Spirit-Led Intentions
Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered. My name is Amber Beals, and it is my job and my mission to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me, to help demystify who He is, what his role is, and to deeply encourage you to seek a relationship with him. Alright. Let's get started. Hey, guys.
Amber:Welcome to the Holy Spirit Untethered podcast. My name is Amber, and I wanna wish you a happy new year. It is 2025. That is crazy that we are already in the new year. It's January.
Amber:As I'm recording this, it's January 6th. So we're already, like, basically a week into the new year. I have to apologize because I did skip last week. In my last episode, which I did with Melissa. Melissa is my editor.
Amber:If you haven't had a chance to listen to the episode, you should go back and listen to it. It's episode number 27. And we talk about how the Holy Spirit played a role in Christmas when Jesus was born and his birth and how he played a role in that that whole event and how amazing that was. And, yeah, you should definitely go listen to it. I know Christmas is over, but it is still a really good episode.
Amber:It has really good content, and it took a lot for my friend to come out of her shell and record an episode with me. So I'm super proud of you, Melissa. Thank you for doing that. Thank you for saying yes. And everyone that's listening, you should go back and listen to it.
Amber:It was really, really informative, really, really insightful to see how the Holy Spirit really played a role in that and how, you know, when we think of the birth of Jesus, we think of Jesus because obviously, it was his birth and we think of the father sending Jesus, his son, but we don't really think about the Holy Spirit and how he played a role in that. He was a huge major role in that. And so it's really cool to be able to discuss that and dive into what that looked like and how we can appreciate the Holy Spirit even now for what he did back then. So, yeah, really good episode. But now I I took another week off because, like, it's just a lot.
Amber:I'm pregnant. For those of you that don't know, I'm about 16 weeks now. And if with the holidays and New Year's Eve and just all the things, and I'm still a little fatigued. Like, I'm in my 2nd trimester now. My doctor says my fatigue should die down a little bit.
Amber:It's just been kind of a struggle to kinda get back into the rhythm of things and find my new normal. So thank you for your patience on that. And I'm really getting excited about this new year. I'm excited about the direction of this podcast, and I'm just really excited for what the Lord has for this year. And so I thought it would be appropriate for the topic of today to be about the new year, about us setting intentions for this year and how we interact with the Holy Spirit and how we include him in our lives.
Amber:I know that this is a season of New Year's resolutions. I'm sure a lot of you have already started diets and probably have failed them one week into the new year. This is just something that we do as humans. Right? We're like, hey, we have a blank slate.
Amber:Let's just start over. It's a brand new fresh start. Let's let's try to do better this year. That's always been at least whenever I think of a new year is like, okay, what can I do this year that was better than last year? But I really want to kind of realign ourselves, take a step, take a breath, and figure out what it is that the Lord's will is for us in the new year and how we are supposed to interact with the Holy Spirit, how our relationship with the Holy Spirit is supposed to grow.
Amber:What is it supposed to look like? So before we get started and we dive into that topic, let's go ahead and pray. So if you can, and it's safe to do so, go ahead and close your eyes and pray with me. Alright. Dear heavenly father, I just thank you so much for today.
Amber:I thank you for this opportunity to come on to this podcast, Lord. I thank you for every single listener that is listening to this podcast. Lord, I just pray a blessing over them and their families. Lord, I thank you for this new year. I thank you for this new perspective.
Amber:And Holy Spirit, I just pray that you breathe new life into all of us, that we'll be able to know you in a new light, to be able to be more intentional with you and include you in our everyday lives and just allow us to be able to love on you and really seek your whole face. And I just pray Holy Spirit that you would speak through me today. I pray you would prepare all of our hearts to receive this message. And we thank you for that. In Jesus name, amen.
Amber:Alright. So one thing that really kind of sparked this whole thing was my pastor, Shane Rogers, his sermon that happened yesterday. So as I'm recording this message, I'm recording on Mondays, but yesterday was Sunday. And he talked about he's going through this whole series in Acts. There was one verse that he referenced that wasn't in Acts.
Amber:And that's the verse that I'm going to reference now. And that is in Psalms. In his sermon, he talked about how we are to wait well, to stay. So he's talking about when Jesus went up, he told the disciples and the apostles to stay in Jerusalem, and then he had them wait in the upper room for what he had for them. And then he had them receive the Holy Spirit.
