Spirit-Lead Life with Adam Ochoa
Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered. My name is Amber Beals, and it is my job and my mission to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me, to help demystify who he is, what his role is, and to deeply encourage you to seek a relation with him. Alright. Let's get started. Hey, guys.
Amber:Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered. I'm here for another episode, and I am really looking forward to this episode because I have another special guest. And this guy, he goes to my church. I met him at Heart Church, and he is such a blessing, him and his whole family, just to me and Eric and Interheart Church, they lead worship, and they just he's on the council. He just does so much, and it's been awesome just to get to know him over the years.
Amber:And his name is Adam Ochoa. Adam, do you wanna say hi?
Adam Ochoa:Hi, everyone. I'm happy to be here. Thank you Yeah. Amber for inviting me.
Amber:Of course. Of course. I'm glad you, accepted my invite.
Adam Ochoa:Oh, yes. There was a moment where I was like, I don't have to say yes.
Amber:Yeah. It's true. You could have said no, but you said yes. So we're all very grateful. Thank you for that.
Amber:Yeah. So before we get in today's topic, I would like to start off with prayer. So if you're listening to this and you're driving, please keep your eyes open. Otherwise, let's bow our heads and close our eyes, and we're gonna just lift up today's conversation. Amen.
Amber:Alright. Dear heavenly father, I just thank you so much for the conversation. I just thank you for this opportunity for us to come together and talk about your holy spirit, Lord, and just open up our hearts to you to allow this message to just bless other people and just allow them to know what, you know, what life looks like when it's being spirit led and just the the ups and the downs and everything in that. And, Lord, I just pray that you would prepare the hearts of everyone listening to this podcast to receive this message. And I just pray, Holy Spirit, that you would just speak through Adam and I today as we talk about you.
Amber:We pray these things in Jesus name. Amen.
Adam Ochoa:Amen.
Amber:Awesome. Well, today's topic is living a spirit led life and how you, Adam, how you do that. Because you are an awesome just pillar in our church, and I've seen you be that fatherly figure for so many young men in our church, and it's just so awesome to see. And I've seen you, like, kinda do the same thing for Eric, and I know he loves having those lunch date conversations with you. And it's just he's always he always comes back a little lighter whenever he has those conversations with you.
Amber:So I just wanna just open it up and see what your thoughts are on that and maybe share a little bit of your story.
Adam Ochoa:Oh, well, before that, I just wanna say I am really thankful that you've invited me for this, talk and Uh-huh. Just to get together. One of the things that I love about you and Eric is that I've actually seen, just a really great curiosity grow within you both. You know? And it's it's so funny because it's it's one thing for someone to have one particular spiritual interest, but I see you both both of you Mhmm.
Adam Ochoa:On this journey together and asking really good question. I think a lot of people, if they're unsure of something, especially when it comes to the person of the of the spirit of God, people tend to be comfortable not knowing. Mhmm. Right? And or asking some hard questions or Sure.
Adam Ochoa:Or not exploring. Jesus is probably a little bit easier to swallow for some people. The Holy Spirit or the spirit of God might be, you know, intimidating, but you guys have, like, jumped in and just taught a class Mhmm. For Heart Church. Yeah.
Adam Ochoa:And it's been it's been wonderful to watch you guys grow and just be fruitful in what you do.
Amber:Well, thank you. That means a lot. Thank you, Adam.
Adam Ochoa:Yeah. My role at Heart Church, I don't even know if it's our role, but what comes natural for me is that I just I just love people. And that hasn't always been the case in my life. And I think this will answer your question. So where I am now, it's night and day compared to where I was earlier in my life when I was younger, and it's been an absolute miracle.
Adam Ochoa:The hand of God, on my heart, the leading of the holy spirit isn't just for now. It's something that's always happening within my life. I can go back to when I was younger and see the holy spirit just intervene, intervene, teach, comfort. And I know he's gonna continue to do that until the day I'm so the day I'm gone and at home with the Lord. So
Amber:That's so good.
