Conquering Spiritual Battles with Amy Jordan
Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered. My name's Amber Beals, and it is my job and my mission to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me, to help demystify who He is, what his role is, and to deeply encourage you to seek a relationship with him. Alright. Let's get started. Hey, guys.
Amber Beels:Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered podcast. My name is Amber. And today, I'm super excited because I have a special guest. Her name is Amy Jordan, and I had her brother-in-law, Dan Jordan, on one of the first few episodes, actually. We talked about the fear of the lord, and that's kinda what we dove into in that episode.
Amber Beels:I believe it was episode, like, 2 or 3, something like that. But today, I have Amy, and she's amazing, and she was very hesitant to come on this podcast. Amy, you wanna say hi? Hello.
Amy Jordan:Yes. Very, very hesitant. But speaking is not my strong suit.
Amber Beels:No. But I I know you're a very powerful person. Like, I know you you shake your head all the time about that, but there's something some quiet strength behind you, and I've seen that. And so I'm like, okay, I need to have you on the podcast. So even though it took, like, a little bit, like, a month to get you to say yes, you did it.
Amber Beels:So I'm proud of you. So thank you for saying yes. So today, we're gonna be talking about a few things, but one of the things we wanted to highlight is spiritual warfare. And that's because one of your sons, Amy, struggles with being attacked in that area, and we'll go in more into that. And I'll have you share, like, your experience with that and, also, just your history with the Holy Spirit and what it is now, your relationship with him, and I I think it's gonna be a good episode.
Amber Beels:I'm excited.
Amy Jordan:Thank you. Thank you for having me. Yeah.
Amber Beels:Of course. Alright. So before we get started, I'm gonna go ahead and pray. So if you're listening to this and it's safe to do so, go ahead and pray with us and close your eyes. Dear heavenly father, I just thank you so much for this time and this opportunity to have Amy on this podcast, Lord.
Amber Beels:I just pray you would bless this conversation. Holy spirit, you're invited into this conversation. I pray you would speak through us, Lord. I pray a blessing on every single person that is listening to this Lord. I just pray you would prepare their hearts and our hearts for this message, Lord.
Amber Beels:And I just pray that it would edify your people, Lord, your church, Lord. And we thank you for that. In Jesus' name. Amen. Amen.
Amber Beels:Awesome. So, Amy, before we dive into spiritual warfare, why don't you tell me a little bit about your background, like, what you grew up in? And I know you grew up in the church, but do you wanna go into that a little bit?
Amy Jordan:Yeah. So my family is 7th day Adventist and believe in in the trinity, believe in the Holy Spirit. That's all that's all the same. There's no weirdness there. I know some people are afraid when they hear SDA.
Amy Jordan:They think it's a cult. Not to say that there aren't some crazies out there. There are. But, really, they just they wanna spread the news of Jesus, and they believe in the Saturday Sabbath. So but yeah.
Amy Jordan:So the Holy Spirit, I just this whole you doing this podcast and everything brings me back to when we were in Jerusalem Mhmm. And you were doing the upper room talk.
Amber Beels:That was, like, one of the first times that I spoke, I think, ever.
Amy Jordan:Yeah. And you were speaking about the Holy Spirit and mentioned and you said exactly what I thought. I feel like he gets forgotten. You know, people don't really know how to relate to the Holy Spirit. They don't know what it means.
Amy Jordan:We know we have Him, but what do we do with Him?
Amber Beels:Right. Right. He's our helper, but He's our helper, but,
Amy Jordan:you know, but we pray to Jesus. We pray to God. We ask God to help us. We ask God to, you know, take our burdens, but, really, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to walk us through those things. Yeah.
Amy Jordan:So growing up, the main focus that I experienced was that your body is a temple of the holy spirit. It's God within you, and so you need to take care of your your body so that you can be a holy vessel for the Lord to share the good news to, you know, to gain followers for Christ for the kingdom.
Amber Beels:Yeah. So Which are all good things. Yeah.
Amy Jordan:Yeah. I don't I don't hit on that at all. I think that's beautiful. But we didn't have in at least in my church that we went to, I never experienced speaking in tongues or even prayer language or any of that. I didn't I didn't know any of that even existed in modern day until getting out of the SDA community and seeing other Christian denominations, and I married into a family that is full of it.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm. And Christian denominations, and I married into a family that is full of it.
Amber Beels:Yes. You did.
Amy Jordan:So it was kinda weird. I had to get used to hearing the prayer languages around me in church, but I'm good with it now. It doesn't bother me anymore. At first, I was like, what's going on?
Amber Beels:I could imagine. Like, you know, just hearing it for the first time and not being used to it, not really sure what's going yeah. Like, I I mean, being someone that kinda had a lot of spiritual trauma in the beginning Mhmm. I'm like, I don't know. That that that's just no red flag.
Amber Beels:Like, uh-uh. Yeah. So I could imagine. I can relate.
Amy Jordan:And to be honest, like, I've been trying to think about how did I really think, you know, especially when we get into, like, the spiritual warfare stuff is just I had kind of relegated to that to all to biblical times. And, you know, that nowadays, it was very rare, if at all, and mostly people were just, you know, making it up or, you know, using it as like, oh, you know, I don't know woo woo stuff. Sure. So, yeah, I I believe it now.
Amber Beels:Yeah. Well, you've experienced it now.
Amy Jordan:Right? A little bit of it now, and I'm you know, even even for me to say that feels weird. But Yeah. I always felt like, the holy spirit was kinda left out and forgotten when it came to our actual day to day walk. We should pray more with with the authority of the Holy Spirit and less less asking God to do things or help us with stuff because He already sent somebody to help us.
Amy Jordan:So it's just invoking that power and allowing yourself to walk alongside with him and him to walk alongside with you.
Amber Beels:Right. Yeah. And that's literally what his name means, the helper, is to come alongside you and and do life with you and help and literally help you. Right? Yeah.
Amber Beels:And I know that you had taken the Holy Spirit class through our church too. And did that help, like, put things in alignment a little bit? I know after a couple classes, you were super confused, and you were like, wait. And I know you had some questions.
Amy Jordan:I did. I started not to understand. I was like, so we don't have the Holy Spirit unless we've been baptized in the Holy Spirit, or or unless we get our prayer language. Like, when do we actually have the Holy Spirit? I thought I did.
Amy Jordan:I got very confused. Yeah.
Amber Beels:Yeah. And John Bevere, I love him, but he can talk really fast. And so sometimes you can be like, wait. Did I hear that right?
Amy Jordan:But I
Amber Beels:need to listen to it again. And I forget because I've been through this class, like, 13, 14 times, and so I'm like, yeah. No. No. That's not what he meant.