Amber:So it was about staying, waiting, and then receiving. And how when we're in each of those seasons, where we have a different role in each of those seasons, like staying is just being obedient to the Lord and staying when you really don't wanna stay, when you'd rather go, and then waiting. And how do we wait? How do we do what the Lord asked us to do and the posture of our heart? So basically, if we're waiting in a spot, but we're complaining about it, the waiting is probably gonna be longer than if we were waiting more obediently.
Amber:And what does that look like? And then the receiving is basically because you stayed, because you waited properly, now you're ready to receive the blessing the Lord has for you. It's a really good message. But the passage that I'm gonna read out of Psalms is Psalms 1 verse 3. I'm gonna read it right now.
Amber:It says well, actually, I'm gonna start in verse 2 and then go on to verse 3. So Psalm 1 verse 2, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law, he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does, he shall prosper. Now in my Bible, I've had this Bible for a few years now and I've gone through Psalms twice since I've had this Bible. The that verse, verse 3 is highlighted and I have like a bunch of things that I've written around it.
Amber:Because every time I read it, I receive something new from it. I, the Lord highlights something new in that verse. And I love this verse. I've heard many different things about it, but it's basically what the Christian life should look like. We should delight in the law of the Lord.
Amber:And if we do that, then we'll be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bring forth its fruit in its season. And I think that's really important, that word season, because the Lord has different seasons. I know you've probably heard it. You know, I'm in a waiting season. I'm in an abundant season.
Amber:I'm in a, you know, a testing season, whatever season. Like, kinda like, I feel like Christians, we use Christianese. It's kind of that, like, buzzword in the Christian community of like, I'm in my season, like, you know, type thing. So I don't wanna overuse it, but it is significant in knowing how the Lord works. And when it comes to time and seasons, the Lord is on a different time than we are.
Amber:Right? At least I feel that way. Whenever I'm like, Okay, Lord. Yeah. I'm in a season of waiting and it's been, I don't know, a couple years now.
Amber:And I always think that I'm on, you know, just the edge. I'm beginning that transition season into my new season. Because I can't tell you how many times Eric and I have said like, we're in a waiting season. Like we're in this season of waiting. That's one of the reasons why I resonated with the sermon yesterday because he talked about waiting.
Amber:And I'm like, okay. And I've done another episode about how the Lord will give you a promise. And I gave some examples of like David where he was given a a promise, but then he wasn't given the promise until 20 years later. Like, he was given a promise, and then it didn't happen the way that he thought it was gonna happen. And then it took 20 years for him to actually receive his promise.
Amber:And, yeah, I remember doing that whole episode of, like, sometimes it just takes a little bit longer than you would like it to take. Right? And sometimes we're like, Lord, for real? Like, can we can we speed this up? And when I was listening to that sermon yesterday, I was like, you know what?
Amber:Maybe my waiting is incorrect. Maybe it's me. Maybe I need to rethink how I'm waiting in this season. How am I treating this season? There's somebody that once said to me that we should be thankful for each season even if it was a hard one because when you're out of that season, you'll miss it.
Amber:I was like, I don't know. I don't know if I'm gonna miss this season. I can't wait for this season to be over. Thank you. But, you know, now that I ponder on that and I've thought about it for a while, like, I there's wisdom in that statement of in every season, we are learning something.
Amber:The Holy Spirit is teaching us something. He is removing something from us that doesn't serve us anymore. He's making us more like Jesus, and growing pains are a thing. And that was another thing my my pastor said yesterday was like pain is something that we try to avoid, but it's not a bad thing. Pain means you're growing.
Amber:Pain means you're learning. So even though we try to avoid it, it's something that allows us to know that we're improving, that we're moving forward. And, you know, when you're a kid and you you go through growing pains, you have those, like, aching growing pains when you get taller. Like, I remember having those as a kid, and that was comforting to know that I wasn't gonna be, like, 4 feet tall my entire life. Right?
Amber:Like, I was growing taller. And so the same thing with us and maturing in our life, in our spiritual life, in our relationship with the Lord, sometimes it's gonna be hard. Sometimes those growing pains are going to hurt, but at the same time, it's going to be a sweet, sweet memory of, yeah, I was at that place, but look at me now. Look at my relationship with the Lord now. Look at where my faith is now.