Adam Ochoa:Yeah. Absolutely. So it's not like this is what the holy spirit is doing in my life, and and that's all that can be said about it. I think the power of the holy spirit is that he doesn't get tired. Mhmm.
Adam Ochoa:Right? Like, we get tired. I get tired. We give up. We wanna give up, but the holy spirit is consistent and steady and patient Mhmm.
Adam Ochoa:And just and present even now as we're as we're speaking.
Amber:He's faithful. That that comes to mind. Faithful.
Adam Ochoa:Yes. Yeah. Holy spirit. I mean, where would we be without him? And so I would say when I was young, to say that I was insecure, it would be like an understatement.
Adam Ochoa:Like, I from a very early age, I have felt insignificant and smashed just by life. And so I don't know where bravery comes from, like, natural bravery. That's not who I was. I was very timid when I was growing up. You see people all the time that you're just like, where do they get this boldness?
Adam Ochoa:Like, it just comes natural for them.
Adam Ochoa:And I I couldn't relate I couldn't relate to that at all. Growing up, I felt like in in school, I was brutally picked on and bullied, especially in middle school. I grew up in my elementary years near military housing, and I don't know I don't know if you can relate or if you know anyone like this. But the elementary school that I went to had so many people going in and out, like, because there was military housing all around it. So Mhmm.
Adam Ochoa:We weren't on par with other schools. We were slower because they were always trying to upscale new kids that came in because their parents got stationed to San to San Diego or people left. So
Adam Ochoa:We moved from that part of San Diego to Poway, and immediately, I was behind I was behind. I was behind in math. I was behind in in everything, except reading. So I remember feeling completely stupid and just ignorant. I mean, at the age of 9, I just felt ignorant.
Adam Ochoa:Right? And no child at the age of 9 should feel ignorant about anything. Yeah. So I think that's probably where most of my insecurity began. We didn't come from money, and I remember because I love books, love to read, there was a book fair that would come to our elementary school, and I remember everyone would would be walking around with books.
Adam Ochoa:And I just we didn't we couldn't afford it. It just it just wasn't like that.
Adam Ochoa:And I remember, like, stealing books. Oh my gosh. Oh, no. Because I saw so much money, but it got caught. Right?
Adam Ochoa:And so at the age of 9, I felt stupid. I felt like a thief.
Adam Ochoa:Going into junior high, like I said, I felt just bullied in the most brutal ways. And then then I was really bad at math. And then going into high school, even though the bullying stopped, I always expected it. Like, I was always ready. Mhmm.
Adam Ochoa:And so what I developed from that was a sarcastic sense of humor.
Adam Ochoa:Right? So it was like, I will get you first before you get me. Mhmm. Right? Like, none of this is none of this is the fruit of the spirit.
Amber:No. But we all have to start from somewhere. Right?
Adam Ochoa:Right. Right. And on top of that, like, even at an early age, I was victimized sexually just off and on by several people, and, you know, it was a secret. No one knew. And, like, by by males.
Adam Ochoa:Right? So it just messes with you. Yeah. It messes with you. So when I gave my life to Jesus at the age of 15, so we finally found a really good church in Poway, and we had a really dynamic youth program.
Adam Ochoa:And the preacher would just preach the love of God. Preach the love of God. Mhmm. And I remember being so offended by the love of God because it can't be real. Right?
Adam Ochoa:Like, it's disappointing to hear about love when you know it's not gonna manifest. And so for about a solid 5 years from, you know, when I was 9 all the way up until I don't know. Maybe a little more than 5 years, but until I was 15, I just felt disappointed within myself, and I felt like I was always being picked on. Here's the crazy thing. I went to church, right, and I knew Jesus, and I didn't necessarily think that Jesus had any interest in me personally.
Adam Ochoa:Although, I was very interested in God. That makes sense?
Amber:Yeah. It kinda does.
Adam Ochoa:Yeah. Yeah. So, like, I was interested in God, but not that I thought Jesus was particularly impressed with me when I nanny's to
Amber:go. Sure.
Adam Ochoa:So, but we know that. Like, you know, theology is, like, the only reason why we have any interest towards God is because he loved us first.