Amber Beels:But, you know, again, I've been through it many times, and I've looked through all the scriptures and took time and not just watch it, you know, type thing. So it can be a little confusing. But you you had the I answered your questions. Right?
Amy Jordan:Yes. You did.
Amber Beels:I did. Okay. Good.
Amy Jordan:I get it now.
Amber Beels:Oh, yeah. Because it can be confusing about, like, the baptism of the holy spirit. And then when you accept Christ and you say the sinner's prayer and all the things, you get the holy spirit, but it's, like, 2 different things. And one doesn't require salvation to have, but it's a nice tool to have, especially if you're dealing with spiritual warfare. And he helps equip you with the tools of the holy spirit when it comes to that baptism part of it.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm.
Amber Beels:So, yeah, definitely a difference there. But when it comes to your son, what do you wanna kinda go into what was happening there?
Amy Jordan:Yeah. So he's 6 now. He was probably close to 6. This is probably about a year ago when this started. No.
Amy Jordan:It started earlier. It went on for a few months, but he would wake up at night with nightmares and screaming, crying. And at first, you think, oh, you know, kids, nightmares, whatever.
Amber Beels:Yeah.
Amy Jordan:So the first few nights, you know, we just got him settled down, got him back to sleep, then we started praying because it was nonstop. It just started it got to where it was every night he was having a nightmare. So we would pray, you know, lord, let us have a peaceful night of rest. Take these nightmares away. But they continued and continued for probably 2 months to the point where he was he was just waking up screaming, blood curdling screams in the middle of the night like I'd never heard.
Amy Jordan:Wow. And we would pray and pray and pray. And I just got one night, it was so bad. Well, I should I should explain the dreams a little bit maybe.
Amber Beels:Yeah. What was he seeing? And were they reoccurring, or is it always the same dream?
Amy Jordan:It's always the same dream. So, again, at first, he didn't really know how to communicate what the dream was about. So I kept trying to ask him, like, maybe if you tell me about it, it'll help to make it sometimes when you tell how a dream, you realize how silly it sounds and how unrealistic it is, and then you're like you're able to put it away and never have it
Amber Beels:again. Sure.
Amy Jordan:So I asked him if he could try to explain it. He's like, monsters. It's a monster. There's a monster in my room. There's a monster in my room.
Amy Jordan:There's a monster in my room. And, eventually, he started describing the monster. It's got a rectangle head and lots of teeth, sharp pointy teeth and rectangle head, and it was very, very consistent, and it got more and more detailed. It's got black eyes, black big giant black eyes. And eventually, the dream got to where this I think this is, like, the night the night I broke.
Amy Jordan:It had all these sharp teeth, and its gums were showing when it was when it was trying oh, it was trying to take his eyes from him and replace replace Josiah. My son's name is Josiah. Mhmm. I was trying to replace his eyes with the demon's eyes. So I was trying to steal my son's eyes and give him his eyes.
Amy Jordan:And this last one, it had this huge mouthful of sharp, sharp teeth, and its gums were showing tonight. And his its gums were full of eyeballs just staring at him. And this is horrific. I was horrified. I'm a full grown adult.
Amy Jordan:If I was having that dream, every night, I'd be screaming bloody murder too. Yeah. And I'm like, this sounds crazy. So the next day, we got him settled down, went back to bed, prayed. And the next day, I was just obsessed with it.
Amy Jordan:I was like, what is this dream? Like, is this the kind of dream that other people have had? Is this like a you know, some dreams are there's a word for it in psychology. They're shared dreams. You know, they're common archetypes of things that happen in dreams or dreams that lots
Amber Beels:of people have. To certain things. Yeah. Uh-huh.
Amy Jordan:Or is it just like a crazy video game he saw someone? Yeah. Like, just caught a glimpse of somewhere and it's scaring him. So I kinda googled in a description of this thing, which is bad idea, but I did it. Immediately, all of these, like, palmistry
Amber Beels:Yeah.
Amy Jordan:Astrology, you know, tarot card sites started popping up, and I was like, okay. No. We're not doing this. We're not going down this road.
Amber Beels:Especially with dream interpretation, like, trying to get, like, a Christian view, like, a
Amy Jordan:biblical dream interpretation here. I'm gonna have to wade through so much stuff to find something that I'd even, like, safe to look at. I was like, but you know what? Like, immediately, the Holy Spirit was like, you don't need to know. You don't need to know this thing, what it is.
Amy Jordan:You don't need to know its name. I was like, you're right. I don't need to know. I don't wanna know. It doesn't deserve my attention.
Amy Jordan:Yeah. It doesn't deserve me to know its name. There's power in names.
Amber Beels:There yeah.
Amy Jordan:I don't need to know its name. I just need to command it out. Mhmm. So we all went to bed that night, prayed our normal prayer. You know, pray for peace, pray for God to watch over our home and take care of us and all of that.
Amy Jordan:Sure enough, middle of the night, he wakes up screaming. And I came downstairs, and I was like, this prayer has to be different. This if this is a demon attacking my child again, my husband had experiences when he was a little kid.
Amber Beels:Was it the same dream or just the No.
Amy Jordan:It was different. Okay. It was different, but definitely along the same vein of something, like, attacking him in his room recurring. So I'm like, if something like that is happening to my son, I gotta deal with this. We have to deal with this tonight.
Amy Jordan:So I had him pray with me. And I said, we're not where he asked me, he's like, mom, we have to beg Jesus. We have to beg God to to take this away. And I said, honey, we're not begging anything tonight. We're commanding.
Amy Jordan:We have the Holy Spirit. I don't know why, like, this humility came over me, and I was like, I don't know why Jesus thought that we deserved this kind of power, but He told the disciples when He left that it was better for Him to go, to send the Helper, to be with us. And in John Breber's course, I think he he explained, or you explained, or somebody explained that the Holy Spirit is the, like, the actual creative force of God. Mhmm. Yeah.
Amy Jordan:So, you know, the God God wills it, Jesus speaks it, the Holy Spirit creates. Is that
Amber Beels:kind of the labor of it? Yeah. Mhmm.
Amy Jordan:So I said, I I was like, we're gonna tell this thing. For whatever silly reason, God loves us enough to give us the power of the Holy Spirit to command wickedness to flee. So he prayed with me. I had him repeat the whole thing with me. I can't recite it anymore.
Amy Jordan:It's been too long. But basically, You're not welcome here. By the power of the Holy Spirit, entrusted to us by Jesus Christ. You must leave and never come back. There is no place for you here and just command it out.
