice. Hey. You're different. Yeah. What's different?


Yeah. So good. Well, thank you so much, Eloisa. Thank you for having me. Of course.


You're you're like my number one listener on this podcast that I had to have you on. Plus, like Eloisa, I've seen the the holy spirit work in you so much. Like, your gifts of the spirit are amazing and that you have, like, words to give people. And I've had you come since to my holy spirit classes that on the last day, which we do prayer and we pray over everybody. Everybody gets prayed on you, including myself, everybody gets And so that that gives people the opportunity to be able to use their gifts, allow the holy spirit to use them and just give them that practice.


And, plus, who doesn't love being prayed over?

Eloisa Guerrero:

I know.


So, like, I've seen him use you in those those situations, and you came to summer camp with us with the with the youth. And I know that was a struggle, but I think it was worth it. You gave a word when you were there. Yeah. That was just amazing.


And just seeing the Holy Spirit use you, it's just been awesome. I know we've only known each other for like, what, a year now? Half? It's almost 2 years? 2 years now.

Eloisa Guerrero:

2 years. 2 years.


Yeah. So just it's been incredible to see you. And it's been awesome. So thank you so much for coming on and just saying yes to the good things and saying no to the things that don't serve you or things you don't need to do. Right?


And so, again, just thank you so much. You're you're amazing. Uh-huh. Thank you. You're amazing.


Oh, yeah. Alright, guys. Well, thank you so much for listening to this episode. I'm gonna list some of the stuff in the show notes afterwards. And if you have any questions, you know, reach out to the email that's in the show notes.


And, you know, if you have a question for Louisa, I'll pass it along to her. She's amazing. And I know the Lord has really good things for her. And and if you could do me a favor, if you could subscribe to this podcast and leave a review whether you listen on Apple or Spotify or all any of the places where you listen to, leave us a review and a 5 star review. If you have any complaints, just shoot me an email, and we'll we'll figure that out.


Don't put that on the on the ratings. But alright, guys. I hope this message blesses you, and we'll see you next week.

Eloisa Guerrero:


The Fruit of the Spirit with Eloisa Guerrero
Broadcast by