Adam Ochoa:Right? So but, you know, I didn't have my theology down. But I that's that's the only way I could describe it. But this preacher just kept preaching the love of God that we can come to him the way we are. Mhmm.
Adam Ochoa:If there's any changes that God's gonna do, he'll do it, and we don't have to do it ourselves. And enter in. Right? I gave my life to Jesus, enter the holy spirit Mhmm. In my life.
Adam Ochoa:And it's been a journey from that moment at the age of 15. I knew I gave my life to the Lord. Like, it was a I've always known Jesus. I've known of God, but there was a a maturity at that point where when I gave my life to Christ, something something changed within me.
Adam Ochoa:And that that began my journey, with the holy spirit.
Amber:Wow. What a rough start.
Adam Ochoa:Yeah. It's a rough start. Yeah. I haven't really shared that very much. I share around it Sure.
Adam Ochoa:Depending on who I'm talking to and what the subject is.
Adam Ochoa:But I just felt like a complete mess. So I think about in Genesis 1 1, you know, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was out without form. Right? Right. And it says the spirit of the lord, like, covered above the waters.
Adam Ochoa:Right. The idea that I what I love about that is that there was just a mess, formless
Adam Ochoa:Mat there was matter, but there's no form. Mhmm. And the holy spirit just hovered above the waters. And I feel like, in a sense, that's what the lord has done in my life. When I was ready to acknowledge the broken parts of my life, the holy spirit just hovered above my mess.
Adam Ochoa:Right? And and then he started pulling things in and calling things into being. Uh-huh.
Amber:Wow. I love that image.
Adam Ochoa:Yeah.
Amber:It's a really good image. Wow. Well, thank you so much for sharing. I know that that's, like, that's a hard thing to share.
Adam Ochoa:Yeah.
Amber:Yeah. But you know what? There's hope in it though. Knowing that that's where you started, but seeing where you are now and, like, how much the Holy Spirit has transformed your life, taking where you were, that mess, and where you are now. It's such a significant transformation.
Adam Ochoa:Yes. And, you know, some people, when they encounter the Holy Spirit, there are changes that happen like that.
Adam Ochoa:Right? And for me, when I gave my life to Christ, one of the things that he changed immediately was my mouth. Right? I used to kiss like a sailor Uh-huh. Say say the most grotesque things, and that was a gift from the Lord.
Adam Ochoa:Right? And he he cleaned up my mouth. I know people who were immediately delivered from, you know, addictions. Yeah. Right?
Adam Ochoa:But for me, I just felt like the gift God gave me was a clean mouth. But everything else afterwards
Amber:Was a subtle It was a
Adam Ochoa:slow bird.
Amber:Yeah. Slow bird. That's funny.
Adam Ochoa:Jesus Jesus likes the journey. Mhmm. Right? And he wants us to enjoy the journey Right. And and to find people that will encourage encourage us in the Lord and to share what they've learned through the Holy Spirit or through through Jesus.
Amber:Uh-huh. Yeah. No. That's that's really good. And it's a journey that never stops.
Adam Ochoa:Yeah.
Amber:Like, you we're constantly until you're home with the Lord, you are constantly on that journey.
Adam Ochoa:Right.
Amber:Yeah. So I know that you mentor a lot of young men when it comes to, you know, their spiritual journey, their own journey. And how do you allow the holy spirit to help you do that?
Adam Ochoa:So first of all, I have never forgotten what it's like to be lost. Mhmm. I've asked the lord to help me not to forget. Because I think sometimes when people start their journey into Christ, you kinda easily forget where you came from. Mhmm.
Adam Ochoa:So you're you're saying that I've kinda, like, spoken into people's lives. Mhmm. And right now, they're mostly men in their twenties thirties.
Adam Ochoa:Right? I re I just remember where I was in my twenties thirties.
Adam Ochoa:And I remember the questions I had about what does it mean to be, like, a good man, a good husband, a good friend, just a good servant of Jesus. Right? And I remember the sort of other things that were plaguing my life that would try to discourage me from being those things.