Amy Jordan:In each little section I had him re pray with me. And we got through the whole thing and he was calm. At the end of it, he was very calm. He had stopped crying. I laid with him for a while.
Amy Jordan:At some point during the prayer, I realized that once you cast the the demon or the darkness or evil, whatever you wanna call it, whatever, you cast it away, you've got a void in you that you have to fill. So I was like, there's no room for you here. You can't come back because there's no room for you here. This is the house of the holy spirit. Mhmm.
Amy Jordan:This is holy ground where where the lord dwells. Like, this is this is a home where the lord dwells, the holy spirit dwells. This is holy ground. You can't come back. What we have here is the peace of the holy spirit, the confidence, and it worked.
Amy Jordan:That's awesome.
Amber Beels:He never had a dream again. Amen. That's That's amazing.
Amy Jordan:He had other fears. He dealt with anxiety. That had always been a thing, his anxiety. And it got really bad. One day, I was dropping him off at school, and he was almost frozen with anxiety.
Amy Jordan:And so as I was driving away, I was praying again, like, spirit of anxiety, you're not welcome with my son. Like, he is he belongs to god the father. I've been I've entrusted him to the father when he was born because there's no reason this boy should even exist if you know my husband's and my story. Like, our kids should not even be here, Like, we shouldn't be together, let alone have kids. So so when Josiah was born, I told God, I'm like, I know he's not mine.
Amy Jordan:I know he's yours. And so I was just reminding any any evil spirit, like, this child is not yours. He does not belong to you. You have no power. Anxiety, you have no place in his life.
Amy Jordan:And that one, I have to fight a little harder because he likes to creep back. So we still have to fight that one. But
Amber Beels:I think fear is a different beast than, like, an actual demon that's coming and haunting at night. Yeah. Because fear is something that we deal with. And you can cast it away, but it'll always come back.
Amy Jordan:It'll always come back.
Amber Beels:It seems like it. Yeah. Yes. And that's something I've been dealing with a lot lately is is that idea of fear because I kept treating it like it was unforgiveness. Like, it's you know, I just feel the fear one more time and then let it go and never feel it again.
Amber Beels:And that's that's not how it works, unfortunately. But I love that you had your son, Josiah, do that with you, say the prayer with you. And I think that's what gave him peace is saying it because there's power in that spoken word. Right? And recently I've learned to declare things, declare biblical truths.
Amber Beels:And I'm not just saying it to myself, which we need to hear that. There's something about hearing your own voice and you taking it in and you'll start believing it. I think once you start, you know, faith comes by speaking and speaking with the word of God. Right? And so you're speaking the word of God over you, and so it's increasing your faith.
Amber Beels:But then you're also saying it to the Lord because he tells us to pray or declare his promises so we can bring them down to earth. But then you're also saying it to the enemy to remind him and declaring, like, this is who I am. This is the truth. You have no place here.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm.
Amber Beels:You have no power here. You have no authority here. And you're kinda like doing the trifecta of, like, reminding yourself, telling it to the Lord and telling it to the enemy. And Mhmm. It works.
Amy Jordan:It works.
Amber Beels:Yeah. And it's crazy that it works. Sometimes it takes some time for it to work, but I'm glad that once he was involved, it wasn't just you praying. You got him involved that it was gone. Mhmm.
Amber Beels:That's amazing.
Amy Jordan:Yeah. And have
Amber Beels:you done that with the anxiety too, or is that more just you praying over him? Not to say that it would go right away, but again, fear is a little different. But
Amy Jordan:Yeah. We have we have read it directly together. He he was more half hearted about it. I don't think he's as upset about his fear and his anxiety as he was about this monster in his room. But
Amber Beels:It's because it's his norm, unfortunately.
Amy Jordan:Maybe. Yeah.
Amber Beels:That's what he's used to.
Amy Jordan:Yeah.
Amber Beels:And he thinks that's just how life is. Yeah. I think that if he's free from it, then maybe he'll realize, like, oh, I don't have to feel this way all the time. But, again, it's
Amy Jordan:it's a hard thing. It's not yeah. I I don't know that the fear and anxiety is a, you know, demonic attack versus it's just it's just life. So, I mean, I'm I'm not ashamed anymore to pray. If it is, like, I'm happy to pray away any sort of, like, warfare
Amber Beels:that's necessary. Cover your bases. Cover your bases. Yeah.
Amy Jordan:Before, I was like, I'm not gonna do that. That's silly. It's not it's just life. You just gotta deal with, like, suck it up, buttercup.
Amber Beels:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. But I I love that you did that with Josiah, and then it worked.
Amber Beels:I remember when I was a kid, I had this reoccurring dream for 3 years. Like, I remember it was, like, every night, constant dream. And it was it was a nightmare. I don't think it was. I don't know if it was a demonic attack or not because it was just my mom rejecting me in every dream.
Amber Beels:And I know that was a result of, like, my environment, my great grandmother not saying nice things to me. And so, like, that was a result of the dream. But what did get rid of it was prayer. I never told anyone about it for 3 years until my cousin came, and she asked me, like, how do you sleep at night? And I was like, you know what?
Amber Beels:I don't know why I'm gonna tell you this, but I don't sleep well. I have this dream. I have it every night, and she prayed for me. And that was the first time that night was the first night that I hadn't had that dream, and I never had it again. Mhmm.
Amber Beels:So even if it's not a demonic spiritual tactic, it can be just brought on by life,
Amy Jordan:and
Amber Beels:it's how your subconscious deals with things, and it's still hurtful. It's still hard. Right?
Amy Jordan:Yeah.
Amber Beels:So prayer is definitely powerful even in that respect. You know? So had you experienced anything like that before, like, any spiritual in your own life?
Amy Jordan:No. No. I wouldn't. I don't think there's anything I could point to that I would feel like it was actual spiritual warfare before that episode. But I I know the just the clarity and the humility that that Jesus, I re just realizing in that moment, like, when I was totally on my wit's end of how to help my son get through the night, realizing that God put the power of the holy spirit that created everything into each of one of us to wield against the enemy.
Amber Beels:He's right. It's better.
Amy Jordan:It's better that we have the holy spirit than Jesus walking around here on earth, and we're all gonna be together again someday. And he's given us the ultimate tool, the ultimate weapon of himself to to fight these battles alongside us and to give us the strength and to give us the authority and to give us I mean, when you think about it, it's hard to understand how any demon could affect a person who has the holy spirit. They only have the power that you allow them. Right?
Amber Beels:Well, they've been watching us since the beginning. Right?
Amy Jordan:Yeah.
Amber Beels:So they know how humans work. They know how we operate.