Amber:I wouldn't have been able to say that 3 years ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, however long, even 6 months ago. I mean, there's so much growth that can happen in just 3 to 6 months if you're super intentional about it. And so one of the reasons why I bring up this verse is we are to be planted by the rivers of water that bring forth its fruit in its due season, whose leaf also does not wither, and whatever he does, he shall prosper. The Lord will make it prosper. But we have to go back to verse 2, that our delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law, we meditate day and night.
Amber:Our delight has to be in the Lord. Our heart has to be in alignment with the Lord. And I know I've said this many times, but it's about your heart posture. It's not about being perfect. Yes.
Amber:Resolutions are good on like this year. I'm going to read my Bible every day. I'm going to pray for 10 minutes or 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes a day. I wanna have my quiet time. Like, those things are great.
Amber:Those are good things to aim for, but it shouldn't be out of a routine. It shouldn't be from a religious, like, I have to be a good Christian and I need to do those things. That's not what the Lord is asking for. The Lord is asking for your heart. He's asking you to seek Him.
Amber:He wants you to want him. And if you've ever been in like a romantic relationship, that's all you want from your partner, right? Like you just want them to want you. You want them to love you. You want them to want to spend time with you, right?
Amber:Well, that's the same thing with the Lord. The Lord wants you to want to spend time with him. He wants you to yearn for his presence, not just for his gifts, but his presence, his mighty presence to know him and his heart and his will for your life. You were born on purpose for a purpose, and he wants to tell you what those things are. And it's so important for us to be able to do that and to desire that.
Amber:That's the thing. I think for me, a few years ago, when the Lord hit me with a 2 by 4 and was like, Hey, Like, we need to do this thing. Like, I need you to take your relationship with me seriously. You know, when I first did it, I was doing it out of obedience because I was just like, okay, Lord. I'm sorry.
Amber:You're right. Like, my priorities were all out of whack. They were all messed up. And so when I was starting to go back, you know, it started with obedience. It started with just sitting down and reading the Bible, one chapter a day, and just trying to make a habit.
Amber:But what that turned into, what that obedience turned into was a desire to actually know the Lord. I remember to this day, my dog, Thrice, that's her name. She's 13 years old now. She's a little senior dog, and I love her to death. She's deaf, but she's still kicking.
Amber:She, a few years ago, got sick, and she almost died. And it was completely out of the blue. She had an infection in her leg, and that was the 2 by 4 that the Lord hit me with and was like, hey, you know, I think you love your dog more than me. I I need you to take seriously. And of course, 1, I felt terrible that I love my dog more than I love my god, which was, you know, not the greatest thing to be convicted of, but, you know, we're past it.
Amber:And then 2 was like, you're right, Lord. Like, I'm kinda skating through life, and I I need to make you more of a priority. And I know I'm supposed to read your word. I have tried in the past, but I've always, like, been able to do it for, like, a month or 2, and then that was it. And, like, I couldn't make it like a habit.
Amber:I never had the desire to do it, to read. And one thing that was really different was at the time I started my mentorship, I took that Holy Spirit class, and I realized that the Bible becomes alive because the holy spirit makes it alive. And though I was reading before, just as an obedience, and even when I started this journey a few years ago, it was out of obedience, but then the holy spirit took it and just made it come to life. The holy spirit is the one that makes the word the living word. And to this day, I still only read 1 chapter a day, and I read more often than I don't.
Amber:I can't say that I read every day, but I read probably on average 4 to 5 days a week. And I don't kick myself if I only read 3 times a week that week because my desire is there. Because I know, and I know that the Lord knows, that it's only because life happened and I wasn't able to get to it like I normally do. And he knows that I'm gonna jump back on that horse next week, and I'm gonna be back in the Lord 4 or 5 days a week again. And it's true.
Amber:And it's been true for almost 5 years now. And it's an amazing experience. It's an amazing it's amazing how it switches, how that flip switches from, I'm doing this out of obedience to, no, I'm really reading your word because I want to. And I'm not going to lie and say that every book, every verse, every chapter is just like, you know, I'm super eager to read it. Like right now, I'm in Jeremiah.