Adam Ochoa:So I've I've never forgotten what it's like to be lost, and I don't assume that everyone's got it together. I mean, I don't have it all together even now. It's a
Amber:good assumption. Yeah. So I remember when we went to Israel.
Adam Ochoa:Mhmm.
Amber:We went to Israel together and that was such an amazing trip.
Adam Ochoa:Yep. Yep.
Amber:And I know, like, a lot of the group wanted to go when we were in Jerusalem, they wanted to go, like, walk around and go, like, we had done a lot of walking Yeah. In Israel. And I think you and I were like, we're done walking. We're just gonna stay at the hotel
Adam Ochoa:for a minute. You have you have to understand that. I work from home, and walking to the bathroom or to the refrigerator is, like, hard work because that's, like, the that's my scope of the day. Right.
Amber:So I just remember there was, like, a moment where we were done for the day and all these are most of our group went out to go explore the city. And you and I, and I think Avery and maybe Ed were there, and we were just sitting in the lobby. And you had spoken to me. We had a conversation about the Holy Spirit. And I remember, like, at that point, I was still pretty early in my journey of, like, getting to know the Holy Spirit, but I was very hungry
Adam Ochoa:Yeah.
Amber:To know who he was. And you suggested this book to me called Good Morning Holy Spirit. Yes. And who is that by again?
Adam Ochoa:That's Benny Hinn.
Amber:Benny Hinn. I always wanna say Benny Hinn.
Adam Ochoa:I wanna say Benny Hill.
Amber:Oh, Benny Hill. Okay. That's that's fun. Okay. That's not it.
Amber:So when I got home from Israel, I bought the book Mhmm. And I read it. And it was such a good recommendation because his relationship with the Holy Spirit was something that I was, like, that could happen. Like, you could have that closeness with the Holy Spirit. In the book, he describes that, like, the Holy Spirit he would spend so much time with the Holy Spirit that, like, when he walked out of his room, like, his mother would, like, fall to the ground because the presence of the Holy Spirit was just just so much on him.
Adam Ochoa:Sure.
Amber:I've never I haven't reached that level yet. I don't think I've made anyone fall from the presence of the Lord around me, but maybe one day.
Adam Ochoa:Maybe tomorrow.
Amber:Maybe tomorrow. But what has been your journey with the Holy Spirit reading those books and, like, how he speaks to you and how you use your gifts for others? Like, how does that look for you?
Adam Ochoa:Sure. So good morning, holy spirit was impactful to me as well. I read that when I was an intern. Mhmm. And just so I know people are listening going, you know, Benny Hinn.
Adam Ochoa:I know that Benny Hinn is in a different place right now than he was back in the day when he wrote that book. Mhmm. So Mhmm. I just wanna make very clear. We're talking about early Benny Hinn, and it seems like that's a legit experience that he wrote about.
Adam Ochoa:So what I would say, when I was younger, I kept my eyes on people who I thought were prophetic, that were seasoned in in the spirit of God. And I got I took a lot of encouragement from watching other people. Mhmm. But what I also had to learn was that, my relationship with the holy spirit is different than other people's relationship with the holy spirit. Yeah.
Adam Ochoa:So if someone is moves prophetically, you know, and I'm like, oh, man. They're they just have a really great relationship with the holy spirit, but all of a sudden, I'm not I I feel like I can't do that. Like, that that's not an indication that something is wrong with my relationship with the person of the holy spirit. And so I had to learn to get comfortable in my own skin.
Adam Ochoa:Right? And so I had I had people I looked up to, like I said, or mentors, and I had to recognize that's that's something special the holy spirit is doing with them. Yeah. And what the holy spirit's gonna do with me, there might be similarities, but it's gonna be Adam's relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Amber:Yeah. No. That's really good. Actually, that relates to me a little bit because recently, like, I've seen the Holy Spirit move in other people's lives, and I'm like, holy spirit, why don't you do that for me? Like, come on.
Amber:Like, what the heck? Like, you know and then, like, I'm I'm humbled because the Holy Spirit reminded me. He's like, I'm enough. Yeah. Like, you don't need those things that I give to other other people because I am enough.