Amy Jordan:Exactly how.
Amber Beels:They know what buttons to push and what lies to tell you that you're gonna believe and then are gonna trigger you and make you believe the lie. Right? So, I mean, just like we're given an assignment here on Earth, they're given assignment to each of us to bring us down because we're we're the enemy. Right? They hate us because God loves us.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm.
Amber Beels:And so, yeah, I mean, they just do everything they can to make sure we don't realize what authority we have. Right.
Amy Jordan:Because that's the key, is realizing the authority that God's given you. It was it was life changing. Like, I knew it academically. I knew it, like, I'd heard it in church preach to, you know, you have the holy spirit. You have the power to cast out demons.
Amy Jordan:You have the power to do amazing things. I still would never dream of thinking like, oh, I can heal the sick because I have the holy spirit. That will I'm not there. Yeah. It's different
Amber Beels:somewhere. Right?
Amy Jordan:Definitely still knew this whole concept, but but yeah. Like, it's humbling. It's the sense of humility that comes over you when you realize that Jesus gave you that. Yeah. The holy spirit.
Amy Jordan:Yeah.
Amber Beels:And I love that you used the word humility. Because I think some people would take that and be like, yeah. I have authority. Like, you know, let it pump them up. But, no, it it was a gift.
Amber Beels:Right? We did nothing to deserve it. Deserve that. And the Lord just loved us enough to give us his spirit, his living spirit to come alongside of us and give us that authority and that power to protect ourselves and our our families and and help others and help the help the church. Right?
Amber Beels:Mhmm. And it's it's amazing. I do wanna touch on praying over your home because you said that you you do that. Right? Do you do that just by yourself or do do it with Philip?
Amy Jordan:You know, we go to bed at different times, and it's a nighttime prayer that I do with the kids or myself. But, no, I don't we don't really do it nightly together. But, yeah, I I just pray that you know, the way you describe it, like, reminding reminding yourself, reminding God, reminding all the wickedness out there that our home is holy ground, because the spirit of the Lord dwells there. And, you know, I asked the Lord to guard our home with angels, you know, set angels around our home, protect us, protect my family. But at the end of the day, it's it's a dwelling place of the Lord, and so nothing nothing has any right to come near and fuck him against my family.
Amy Jordan:So that's the prayer.
Amber Beels:No. That's great. And I love that you do it nightly.
Amy Jordan:Yeah.
Amber Beels:I should do that. I do it, like, once a month, and I should do it probably more often. And I try to do it with Eric because I try to like, if you pray together or you do these things together, you're supposed to grow together spiritually on that that spiritual level. And because he's the head of the household, I try to, like, encourage him. Like, let's do it together.
Amber Beels:You know what I'm saying? And, yeah, I I should do it more often, but it's it's one of those things that you never know. Especially, you have a lot people come into your home. Like, they could be opening some kind of portal. Maybe somebody watched something maybe unintentionally, and it did something to invite, you know, something evil into your home unintentionally.
Amber Beels:And just being intentional with your prayer to make sure that you kind of, like, again
Amy Jordan:Well, it's funny. Yeah. People coming in home. Yeah. We we host the life group, and I know you were there one night.
Amy Jordan:We had someone who needed praying, because she was battling you know, she'd been baptized, and she was battling, you know, the this sort of whatever whatever was latched onto her that just did not like the fact that she had gotten baptized. And Mhmm. We prayed, Melissa. God bless you, Melissa. Love you, girl.
Amy Jordan:I miss you. Melissa just helped her pray it out. And after that night, I I had had a tablet, like a slate tablet that I had been meaning to I was gonna paint, you know, a swath of blood, you know, red paint symbolic of of God's blood
Amber Beels:Yeah.
Amy Jordan:And post it on the house. It's there now. That night, I went I was like, okay. I'm doing this tonight.
Amber Beels:And they were like, this is the time.
Amy Jordan:If that came if if whatever is attached to this lovely girl who also I miss her too. You know, it needs to know it's not it's not welcome to linger here. Right. Like, it's away from her. It's away from all of us who enter this house.
Amy Jordan:It's away from this home, and we put it out on the door that night. Some people laughed at me.
Amber Beels:Whatever. Hey. You do what you gotta do.
Amy Jordan:It made me feel better. Yeah. It was like, this house is protected. Like, there's a visual cue. This house is protected by God's blood.
Amy Jordan:So Jesus' blood, like, this is not nobody's welcome here. So, yeah, I do. I pray for life group, people coming in. I I felt one night very convicted to pray for healing, physical healing over the group. So whoever came in who needed physical healing that night, we prayed.
Amy Jordan:We I prayed. We and the holy me and the holy spirit. Oh, there you go. We prayed. I don't know if anybody felt any healing that night.
Amy Jordan:I have no idea. Didn't mention it to anybody, but I definitely feel more powerful now after after having that experience. And I think maybe maybe God allowed the the spirit to get close to my son just so that we could learn this lesson, because I I truly feel like our kids, your kids, they're growing up in a time the likes of which we've never seen. We could only dream about when we were kids, what they're gonna have to go through. And we need to teach them how to access the Holy Spirit and how to fight those battles, and that they have a a mighty weapon within them, courtesy of Jesus, to to fight these battles and to know how to go draw on that and stay close to the Holy Spirit.
Amber Beels:Absolutely. Yeah. It's it is crazy, the times we live in and knowing that they're gonna have to experience those things. But at least we're equipping them now. Like, Josiah is equipped now.
Amber Beels:No.
Amy Jordan:I know. I didn't think I was gonna have to start this early. I thought it was gonna be a little older before we had to deal with anything serious.
Amber Beels:Well but I know that ages 0 to to 7, it's very developmental, like, crucial part of their development. So him experiencing that then will help with his identity and how he operates, like a program, if you will, that he operates from, that he is powerful and that he can pray these things away, that he's not a victim
Amy Jordan:Mhmm.
Amber Beels:That he has the power and the authority to be able to to take care of that stuff. Or if he sees one of his friends going through the same thing, he can he knows what to do. Right. And it's interesting you brought up that night with Melissa and, her name is Susan. Susan, if you're listening to this, we miss you.
Amber Beels:But what's funny is not funny. She dealt with that again. That wasn't the last time.
Amy Jordan:I'm sure. Yeah. It was it was serious business. I could tell.
Amber Beels:And I remember it was what day was it? It was like, was it? Like, it was some crucial day at church. She had come to church, and she was feeling the same way that she did that day. And Heather had come up to me, and Heather was like, I think I think she needs help again.