Amber:And I'm gonna I'm not gonna lie. Jeremiah is kind of a bummer to read. Everything is doom and gloom. Like everything that that poor prophet had to go through and tell the Israelites was that God was mad and what he was gonna do to his people because they kept disobeying him, because they kept putting other gods before him, because they were disobedient, and they were, like, very blunt about it, about their disobedience. And so reading this, like, I feel bad for Jeremiah because like it's just this poor guy.
Amber:He's getting persecuted left and right. They're like, whatever, you're lying. Don't tell us that the Lord said that. And the Lord's like angry. And Jeremiah is like, Lord, can you please help me?
Amber:Like, it's just a lot of that back and forth. And so, like, this book's a little harder to read than some of the other ones, but I know that there's nuggets in there. I know that the Lord is trying to tell me something through it. He's trying to teach me something either about my own life, about him, about his character, about his heart, about his prophets, about just something. And there are nuggets.
Amber:Like today, actually, I was in Jeremiah and it talked about I was in Jeremiah 24, and it talks about the sign of the 2 baskets of figs. There were 2 baskets of figs set before the temple of the Lord, and one basket was good, really ripe figs, and one was really bad, and you could not eat the figs. And Jeremiah or the Lord talks to Jeremiah and he says, like these I'll just read it. So it's in, Jeremiah 24 verse 5. Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, like these good figs, so I will acknowledge those who are carried away captive from Judah, whom I have sent out of this place for their own good, into the land of the Chaldeans.
Amber:I probably butchered that. I'm sorry. For I will set my eyes on them for good, and I will bring them back to this land. I will build them and not pull them down. I will plant them and not put them up.
Amber:Then I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord, and they shall be my people and I will be their God, and they shall return to me with their whole heart. So out of all these verses I've read a lot of it was doom. The Lord was very angry saying I was going to send you out and you're gonna die and you're not gonna be buried. And like, it's just a lot of that. But then there's this verse of, I will give them a heart to know me that I am the Lord and they shall be my people and I will be their God for they shall return to me with their whole heart.
Amber:And in that verse, I was like, Okay, Lord, What do I have to be to be the good fig? I don't wanna be the bad fig. I'm not gonna even read the one with the bad fig because, like, it wasn't good. Okay? Like I said, doom and gloom.
Amber:So I'm like, okay. There's this nugget in here about being a good fig and how the Lord was gonna give them a heart to know me. The Lord was gonna give them a heart to know their Lord, to know that they're God. And I think that is something we can ask for. Be like, Holy Spirit, give me a heart so that I can know the Lord, so that I can know Him and His character and His love and His will, and not just seek Him for my own blessings, to seek Him for my own gifts.
Amber:Like, I wanna know you because you're my God, because you created me, because you love me, because I love you. It's all about our heart posture and our intention of how are we going to seek the Lord and we can ask him that. And that was somewhat new to me of like, we'll just ask him. Like, I wanna be able to seek the Lord with my seek the Lord with my whole heart. Well, okay.
Amber:Ask him. That's what prayer is for. Prayer is not just talking to the Lord, but it's asking for that desire. Lord, I wanna be able to desire you on a whole new level this year. That's my goal this year is to know you on a whole new level, to keep saying yes, and to know you on a new level.
Amber:Like for me, this year, I'm gonna be a parent this year, and that's scary. Like, I'm gonna be responsible for a whole human, like a whole other soul that the Lord is sending me, and he trusted me to raise another human being. And that is that that's a lot of responsibility. And I don't think about it too much because it's kinda daunting a little bit of like, okay, Lord. I don't wanna screw this up.
Amber:But at the same time, the Lord can help you with that fear of, no. I trust you to raise this person. I trust you to be their parent because I'm there with you. I'm coming alongside you. I raise with you.
Amber:Like, this isn't, I'm gonna drop them off and then dip out. Like, no. Like, the Lord is there for every moment for every day. And he's there to continue to bless us, give us wisdom, give us counsel to guide us. And I know for me, I'm in a season of becoming a parent, but I wanna challenge you.
Amber:What what do you think is gonna be happening this year for you? Maybe you're starting a new job. Maybe your finances are not where they you want them to be. I I'm there too. Trust me.
Amber:Especially with a new human coming in. I'm like, okay, Lord. How are we gonna afford this? Like, there's a part of me that's like, yeah, it's kind of scary. I don't know how we're gonna do it, but at the same time, I trust the Lord.