Amber:And I've given you words. I've given you confirmation. So what else what else is there?
Adam Ochoa:Totally. I I know I know people, they can be prayed up. You know? Like, they could be in the pocket, in their prayer life, and they can walk out and instantly have a word for people. Mhmm.
Adam Ochoa:The holy spirit's dropping information into their heart about them. Mhmm. You know? And what I get from so this is, like, be careful, like, comparisons. But for me, I also get that feeling, although I may not get the message.
Adam Ochoa:Right? So this probably speaks a little bit to speaking into young people's lives. Yeah. So most people, I would imagine, say if I don't have the message, then I'm not gonna give I'm not even gonna attempt to give anything. Mhmm.
Adam Ochoa:Like a piece of encouragement or anything. And what I have learned is that if you engage in conversation, I don't know what is stirring up in my heart, but the fact that I'm engaging and I'm having a heart to heart with someone Mhmm. Suddenly, the holy spirit will make very clear what it is I think he might be trying to say to them.
Amber:Got it.
Adam Ochoa:Right? So it's it's a little bit of a a risk.
Amber:Yeah. For sure.
Adam Ochoa:It's not within our own power anyway. Right?
Adam Ochoa:It's not my right? It's by his spirit Uh-huh. Say it the Lord. So if you feel like the Holy Spirit or the Lord is prompting you to speak with someone, even if it's someone who's not saved, just try to make small conversation and see if see if the holy spirit will open the door. Mhmm.
Adam Ochoa:And and if he does, you just step into it.
Adam Ochoa:Right?
Amber:Yeah. That's good. That actually so I just got back from youth camp, summer camp. And it was like 4 days of just craziness, but, like, the church part of it is awesome. Yeah.
Amber:And the Holy Spirit definitely moves during those evening services when we're all praying. And I get a little, like, nervous as a leader in those situations because, like, I'll see a kid and they're, like, you know, they look like they're deep in thought or, you know, whatever. And I'm, like, should I go pray for them? Like and I'm waiting for, like, the holy spirit to be like, I have a word for them. Go tell them this.
Amber:And I'm gonna be like, yeah. I wanna go and, you know, be super impactful. And I realized, I had a revelation this last camp, because this is my third one I've been to, that the holy spirit just does not work for me in that way. Like, I I know for some people, like, he'll give them a word or a bible verse or an image or whatever, and then they go and they say it to the person. But for me, I I have found that I have to just go over to the person, ask to pray for them, start praying
Adam Ochoa:Yep.
Amber:And then he'll start praying through me.
Adam Ochoa:Yeah.
Amber:And I'll start praying for things that I didn't even realize were an issue in their life. There's no way I could've known about that issue in their life or a certain area in their life that they're struggling with. And the holy spirit was like, yeah. That's your your gift requires a little bit more faith
Adam Ochoa:Right.
Amber:Because you you just have to go in and start talking.
Adam Ochoa:Well, here here's what you don't so we're we're tougher on ourselves Yeah. Than I think, other people would be. Like, you're you're trying to look for an n Mhmm. But people look at you as a mom anyway. Right?
Adam Ochoa:So Yeah. Like, the, like, the Lord has, like, made a path for you, for these young people who are looking at you.
Adam Ochoa:You know? And you and it's a it's a matter of just, like, being obedient and stepping in. Yeah. Right? I know who you're talking about.
Adam Ochoa:These these these children, these young people Mhmm. That they respect you. Right? And they already see, the impact of of the holy spirit on your life already.
Adam Ochoa:So they're they're they're they're ready to hear what you have to say.
Amber:Yeah. Yeah. I guess that's key is the obedience part of it. It's just stepping in. Even when you said it, like, there's risk.
Adam Ochoa:Yep. We say that in our life group all the time. Walking with Christ is a risk. You're gonna risk being wrong.
Adam Ochoa:Right? So, like, I've been told I've been wrong when I've tried to, like I feel like I have something for you.