Amber Beels:And I was like, okay. Melissa's not there. She's, like, in Colorado. And I'm like, okay. But at the same time, watching her Melissa go, like, go through those steps and just kinda, like, just keep saying, like, you have no authority here and not being afraid and being very calm about it and not being scared.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm.
Amber Beels:Like, watching her go through that, I was like, okay, I can do this. And so I was like, Heather, we're gonna do this right now.
Amy Jordan:And she was like, okay.
Amber Beels:So we go to the gen h area, and then we just sit her down, and we do the same thing that we did that night. I just said the same words over and over and over again, just commanding it to come out. And again, the same thing happened where in terms of, like, she kind of just slumped once it was over. Mhmm. She didn't remember anything.
Amber Beels:Mhmm. And she was like she felt lighter again. And so, like, there's a scripture. I forget which one it is, but it says that the demons can come back, basically, and it'll come back worse than it was the first time because you do have to fill that void.
Amy Jordan:Right.
Amber Beels:And you have to protect yourself and not be exposing yourself to things that are not of the Lord, you know, that could open those portals or or invite that spirit or spirits back in. Right? Mhmm. And when I talked to Susan, I was like, you know, this is not the first time we've done this. And she's like, wait.
Amber Beels:What? Like, she she couldn't remember. Oh, wow. And what's interesting is I've experienced that before with other people who've dealt with demonic possession or or oppression. I mean, either one, but they don't remember.
Amber Beels:Like, they don't it's it's gone. They they literally don't remember anything. And that's when I know it's genuine because that that's a pretty common symptom of somebody who goes through that. And I've I told her about it, and it's important that they know.
Amy Jordan:Well yeah.
Amber Beels:It's important that they understand what happened. Yeah. Because they need to do the right things to protect themselves and make sure that they're developing their relationship with the holy spirit and and protecting themselves just from that happening again because it's not fun.
Amy Jordan:No. It's not fun at all. Sweet girl, Susan, we love you if you're ever listening.
Amber Beels:Yes. We miss you, and we love you, and I hope you're doing better.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm.
Amber Beels:And, like, my mom had gone through that similar thing. And with her, she was in a Wiccan coven. Like, she was, like, super into like, she was a high priestess of her coven, like, super into the demonic. And she wouldn't think she realized that's what she was doing at the time, but she was just really Well,
Amy Jordan:it disguises itself as earth magic
Amber Beels:and Right. Yeah.
Amy Jordan:Peace and
Amber Beels:Exactly. And so she she struggled a lot. And, you know, it's really hard with that spiritual warfare because a lot of the times, you don't know if it's a mental issue. Like, it could be, like, a biological, like, mental issue, like, because she has bipolar 1 and 2. Like, she has type 1 and 2, and so she struggled with that her whole life.
Amber Beels:And so, like I'm like, okay. Is this what is this? You know? And so I had recently rededicated myself to the Lord. And then, like, a month later, she sent me a message, and she was not doing well.
Amber Beels:And I was here in California. She was in Texas, and I was like, dad, I have to go to Texas. So we go, and we thought we were gonna have to, like, put her into, like, a rehab place, like, for for her bipolar again. But as soon as I stepped into her home, the holy spirit's like, this is spiritual. This is not it's not her bipolar.
Amber Beels:It's not mental. This is spiritual. And I was like, oh, lord. I just I just got back. Like, why why now?
Amber Beels:I ain't ready for this. Like, you know, type of thing. And, like, I I don't like anything like that. I hate anything. I hate scary movies.
Amber Beels:Like, I hate anything that's, like, supernatural. Like, no. Like, I've never liked it. Always was afraid of it. And so I was like, no.
Amber Beels:But it was my mom. You know? And so I'm like, oh, I have to help her. And so, like, I had conversations with her, and, she was open to talking about the Lord and stuff. And I was like, well, that's good.
Amber Beels:She's open to talking about it. And I, like, tried not to leave her side because I just knew I needed to be with her. And the moment that I went to go, like, take a shower, she had a seizure right in front of my bathroom door. And I later found out like, the holy spirit revealed to me. And at that time, he gave me the gift of discernment.
Amber Beels:That was that was then, obviously. I didn't realize it at the time, but he was like, this isn't her seizures aren't, like, medical. They're not mental. They are spiritual attacks. That's what they are.
Amber Beels:And she had a seizure right in front of my door. And then later on, my brother, my little brother at the time, he was, like, I don't know, 8, 7. And he came and he had her pentagram necklace. And he came and he's like, hey. I found this.
Amber Beels:You lost it. And I was like, the hairs on my arms all just started lifting. I was like, oh my gosh. And my mom, she was like, oh, yeah. You're right.
Amber Beels:I did lose that. Thank you. And she took it. And I was like, mommy, you don't realize what's happening right now. Like, you know what I'm saying?
Amber Beels:And so she was like, okay, whatever. And then she went to sleep. But then after she went to sleep, her body started doing things. She started moaning. It was the scariest thing that happened in my life.
Amber Beels:And I was just kind of like, okay, in Jesus' name, you need to go. Like, I didn't know anything about the Holy Spirit. I was just like, I'm told I have this authority, but, you know, I was very scared. And I kept saying, like, I'm not afraid. And then it spoke to me through her and was like, if you're not afraid, why are you trembling?
Amber Beels:Mhmm. I was like, I don't know. Shush. And then I think it got bored. It went away.
Amber Beels:And I was like, okay. And I called all the Calvary Chapels in the area the next morning. And I was like, I need help. And so we went to the nearest Calvary Chapel that had the, like, the next opening. I took her in.
Amber Beels:She went in, and he knew what he was doing. Obviously, he was operating in the actual authority
Amy Jordan:of the experience.
Amber Beels:But, she was saved that day and he cast out whatever was in her. And Amy, that moment that she accepted Christ and she was free, her face changed. I did not realize how hard her face had gotten because I was so used to it seeing it over the years. And then as soon as she it was just like I had my mom back. And it was crazy.
Amber Beels:And then I went back to California, and then I asked her. I was like, do you remember what happened? She was like, I know you came out.
Amy Jordan:Oh my.
Amber Beels:But she didn't remember anything. And I was like, I'm not gonna say nothing.
Amy Jordan:I was like, I'm not gonna I don't want her to come back.
Amber Beels:Yeah. And it wasn't until 10 years later that the Holy Spirit was like, Amber, you need to tell Jessica what happened. You need to tell your mom what happened that time. And I was like, why now? It's 10 years later.
Amber Beels:And he's like, you have to tell her. She has to know. It was like during COVID because it was around 2010 that this happened. And so, it was around 2020. And I was like, hey, do you want to go to lunch?