Amber:The Lord has always gotten me through times. He has gotten me and my husband through times that were really tough. And there's a part of me that's excited of like, Lord, I'm really excited to see how you do it because this is your responsibility. I'm here to be obedient. I'm here to do the things you want me to do, and I'm gonna seek you with all my heart.
Amber:And according to your word, it says, as long as I seek first the King, the things of heaven, that all these other things will be added to me. And I'm going to stand on that verse right now. And maybe that's the verse you need to stand on. Maybe you're in a job that really sucks. And you're like, Lord, I don't know if you're telling me to stay here, like, if there's a purpose for me being here, or Lord, I need I need a way out.
Amber:I need a new job. I need a new assignment. So please, Lord, open the doors that need to be opened or or else I'm going to start trying to open up a window. Like give me give me counsel. Give me wisdom in this area of my life.
Amber:Maybe it's not financial. Maybe for you, it's health. Maybe you're struggling with some health stuff and like, Lord, I just I just need a fresh start, a fresh year of just healthy living. Lord, give me wisdom on what I should be putting in my body. Give me wisdom and energy to be able to move my body so that I can be healthy and active.
Amber:Maybe you have a cancer or something. Like, so many things come with fear attached to it. Right? And I did a whole episode with fear with my friend, Quan, and that was a really good episode. I don't remember what episode number it was, but you should go check it out.
Amber:But since then, I have been really struggling with that fear of, like, how do I how do I address it? Because it's one of those things that doesn't just go away. You can pray about it, and you'll feel better, but a lot of the times, it sneaks back. It's it's one of those things that kinda lingers, unfortunately. And as I'm still trying to navigate that and learn how to deal with it, the Lord's been really patient with me in that area of my life when it comes to fear and doubt and anxiety.
Amber:I feel like anxiety is just the cousin of fear. It's a type of fear. So how do we deal with it? Because it's a reoccurring thing. It's not a one time thing, unfortunately.
Amber:And you know, what the Lord put on my heart was gratitude. You know, instead of focusing on the fear, focus on the things that the Lord has done and really focus on them, like meditate on them, like what the Lord has done for you just in the last month, last week, even the last day, what has he done for you? And then once you've been meditating on that, then focus on his word. What does his word say? Because the enemy will put lies and lies in your head of like, well, did he really say that?
Amber:Did he really promise this? Are you sure you're gonna be okay? Are you sure you're gonna have enough money? Are you sure you're gonna live through that? Like, there's so many things that the enemy puts into our minds and it's our job to take captive those thoughts and replace it with truth.
Amber:And truth is the Lord's word. Like, no. The Lord said he would take care of me. The Lord said that he's gonna make everything I do prosper. He's gonna by his stripes, by Jesus' stripes, we are healed.
Amber:Like, we can stand on those things. And we have to say them out loud. I've said this before, but there's so much power in the spoken word. You need to say it over yourself and over your life. You have to say it and declare it and you're not just saying it to yourself.
Amber:You're saying it to the Lord. Like, Lord, this is what your word says, and I believe it, and I'm gonna stand on it. And then you say it to the enemy too and say, you know what, devil? Like, this is what the Lord says. I'm declaring it, and I'm claiming it, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Amber:So you need to be gone now. You need to rebuke that stuff, and you need to do it daily. There's something to be said about daily affirmations, and I have started doing that this whole this year, I've started doing it. So the last 6 days, there's these prayers that I've been doing and it from my friend, Eloisa. So shout out to Eloisa.
Amber:She actually was on this podcast at one point. We did the fruit of the holy spirit, which was awesome. She gave me this book because I was struggling with fear around my pregnancy, about losing the pregnancy because I lost my first one and dealing with that and the suffering behind that and just the fear that it induces with the second pregnancy of like, what if it well, you know, what if? And so this book she gave me, I actually don't remember the name of the book. I'll I'll put it in the description, but I use it every day.
Amber:There was a book and then there was a book of prayers and they go together. And so basically the book was about this couple that had troubles with infertility. And they kept reading in the Bible and the Bible said that they could have kids. And so they were like, you know what, I'm not gonna listen to the doctor. I'm not gonna listen to all of that.
Amber:I'm gonna just declare what the Lord has said in his word, and I'm gonna stand on it, and I'm gonna believe it. And they ended up having, like, 4 or 5 kids, like, back to back. They had all these kids with with no problems. And I think 3 out of the 4 or 4 out of the 5 kids that she had, it was like a painless delivery, which I was like, I didn't even know I could ask for that. Like, that's kind of crazy.