Adam Ochoa:Right? And and you you have to be okay. You have to be okay with that.
Adam Ochoa:Right? But it rarely happens. Mhmm. It rarely happens. Usually, people will confirm, you know, whatever it is you're saying, or or they'll say, I'll think about it.
Adam Ochoa:Which is that's all we're really asking them to do. Sure. Because when we speak into other people's lives, we are not trying to change their life. We're just trying to convey whatever it is we feel like the Holy Spirit wants to say to them. Mhmm.
Adam Ochoa:And once we release that message, it's it's on them. Like, we can't make things work out for them. Mhmm. Our job is to deliver the message the Holy Spirit has placed in our hearts for them.
Amber:You're right. Right. Well, that's good. Alright. So, Adam, I wanted to ask you because I know you mentor a lot of young men as we've mentioned.
Amber:I know that there's a certain weight that comes with being a husband, being, a father, being the spiritual leader, and there's a certain expectation put on them from society, from their families, from, you know, some of it is scriptural to be, like, the provider for your family, to be the spiritual leader. How do you navigate that with young men as you're mentoring them if they are feeling that weight of that? Sure.
Adam Ochoa:I can absolutely relate, to that question. For sure, when you have a responsibility, there is a weight to that responsibility. Unfortunately, I feel like in our culture, people are so concerned about their freedoms. Mhmm. So when you think about, like, oh, I'm I'm married now, so there goes my freedom.
Adam Ochoa:Like, there goes my my ability to hang with the boys. Right? Mhmm. Or if you have kids, like, oh, man. It's 5 o'clock.
Adam Ochoa:I gotta go home. I can't hang out. Right? It's just it's like a bummer.
Adam Ochoa:Right? That that I think, unfortunately, our world kinda looks at it like that. For me, as someone who thought they would never get married or let alone have children
Adam Ochoa:I've been able to look at these things as privileges and complete joys. So I'm not saying it's always, like, super happy situation. Right? But when I go home and I'm with my kids, they are the they are truly the apple of my eye. I love hanging out with them.
Adam Ochoa:I love laughing with them, talking with them, do playing music. When I'm with my wife, I I'm present. You know? I try to be present. I I can't help her with everything.
Adam Ochoa:They're you know? She doesn't want me to help. She doesn't want me to fix everything. Right?
Amber:She wants you to listen.
Adam Ochoa:But but I'm I'm at least present, and it's a joy to be present. Mhmm. So when I'm talking to to young men, I ask them, especially some of them not even married yet. Right?
Adam Ochoa:And they're like, oh, I just wanna get married. I'm just looking for that one. Right? And I just I I always like to remind them that the desires that they have for marriage and family and children having to all that all that, those are good things. Right?
Adam Ochoa:And the scripture says that he satisfies our desires Mhmm. With good things. So I can make a pretty safe assumption that the desire to be a father and a husband and a provider, that's a desire that the Lord placed within them. Mhmm. Right?
Adam Ochoa:And he he is gonna make it happen. He's gonna make the ends meet. Right? So if there's concerns financially, if there's concerns, like, I'm just not connecting with my wife. Right?
Adam Ochoa:I or my children, I believe that that God is ever present. The holy spirit is in the house. Right? We've invited the Holy Spirit to our house.
Adam Ochoa:And God's gonna make a way even when it's even when it's hard Yeah. And you're able to get breakthrough. Like, let's just say there there's a quiet moment between my wife and I. Right? And it's been going on for a little while now.
Adam Ochoa:I know that when we break through that, there's immense joy on the other end. Yeah. Because we found each other, and the holy spirit helped us do that.
Amber:Yeah. No. That's so good. I love that.
Adam Ochoa:So that's what I encourage young men to do is is the fact that that you have that desire is proof that God's gonna satisfy Yeah. That desire and all the hard things, all the ways of the of life Mhmm. It's gonna get worked out.
Amber:Yeah. That's
Adam Ochoa:why we need people.
Amber:Yes. Community, people, a mentor. Like, I'm such a huge advocate for getting a mentor
Adam Ochoa:Yeah.