Amber Beels:How awkward. Well, anyway, how do you feel someone with that? Right?
Amy Jordan:How do you approach this?
Amber Beels:So we went to lunch, and I told her I was like, look. I I know this is gonna be extremely awkward, and I'm sorry, but I have to tell you this because the Lord wants me to tell you. And I just let it I just let her have it, and she was speechless. She was like, Amber, I don't know I don't know how to react to this. And I was like, I don't know what to say.
Amber Beels:And I was like, yeah. I don't know what to say either. I don't know what you're supposed to do with that information, but the Lord wants you to know, to have it.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm. Just here you go.
Amber Beels:Yes. Part of,
Amy Jordan:yeah, part of your story given back to you. Here you
Amber Beels:go. Yeah. And I think now the reason why he wanted her to know was because he needs she needs to realize what he did for her, that he saved her. Right? And that she was in that mess because of her own rebellion against I'm thinking against her parents, you know, because she was a rebellious teenager or whatever.
Amber Beels:But I think it was more like you got yourself here, and I I called you back into the light. And I need you to remember that.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm.
Amber Beels:And maybe it's for future stuff. Like, if you ever feel like you're back in that place or if you ever feel like you're in a hopeless place, like, I took you out of this situation. I can take you out of whatever situation. Right. And I think it's just more of a reminder of, like, look what the Lord did for you.
Amber Beels:What else couldn't would he not do for you? Yeah. Right?
Amy Jordan:Yeah.
Amber Beels:And it's just it's just crazy. Ever since then, that was the spiritual trauma I was talking about because I know, like, ever since then, I was like, no. I don't want anything else. No more. Thank you.
Amber Beels:But now, like, that's been over 10 years ago now. And so it's like, okay. I'm not as scared of it now. Like, seeing Melissa go through that with Susan and now I was able to help Susan. Like, you do it from a place of authority, not from fear like I did the first time.
Amber Beels:Right? Because I was just like, I don't know what I'm doing. But now it's like, no. This is what the scripture says, and if I truly believe it, then I'm gonna stand on it
Amy Jordan:Mhmm.
Amber Beels:And not hesitate and just say the words that need to be said and believe that it's gonna work.
Amy Jordan:Yeah. Yeah. It's an amazing it's an amazing thing to to experience it. I could never I could never have hoped to understand it really, until I spoke that prayer with my son. I could never have dreamt of what it would have even sounded like, but I know now not to, when you're facing something, and you're asking God's help, help me through this or whatever, just be specific.
Amy Jordan:Like, God's already given you everything you need, and the help is there at your fingertips. Just lean on the Holy Spirit. Lean on his guidance. Lean on, you know, that gut feeling that he gives you. Because it was simple.
Amy Jordan:The fact that I needed to verbally fill the space with the spirit Holy Spirit's peace Right. And, you know, what do we get? All of it.
Amber Beels:Yeah. Just asking him to come in
Amy Jordan:Asking him to fill that spot so that, you know, no no other wickedness can can try and creep into their into your heart or into your home. I didn't I don't know that I necessarily understood the why of that. I just felt like, okay. Once we get rid of this thing, we need to make sure we're whole and that there's no room for it to come back in.
Amber Beels:Yeah. That's that's the wisdom.
Amy Jordan:Holy Spirit, you know, like, keeping me calm and being I was being very stern with Josiah when he started saying, no. We beg you. We beg you, Jesus. I was like, no, son. We don't beg anything.
Amy Jordan:We're not beggars. We are children of God. Children of the Lord most high, Jesus has given us the holy spirit. We're commanding. We're not begging.
Amy Jordan:And that was that was probably the most powerful part of it, I think, for him.
Amber Beels:Yeah. For anybody, really. Because I I feel like sometimes our prayers are like that, where we're asking the Lord, like, please please take this away, Lord. Please don't allow this to happen or whatever it is. Like, if you look at all the prayers in the bible, like, Jesus talks to the wind.
Amber Beels:He just says things.
Amy Jordan:He doesn't ask God to do it for him. He just tells it because he has authority. Yeah.
Amber Beels:And same thing with the disciples. Like, we're going through Acts at church, and Peter told him to get up and walk. Mhmm. And he didn't ask, like, Lord, please heal him. Mm-mm.
Amber Beels:He just said, get up and walk. And I wish we prayed like that more often.
Amy Jordan:Yeah. It's it sounds so simple and easy, but you again, it's the humility of, like, we just we intrinsically know that we're not we don't have that authority on our own. We've been given it by, you know, the holy spirit in us. So, yeah, it's just hard to believe that you have that kind of power in you. And to wield it is something special.
Amy Jordan:There's there's people out there who are really good at it.
Amber Beels:There are people out there that are very good at it. They stand with that authority. They walk with that authority. And I think that comes with having a relationship with the Lord, with being intimate with the Holy Spirit and knowing what His will is and never questioning it. Like, it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, like they say in the scriptures.
Amber Beels:Like, they they know God's will, and if this is within it, then they have the authority absolutely to pray it or to speak to whatever and make it happen or rebuke whatever. Mhmm. And that's that's a faith that I wish I would walk in more often, you know? Yeah. Because that's one of the gifts that I really covet, I guess, in terms of, like, having that amazing faith, the gift of faith.
Amber Beels:Because I feel like with that one, you can you can do anything. Right? Mhmm. You just walk in it. And, I mean, increasing your faith.
Amber Beels:I mean, the the scripture says to to ask the Lord to increase your faith and just develop that relationship with him and read his scripture, and it comes through hearing. So listening to his scripture, and and I think, yeah, I think we can get there. And I think in times where it's needed, like the times where you needed to have that authority for Josiah and the time that I needed for my mom, even though it didn't exactly work. I I brought another person in. But with Susan, it worked.
Amber Beels:Right? Mhmm. Because I developed that relationship. I realized with my mom what was going on, but I wasn't, like, confident enough, and I didn't have the baptism of the holy spirit either. But I feel like if you really need it, the Lord's gonna give it to you in that moment.
Amber Beels:Right? Yeah. And so he's not gonna leave you hanging dry. So it's just amazing.
Amy Jordan:That's amazing.
Amber Beels:Yeah. Is there anything else that you wanted to touch on in terms of spiritual warfare or any advice that you would give somebody maybe that's going through it or maybe a mom that has a similar thing that her kid's going through?
Amy Jordan:I I guess I just I don't know. I can't tell you how to identify when it's necessary, other than you'll know. Yeah. I think when it, other than you'll know. Yeah.