Amber:And the book that went with it was just a list of prayers. It was the prayers that they declared over their baby, over their body, over their lives, and it's powerful. And so, like, the first time I was like, oh, you know what? I'm gonna make a commitment, and I'm gonna pray these prayers. And it takes me a good, like, 10, 15 minutes to read them out loud because I have to read them out loud.
Amber:And it says that in there, like, you need to read this out loud, you need to declare it, you need to say it with confidence. And I'm not gonna lie, the first time that I read it, I was bawling my eyes out. I was so emotional, just trying to get these words out. The first prayer is about fear and rebuking fear. And then the second one's about my baby and declaring that it's gonna be healthy and whatever.
Amber:But like the first one with the fear one, I was like, man, I'm having troubles just getting through it. Like, just even saying it. And the Holy Spirit was like, if you're having trouble saying it, that tells me it's an issue. Right? Like, it's something that you need to be saying over yourself.
Amber:You need to be saying to me, you need to be saying against the enemy. Like, these are things you should be declaring over your life because there's power in the word. So you need to stop being afraid. Even if you don't feel it, say it. You're gonna say it enough until you actually believe it.
Amber:And I have. I've been saying it for the last 6 days. I've been saying it, and it has been so powerful. Now I can get through it, the whole prayer, and I don't cry anymore. So there's improvement there, but it's, you know, slowly shifting my perspective.
Amber:And so for you, I want to encourage all of the people listening right now to try it? What are some things in your life that you struggle with and you need to declare God's word over it? You can go on Google, you can go to your index or your Bible and just look up the area in your life, whether it's like fear, anxiety, maybe it's financial stuff, maybe it's health, maybe it's addiction, like whatever it is, look it up and find verses that correlate with it. And that's the truth about how you should face that problem in your life and how you should be declaring it to yourself every day. And I challenge you to do it every day.
Amber:There's been a couple of days where I'm like, I have to say it quickly because I'm like running out of time, but I'm making it a priority in my in my year this year is to declare God's word over my life. Because I've said it so many times that there's power in the spoken word, but I haven't really taken much action on that other than I try not to say negative things over my life. I try not to say things that are negative to other people. And I used to be such a sarcastic person. And so I've been really dialing that back because even though it's sarcastic, and I don't mean it, I'm still saying it over somebody.
Amber:And there's power in that. There's power in your tongue. So be careful what you say. So I've really reeled back the sarcasm this year. Even last year, last year, I really toned it down and, you know, cussing and all the things.
Amber:Like, I'm trying to get those things out of my life and out of my vocabulary because I wanna say good things. I wanna speak life into people. I don't and life into myself. Like, I wanna be positive. I don't wanna be negative.
Amber:There's so much negativity in this world already, like, we don't need to add to it. The Lord has called us to be light and the salt of the earth. So we don't need to add to those negative things. We should be adding good things, things that bring life. Plus, you know, we we represent the Lord.
Amber:We represent the Lord in everything we do, and it can be difficult sometimes. You know, circumstances, life happens, and it's hard to always be on your a game, and the Lord doesn't ask for perfection. Thank the Lord he doesn't ask for perfection, but he does moan our heart, and he wants us to run to him when we fail. And he wants us to love him and seek him, and just always be in a close, intimate relationship with his holy spirit because he's here to help us. He is ultimately our helper.
Amber:And so I hope that this message blesses you. I hope that you got something from it as you start this new year. You know, start declaring good, positive things over your life. Start declaring the Lord's word over your life. I know there's a lot of things out there in the secular world of manifesting and declaring good things and affirmations, and those things aren't bad, but the Lord's word is powerful and that's what we should be standing on because it comes from our creator, and we can stand on it and know that it's true.
Amber:Alright, guys. I hope this message blesses you again, and I can't wait to really be on it with this podcast. I'm not gonna skip anymore. I promise. Not until another major holiday, which probably won't be until November.
Amber:So we're good. But, yeah, I'm I'm really excited to be back, and I have some guests lined up. So I'm really, really happy to be able to share other people's insight and their stories and their perspectives of as well. Alright, guys. I hope you have a great week, and I'll see you next week.