Amber:Because it's just I know for me and my spiritual journey, it really accelerated my growth on
Adam Ochoa:Do you know what I say all the time? You're gonna make it. I find myself saying that all the time in some sort of way. You're gonna make it. Yeah.
Adam Ochoa:You're gonna pull through. You're sad now, but you're not always gonna be sad.
Amber:Right. The Lord's not done.
Adam Ochoa:The Lord's not done. Right. Right?
Amber:That's really good. That's a good word. Mhmm. Good word for anybody.
Adam Ochoa:Holy. The final chapter of your life has not yet been written. Yeah. So let's not act like this is the end.
Amber:Right. Yeah. I feel like we can get stuck for sure
Adam Ochoa:Mhmm. In
Amber:that in our emotions and our situations, but just knowing that, you know, Lord's not done. He's working. Even if it doesn't feel like it, he's working. Yep. You know, just like the songs.
Amber:So no. It's really good. Is there anything else that you wanted to talk about that I haven't asked yet about the holy spirit or mentoring or anything like that?
Adam Ochoa:You know, as far as the Holy Spirit is concerned, I think we need to remember that the Holy Spirit isn't a feeling.
Adam Ochoa:It's, he's a person.
Adam Ochoa:Right? And and I always try to, like, take that into consideration, when I'm having a conversation with him. I'm asking the Holy Spirit to help me. Mhmm. Right?
Adam Ochoa:And the Holy Spirit is so many things. He's a teacher. Right? He he's a comfort. Mhmm.
Adam Ochoa:He reveals he's constantly revealing, aspects of Jesus
Adam Ochoa:To us. So it's very hard for me now that I know what he what the holy spirit does. Very hard for me to understand why people are shy and when it comes to the subject of the holy spirit because we absolutely need his presence Yeah. In our lives.
Amber:Yeah. I think people are shy because they don't understand. Yep. And I feel like if we shine more light on who he is and because he's called the spirit. Right?
Amber:And so I feel like that terminology is just kinda like, well, what does that mean? Like, you know, we can understand a son, like, he's the son of God. We can understand the father God, but, like, who's the spirit guy, you
Adam Ochoa:know? Or the holy ghost.
Amber:The holy ghost. Mhmm. Yeah. Exactly. So that's one of the reasons why I started this podcast because I was like, I just, well, the holy spirit put it on my heart to do it, but because I feel like there is this, like, you know, mystified feeling around him or that he's an emotion or, you know I just did an episode with Eric that he, in the past, kind of viewed him as, like, the force.
Amber:Like, you know, like, different Star Wars or something.
Adam Ochoa:Totally. That that's what that's what people think. Mhmm. Right? And but if you wanna know Jesus, get to know the Holy Spirit.
Adam Ochoa:He's the spirit of God.
Amber:Right. He's
Adam Ochoa:the spirit of Jesus. Mhmm.
Amber:And his goal is to glorify God.
Adam Ochoa:Absolutely.
Amber:Because he is God.
Adam Ochoa:Jesus is like, I'm out of here. Yeah. But I'm gonna I'm gonna leave someone here for you.
Adam Ochoa:Right?
Adam Ochoa:So that's why it's so important. Jesus knows, like, when he was on earth, right, there was just one Jesus. Mhmm. But he's like, my spirit is gonna be everywhere.
Adam Ochoa:Right.
Amber:No. So good. Alright, Adam. Well, thank you so much again for coming on here and being vulnerable and sharing your story and just having this conversation with me.
Adam Ochoa:Thank you so much for this opportunity. I really enjoyed it.
Adam Ochoa:I've never had a microphone so close to my mouth.
Amber:Yeah. It's really close, but it sounds really good. So you're good. Alright, guys. Well, thank you so much for listening to this episode.
Amber:I'm really happy that you guys took the time to be able to listen to this whether it's just when it came out or even if it's years from now. I just hope this message blesses you and just allows you to just get to know the Holy Spirit a little bit better.
Adam Ochoa:Blessings.
Amber:Alright. Blessings. See you guys in the next episode. Thanks.