Amy Jordan:I think when it when it becomes when you realize something has become more than you can handle as a mom. I mean, obviously, we pray for our kids and we we pray for ourselves and our kids and our families and our everybody around us. But, you know, I think if you're if you're close to God, if you if you're aware of the spiritual warfare that's out there, I wouldn't have been if I hadn't probably married my husband because it was just so not even a topic. I thought it was just movies and Sure. I remember the first time I heard that the Catholic church still did exorcism.
Amy Jordan:I was like, you won't do what?
Amber Beels:That's still a thing.
Amy Jordan:That's a thing?
Amber Beels:It's not just Hollywood movies. I thought that
Amy Jordan:was just Hollywood movies. I didn't think that was rather it was just horror movies. So so I was that far. Like, I I think I thought it it was just all in people's heads. I don't know.
Amy Jordan:I just figured, oh, it's just all in their heads. I don't think that anymore, and it's because I I just can't I couldn't look at my son and think anything else. I couldn't listen to what he was going through and think anything else. I don't I don't know how to explain that. I don't know if that's even a usable piece of information.
Amy Jordan:But Well, I
Amber Beels:think it's you're describing the discernment. Right? Yeah. You're describing the holy spirit revealing to you that, like, hey. This isn't normal.
Amy Jordan:This isn't normal.
Amber Beels:This isn't in his head. Yeah. It's something bigger than that, And you don't need to know all the details. No. But you need to take what I've given you and rebuke it because you have that authority.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm. And I can't press that home enough either of, like, you don't need to know what demon you're dealing with. You don't need to know what type of of wickedness it is. Just that it's completely impotent against God. Like Yes.
Amy Jordan:It has no power. It has no authority. And really, all you have to do is let it know that and let it know whose you are and who's given you that authority and in whose authority you're speaking in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. I was I was literally, like, quoting, like, I was in a courtroom. In the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, vested in me by the name of Jesus Christ.
Amy Jordan:Like
Amber Beels:I love it.
Amy Jordan:You have to. I love
Amber Beels:it. It builds you up so you could say the words. Right? It's all right here. It's all right here.
Amy Jordan:Jesus told us. He was going away giving us the Holy Spirit. That's awesome. So you need to go, Whoever and whatever you are.
Amber Beels:I think that's really important. It's an important point in terms of, like, you don't need to know.
Amy Jordan:You don't need to know.
Amber Beels:Because I for me, like, I would wanna know. I know. Because I'm like, where did it come from? Why are you here? Like, what do you represent?
Amber Beels:Like, you know, type thing. And I actually found a website that kinda helps with that. It's called the oh, what's it called? It's like bible dream book dot com or something. Because I recently had a dream and I was like, this is there's more to this dream, and I need to know what it means.
Amber Beels:And so, like, it's really interesting website because you can go and look at different topics like, if you had a snake in it. Like, okay. What does snake represent? What color was it? Okay.
Amber Beels:This typically represents this. And it's, I don't know if it's exactly bible, like, biblical, but it kinda comes across that way. There's no, like, you know, tarot card or whatever. It's just kinda like, okay. These things typically mean these things.
Amber Beels:And if it happens in this way, that Or
Amy Jordan:a psychological, perspective versus or, you know, psychoanalysis perspective versus
Amber Beels:With some biblical backing, I guess. And so that's what I use if I ever have a dream. But a lot of the times, I'll ask Eric because sometimes he he actually has that gift of not necessarily interpreting what it was, but picking up if it was something that needs to be interpreted or not.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm.
Amber Beels:And I know interpreting dreams and identifying a demon or a spear behind something is different, but sometimes we wanna know. Right? And to your point, you don't have to.
Amy Jordan:You don't have to. Yeah. Yeah. In fact, you since you mentioned Eric, he mentioned you know, later on after telling sharing the story at LifeGroup, Eric mentioned that, you know, that's a soul stealer. Like, the the being with all the eyes and trying to take Josiah's eyes and replace them.
Amy Jordan:Like, he was trying to the eyes are the windows of the soul, and so he's trying to steal his soul. And I'm like, he's 6. Why do you want my kid's soul at 6 years old? Like, well, he must have big things planned. I don't know.
Amy Jordan:But I was like even that, I was like, it gave me chills. It gave me shivers when he said that, and I was like, I don't know if I wanted to know that. That's the kind of thing that was after my son. Thank goodness it's gone.
Amber Beels:But Yeah.
Amy Jordan:I think a lot of times too is people, what I've noticed, since coming out of the SDA where I didn't notice it at all, just because maybe because I was young and I was a kid, and so I wasn't really having a lot of deep conversations with the adults about it. So I don't really know what adult STAs think about this kind of stuff.
Amber Beels:Mhmm.
Amy Jordan:I've run into a lot of Christians in my adulthood that really hang their hat on how much they're being attacked and oppressed. Like, it's such a badge? Like a badge of honor. I must be doing amazing because look at all these attacks coming at me every day. And I'm just like, can you stop focusing on how much you're being attacked and start focusing on how much you love God?
Amy Jordan:I don't know. Like Yeah. I don't know. It's a it's a touchy subject. It's a super touchy subject.
Amy Jordan:I don't wanna offend anyone, but I just it's for me, it's just the point of where do you put your energy. Are you are you focusing on how much you're being attacked? Are you focusing on, you know, the good things in your life, focusing on Jesus for for versus what the devil's doing to you? Focus on what God's doing for you versus what the devil's trying to do to you.
Amber Beels:Yeah. No. I definitely see your point. I think there's some aspect of, like kinda like in a video game. If you're going in the right direction, you're gonna get attacked.
Amber Beels:Right? You're gonna get bad guys coming after you. That note that's how you know you're going in the right direction.
Amy Jordan:Right.
Amber Beels:And so in some ways, life is a little bit like that. I'm not saying that you should be proud of all the attacks that you're getting or, you know, be like, well, look at me, you know, type thing. I'm such a big influence in the kingdom of the Lord. Look, you know, whatever. But I think it can be a measurement tool.
Amber Beels:Like, recently, Eric made a decision to, like, not sleep with his phone next to the bed. Like, he's charging it outside. Mhmm. Because he he feels like he has this addiction, and I think we all kinda do a little bit of, like, you know, scrolling on your phone and whatever. And so he's like to him, he he feels like it's a big factor in his life that he needs to address.
Amber Beels:And so he's taking the measures to to try to mitigate that as much as he can. And so when he did that, he had a dream. The first night that he, like, moved the phone out of the thing, he had a dream. And this time, he told me the dream, and I was like, hey. I think I understand what it means.
Amber Beels:And so I was able to it to him. Normally, I can't do that. But it was, interesting because it was, like, kind of a nightmare because it was a little freaky, but it was just more of a, like, you're going in the right direction type thing. Mhmm. Because, like, I think the enemy was using the phone to keep him distracted instead of focusing on his mission and his calling.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm.
Amber Beels:He's using that phone. And now that you've taken it out of the the sanctuary of your of your bedroom Right. It's that doesn't like that. Right? Because they're they had eyeballs in there too.
Amber Beels:And so it was like, okay. You did the right thing.
Amy Jordan:Right.
Amber Beels:Like, based on the stream, you're doing you're on the right track, you know, type thing.
Amy Jordan:Yeah. I wouldn't take that away. I don't disagree with the idea. But, you know, that's not the thing that's important. I've had people I mean, like, you know, they stub their toe, and then this happened.
Amy Jordan:You know, one of those days where just every little thing happens, shows wrong, and they use it as, like, see. Sure.
Amber Beels:Yeah.
Amy Jordan:See, I know I'm on the right path because everything's going wrong.
Amber Beels:And I just You're right.
Amy Jordan:I just worry. I just worry about people who really are finding identity and how much they're being attacked, I guess, is the question. Don't find your identity and how much you're being attacked because It's what you focus on. Maybe let's maybe not talk about this because I'm afraid some people are gonna be
Amber Beels:like, who's talking about me?
Amy Jordan:No. No. No. I'm I'm not. Whoever's listening, I'm not talking about you.
Amy Jordan:I promise.
Amber Beels:I think it's just about what you focus on. Like, focus on the things that are of the Lord and things that He's telling you to do and things that He's done for you already. Focus on those things. And if you're getting attacked and you notice it, great, but don't focus on it.
Amy Jordan:Yeah. Don't need that permission to change. Yeah. Don't pay it any more heed than it deserves, and it doesn't deserve a lot. The devil the devil's attacks don't deserve much of your attention.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm. The the demons definitely don't deserve your attention. Mhmm.
Amber Beels:No. I'm totally in in agreement of that. But one thing that I do wanna mention is that we are in a spiritual world. Right? Like, we're in the physical world, but we're spiritual beings, and there's a whole spiritual world out there.
Amber Beels:And it's affecting us more than I think we give it credit for.
Amy Jordan:Mhmm.
Amber Beels:And so if something is happening in your life, you know, don't discredit that it could be spiritual. I'm not saying that every there's a demon under every rock like like Shane says.
Amy Jordan:Oh, okay. That's what I'm getting at. There's not a demon under every rock. Sometimes it's just life.
Amber Beels:Yes. Sometimes it's just life. And sometimes it's you.
Amy Jordan:Yes. So sometimes
Amber Beels:they get in our own way. Right? So but I don't wanna discredit that it could be something spiritual.
Amy Jordan:Right.
Amber Beels:So, like, you praying it away or you saying a prayer is never gonna hurt. Right? Right. And so it's something that we always need to be, you know, aware of. Like, 70% of all physical ailments started stem from emotional things.
Amber Beels:Like, they're they're only physical because it started to hear in your head. Mhmm. And so how much more is that of spiritual things, like spiritual things that affect you and they they manifest themselves physically? Like, we never think about that. We think, oh, I hurt myself or I'm having pain here.
Amber Beels:Let me go to the doctor. Well, maybe you should pray about it first. If that didn't work, okay, maybe then go see the doctor. Like, maybe we should, you know Flip
Amy Jordan:the script. Yeah.
Amber Beels:Flip it. Flip it a
Amy Jordan:little bit. To the doctor instead of going to the doctor and then praying.
Amber Beels:Right. Exactly. So, it's just something to think about. And, you know, when you are praying over your home, like, making it a habit, like, doing it every night or at least once a week. I need to increase mine.
Amber Beels:But, you know, just praying over your home and protecting it with the the authority of the holy spirit, just saying this is righteous grounded, saying it from a place of authority and not fear. Right. And just like, I'm taking this ground back. This belongs to the lord. Get out of here now.
Amber Beels:Like, angels, you know, command the angels to come down and protect your home and your children too. Like, that's something that I wanted I want to make a habit for Aviva too is just, like, praying over her and because you never know Mhmm. What people or what evil is out there that's trying to attack the youth because the youth are being targeted. They're big target. Mhmm.
Amber Beels:And so you can't cover them enough in prayer.
Amy Jordan:No. Yeah. And I know I I pray I tend to pray a lot for the here and now. My husband, Phil pray prays a lot for our son's futures. When he prays over them at night, he prays over their futures.
Amy Jordan:I suppose that's just a reflection of our personalities. I'm praying over the here and now, and he's he's thinking about their futures. But
Amber Beels:We got them both covered.
Amy Jordan:We've got everything covered. Yeah. Cover it all. Past, present, and future.
Amber Beels:Yeah. For sure. For sure. Well, thank you so much, Amy, for coming on here and having this conversation. Like, it wasn't that bad.
Amber Beels:Right? No. Every time I invite someone on here, they're like, no. And they're like, oh, that wasn't that bad. I'm like, see.
Amy Jordan:Just I just have to promise myself never to listen to it. So I don't
Amber Beels:get all embarrassed. But No. You did great. I think a lot of people will resonate with this, especially anyone that is a parent will resonate with this. And
Amy Jordan:And is very new to the whole spiritual game, like, warfare game. Like Yeah. I'm I'm brand new to this. So I'm not I'm still learning.
Amber Beels:Yeah. And you can too. Yeah. And just knowing that it is a thing, and it's something that you have authority over. And you can protect yourself and your loved ones as well.
Amber Beels:So
Amy Jordan:Yeah. If I hadn't seen the piece on my son's face after after watching, you know, going through the whole process, I wouldn't believe today. I wouldn't I still wouldn't I would still be like, really? But Wow. I saw it work.
Amy Jordan:I saw the peace. I saw the fact that he never had the dream again, and so it's very real to me now. And I just pray anybody going through anything, seek the Holy Spirit.
Amber Beels:Yes.
Amy Jordan:Seek the Holy Spirit. Invoke invoke the name of Jesus and and use your weapon wisely.
Amber Beels:Yes. Good advice. Very good wisdom. Alright, guys. Well, I hope that this message blesses you.
Amber Beels:I thank you so much for tuning in. Thank Amy, again, thank you so much for being on here and being open and vulnerable. It's it's a hard thing to do, to to tell the world everything. Right? But I know it's gonna bless somebody for sure.
Amy Jordan:Thank you for having me.
Amber Beels:Of course. Alright, guys. Well, I hope, again, that this message blesses you. Have a great week, and I'll see you next week.